Residential segregation

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Date and country of first publication[1]

United States


Residential segregation refers to the separation of different racial or ethnic groups into distinct neighborhoods or communities within a city or region. This segregation can occur as a result of historical discrimination, economic disparities, or personal preferences. It often leads to unequal access to resources and opportunities for members of marginalized communities. Efforts to address residential segregation include fair housing laws, affordable housing initiatives, and community development programs aimed at promoting diversity and integration.


The following terms are synonymous with residential segregation:

residence segregation; resident segregation; residental segregation; residential based segregation; residential location segregation.

References and literature addressing this segregation form under these synonymous terms can be found below.

See also

Related segregation forms

Residential segregation is frequently discussed in the literature with the following segregation forms:

racial segregation, social segregation, ethnic segregation, school segregation, spatial segregation, racial residential segregation, ethnic residential segregation, urban segregation, self segregation, housing segregation, socioeconomic segregation, occupational segregation, ethnoracial segregation, sociospatial segregation, neighborhood segregation, class segregation, educational segregation, residential age segregation, ethnoideological segregation, white residential segregation, historical segregation, academic segregation, de jure segregation, global segregation

This visualization is based on the study The Multidisciplinary Landscape of Segregation Research.

For the complete network of interrelated segregation forms, please refer to:



  1. Date and country of first publication as informed by the Scopus database (December 2023).


Residential segregation appears in the following literature

Burgess E.W. (1928). Residential Segregation in American Cities. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 140(1), 105-115.

Lieberson S. (1961). The impact of residential segregation on ethnic assimilation. Social Forces, 40(1), 52-57.

Schnore L.F. (1963). A Planner's Guide to the 1960 Census of Population. Journal of the American Planning Association, 29(1), 29-39.

Deakin N. (1964). Residential Segregation in Britain: A comparative note. Race & Class, 6(1), 18-26.

Miller L. (1965). The Protest Against Housing Segregation. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 357(1), 73-79.

(1966). NEW PUBLICATIONS. The Professional Geographer, 18(5), 330-339.

Heiss J. (1966). Residential Segregation And The Assimilation Of Italians In An Australian City. International Migration, 4(3-4), 165-171.

Clemence T.G. (1967). Residential Segregation in the Mid Sixties. Demography, 4(2), 562-568.

Collison P. (1967). Immigrants and Residence. Sociology, 1(3), 277-292.

Kain J.F. (1968). Housing segregation, negro employment, and metropolitan decentralization. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 82(2), 175-197.

Taeuber K.E. (1968). The Effect of Income Redistribution On Racial Residential Segregation. Urban Affairs Review, 4(1), 5-14.

Marston W.G. (1969). Social Class Segregation within Ethnic Groups in Toronto. Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie, 6(2), 65-79.

Edwards O.L. (197). Patterns of residential segregation within a metropolitan ghetto. Demography, 7(2), 185-193.

Schwirian K.P., Rico-Velasco J. (1971). The residential distribution of status groups in Puerto Rico's metropolitan areas. Demography, 8(1), 81-90.

Fine J., Glenn N.D., Kenneth Monts J. (1971). The residential segregation of occupational groups in central cities and suburbs. Demography, 8(1), 91-101.

Roof W.C. (1972). Residential segregation and social differentiation in american urban areas. Social Forces, 51(1), 87-91.

Meade A. (1972). The distribution of segregation in attanta. Social Forces, 51(2), 182-192.

Marshall H., Jr. (1972). Black White Economic Participation in Large U.S. Cities: Some Determinants of Their Differentials. American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 31(4), 361-371.

Lowry M., II (1972). Racial segregation: A geographical adaptation and analysis. Journal of Geography, 71(1), 28-40.

Lawton S.B. (1972). Measurement of school segregation in detroit. Education and Urban Society, 4(4), 403-421.

Leonard T.J. (1973). "new horizons in nursing". Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 2(5), 133-135. Informa Healthcare.

Klaff V.Z. (1973). Ethnic segregation in urban Israel. Demography, 10(2), 161-184.

Lowry M. (1973). Schools in transition. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 63(2), 167-180.

Doherty J. (1973). RACE, CLASS AND RESIDENTIAL SEGREGATION IN BRITAIN. Antipode, 5(3), 45-51.

DRIEDGER L., CHURCH G. (1974). Residential Segregation and Institutional Completeness: A Comparison of Ethnic Minorities. Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie, 11(1), 30-52.

Kantrowitz N. (1974). The index of dissimilarity: A measurement of residential segregation for historical analysis. Historical Methods Newsletter, 7(4), 285-289.

Abrahamson M., Johnson P. (1974). The Social ecology of Madrid: Stratification in comparative perspective. Demography, 11(3), 521-532.

Brauer M.A., Adams J.S. (1974). Useful goal achievement measures: Zelder’s segregation indices. Journal of the American Planning Association, 40(6), 430-438.

Marshall H., Jiobu R. (1975). Residential Segregation in United States Cities: A Causal Analysis. Social Forces, 53(3), 449-460. Oxford University Press.

Marshall H., Jiobu R. (1975). Residential Segregation in United States Cities: A Causal Analysis. Social Forces, 53(3), 449-460. Oxford University Press.

Struyk R.J. (1975). Determinants of the rate of home ownership of black relative to white households. Journal of Urban Economics, 2(4), 291-306.

Saltman J. (1975). Implementing Open Housing Laws Through Social Action. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 11(1), 39-61.

Stephens J.D., Wittick R.I. (1975). An instructional unit for simulating Urban residential segregation. Professional Geographer, 27(3), 340-346.

Farley R. (1975). Racial integration in the public schools, 1967 to 1972: Assessing the effect of governmental policies. Sociological Focus, 8(1), 3-26.

Sørensen A., Taeuber K.E., Hollingsworth L.J., Jr. (1975). Indexes of racial residential segregation for 109 cities in the United States, 1940 to 1970. Sociological Focus, 8(2), 125-142.

Sørensen A., Taeuber K.E., Hollingsworth L.J., Jr. (1975). Indexes of racial residential segregation for 109 cities in the United States, 1940 to 1970. Sociological Focus, 8(2), 125-142.

Kelleher D.T. (1975). Neighborhood schools and racial residential segregation. Educational Forum, 39(2), 209-215.

Marshall H. (1976). Residential Segregation In United States Cities: Rejoinder. Social Forces, 55(1), 89-92.

Clark Roof W. (1976). Residential Segregation in Southern Cities: 1970. Social Forces, 55(1), 59-71.

Macdonald K.I. (1976). Residential segregation in united states cities: A comment. Social Forces, 55(1), 85-88.

Yinger J. (1976). Racial prejudice and racial residential segregation in an urban model. Journal of Urban Economics, 3(4), 383-396.

Yinger J. (1976). Racial prejudice and racial residential segregation in an urban model. Journal of Urban Economics, 3(4), 383-396.

Van Valey T.L., Roof W.C. (1976). Measuring residential segregation in american cities Problems of Intercity Comparison. Urban Affairs Review, 11(4), 453-468.

Darden J.T. (1976). 1. the residential segregation of blacks in detroit, 1960 1970. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 17(1-2), 84-91. Brill Academic Publishers.

Farley R. (1977). Residential segregation in urbanized areas of the United States in 1970: An analysis of social class and racial differences. Demography, 14(4), 497-518.

Farley R. (1977). Residential segregation in urbanized areas of the United States in 1970: An analysis of social class and racial differences. Demography, 14(4), 497-518.

Farley R. (1977). Residential segregation in urbanized areas of the United States in 1970: An analysis of social class and racial differences. Demography, 14(4), 497-518.

Zeitz E. (1977). Reinvasion: A neglected form of residential segregation in urban areas. Black Scholar, 9(1), 41-45.

Winship C. (1977). A revaluation of indexes of residential segregation. Social Forces, 55(4), 1058-1066.

Dennis R.J. (1977). Distance and social interaction in a Victorian city. Journal of Historical Geography, 3(3), 237-250.

Steinnes D.N. (1977). URBAN EMPLOYMENT AND RESIDENTIAL SEGREGATION: A CONDITIONAL INDEX. Journal of Regional Science, 17(2), 291-298.

Jakubs J.F. (1977). RESIDENTIAL SEGREGATION: THE TAEUBER INDEX RECONSIDERED. Journal of Regional Science, 17(2), 281-283.

Zelder R.E. (1977). ON THE MEASUREMENT OF RESIDENTIAL SEGREGATION: REPLY. Journal of Regional Science, 17(2), 299-303.

Schwartz B. (1978). The Social Ecology of Time Barriers. Social Forces, 56(4), 1203-1220.

Frank Falk R., Cortese C.F., Cohen J. (1978). Utilizing Standardized Indices of Residential Segregation: Comment on Winship. Social Forces, 57(2), 713-716.

Farley R., Schuman H., Bianchi S., Colasanto D., Hatchett S. (1978). "Chocolate city, vanilla suburbs:" Will the trend toward racially separate communities continue?. Social Science Research, 7(4), 319-344.

Farley R., Schuman H., Bianchi S., Colasanto D., Hatchett S. (1978). "Chocolate city, vanilla suburbs:" Will the trend toward racially separate communities continue?. Social Science Research, 7(4), 319-344.

Pearlman K. (1978). The closing door: The supreme court and residential segregation. Journal of the American Planning Association, 44(2), 160-169.

Flowerdew R. (1979). Spatial Patterns of Residential Segregation in a Southern City. Journal of American Studies, 13(1), 93-107.

Driedger L. (1979). Maintenance of Urban Ethnic Boundaries: the French in St. Boniface. Sociological Quarterly, 20(1), 89-108.

Farley R., Bianchi S., Colasanto D. (1979). Barriers to the Racial Integration of Neighborhoods: The Detroit Case. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 441(1), 97-113.

Spain D. (1979). Race Relations and Residential Segregation in New Orleans: Two Centuries of Paradox. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 441(1), 82-96.

Marston W.G., Van Valey T.L. (1979). The Role of Residential Segregation in the Assimilation Process. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 441(1), 13-25.

Roof W.C. (1979). Race and Residence: The Shifting Basis of American Race Relations. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 441(1), 1-12.

Kantrowitz N. (1979). Racial and Ethnic Residential Segregation in Boston 1830 1970. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 441(1), 41-54.

Kantrowitz N. (1979). Racial and Ethnic Residential Segregation in Boston 1830 1970. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 441(1), 41-54.

(1979). School desegregation and residential segregation. Society, 16(5), 70-76. Springer-Verlag.

Morgan B.S. (1979). Residential segregation, marriage and the evolution of the stratification system: a case study in Christchurch, New Zealand.. Environment and Planning A, 11(2), 209-218.

Taeuber K.E. (1979). Housing, Schools, and Incremental Segregative Effects. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 441(1), 157-167.

Cox K.R., McCarthy J.J., Nartowicz F. (1979). The cognitive organization of the North American city: empirical evidence.. Environment and Planning A, 11(3), 327-334.

Taylor D.G. (1979). Housing, Neighborhoods, and Race Relations: Recent Survey Evidence. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 441(1), 26-40.

Massey D.S. (1979). Residential segregation of Spanish Americans in united states Urbanized Areas. Demography, 16(4), 553-563.

Gurak D.T. (198). Assimilation and fertility: a comparison of Mexican American and Japanese women.. Hispanic journal of behavioral sciences, 2(3), 219-239.

Gurak D.T. (198). Assimilation and fertility: a comparison of Mexican American and Japanese women.. Hispanic journal of behavioral sciences, 2(3), 219-239.

Zunz O. (198). Residential segregation in the American metropolis: Concentration, dispersion and dominance. Urban History, 7(), 23-33.

Fly J.W., Reinhart G.R. (198). Racial Separation during the 1970s: The Case of Birmingham. Social Forces, 58(4), 1255-1262. Oxford University Press.

Fly J.W., Reinhart G.R. (198). Racial Separation during the 1970s: The Case of Birmingham. Social Forces, 58(4), 1255-1262. Oxford University Press.

Ward D. (198). Environs and neighbours in the "Two Nations" residential differentiation in mid nineteenth century Leeds. Journal of Historical Geography, 6(2), 133-162.

Massey D.S. (198). Residential segregation and spatial distribution of a non labor force population: the needy, elderly and disabled ( USA).. Economic Geography, 56(3), 190-200.

Steinnes D.N. (198). Aggregation, gerrymandering, and spatial econometrics. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 10(4), 561-569.

Schnare A.B. (198). Trends in residential segregation by race: 1960 1970. Journal of Urban Economics, 7(3), 293-301.

Clark W.A.V. (198). Residential mobility and neighborhood change: Some implications for racial residential segregation. Urban Geography, 1(2), 95-107.

Morgan B.S. (198). Metropolitan area characteristics and occupational segregation ( USA).. Transactions, Institute of British Geographers, 5(2), 174-184.

Roof W.C. (198). Southern birth and racial residential segregation: the case of northern cities ( USA).. American Journal of Sociology, 86(2), 350-358.

Hart G.H.T. (198). Residential segregation and neighbourhood change in Long Beach, California. South African Geographical Journal, 62(2), 121-134.

Agresti B.F. (198). Measuring Residential Segregation: In Nineteenth Century American Cities. Sociological Methods & Research, 8(4), 389-399.

Kern C.R. (1981). Racial prejudice and residential segregation: The Yinger model revisited. Journal of Urban Economics, 10(2), 164-172.

Weigel R.H., Pappas J.J. (1981). Social science and the press: A case study and its implications. American Psychologist, 36(5), 480-487.

Angle J. (1981). The Ecology of Language Maintenance: Data from Nine U.S. Metropolitan Areas. Urban Affairs Review, 17(2), 219-231.

Morgan B.S., Norbury J. (1981). Some further observations on the index of residential differentiation. Demography, 18(2), 251-256.

Pearce D.M. (1981). Deciphering the dynamics of segregation: The role of schools in the housing choice process. The Urban Review, 13(2), 85-101. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Schneider M., Logan J.R. (1981). Fiscal Implications of Class Segregation: Inequalities in the Distribution of Public Goods and Services in Suburban Municipalities. Urban Affairs Review, 17(1), 23-36.

Johnson R.J. (1981). Some technical issues in the comparative study of residential segregation.. Transactions Institute of British Geographers, 6(2), 246-250.

Matre M., Mindiola T., Jr. (1981). Residential segregation in Southwestern metropolitan areas: 1970. Sociological Focus, 14(1), 15-31.

Rose R.S. (1981). Vertical mobility and the naturalized swede: A research note on racism. Contemporary Crises, 5(4), 395-401. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

BALAKRISHNAN T.R. (1982). Changing patterns of ethnic residential segregation in the metropolitan areas of Canada. Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie, 19(1), 92-110.

Cloutier N.R. (1982). Urban residential segregation and black income.. Review of Economics and Statistics, 64(2), 282-288.

Lieberson S., Carter D.K. (1982). A Model for Inferring the Voluntary and involuntary causes of residential segregation. Demography, 19(4), 511-526.

Darden J.T. (1982). Black residential segregation: Impact of State Licensing Laws. Journal of Black Studies, 12(4), 415-426.

Barke M., Johnson T. (1982). Emerging residential segregation in a nineteenth century small town: The case of falkirk, central Scotland. Scottish Geographical Magazine, 98(2), 87-100.

Ward D. (1982). The ethnic ghetto in the United States: past and present.. Transactions, Institute of British Geographers, 7(3), 257-275.

Lieberson S., Carter D.K. (1982). Temporal changes and urban differences in residential segregation: a reconsideration.. American Journal of Sociology, 88(2), 296-310.

Jones T.P. (1983). Residential segregation and ethnic autonomy. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 11(1-2), 10-22.

MIK G. (1983). RESIDENTIAL SEGREGATION IN ROTTERDAM: BACKGROUND AND POLICY. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie, 74(2), 74-86.

Streitwieser M.L., Goodman Jr. J.L. (1983). A survey of recent research on race and residential location. Population Research and Policy Review, 2(3), 253-283. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

FORSTER C. (1983). Spatial organisation and local unemployment rates in Metropolitan Adelaide: significant issue or spatial fetish?. Australian Geographical Studies, 21(1), 33-48.

Morgan B.S. (1983). A temporal perspective on the properties of the index of dissimilarity ( Cleveland, Ohio).. Environment & Planning A, 15(3), 379-389.

White M.J. (1983). The measurement of spatial segregation.. American Journal of Sociology, 88(5), 1008-1018.

Stahura J.M. (1983). Determinants of Change in the Distribution of Blacks across Suburbs. Sociological Quarterly, 24(3), 421-433.

Hwang S.-S., Murdock S.H. (1983). Segregation in nonmetropolitan and metropolitan Texas in 1980.. Rural Sociology, 48(4), 607-623.




Cloutier N.R. (1984). The effect of structural and demographic change on urban residential segregation. Review of Social Economy, 42(1), 32-43.

O'LOUGHLIN J., GLEBE G. (1984). RESIDENTIAL SEGREGATION OF FOREIGNERS IN GERMAN CITIES. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie, 75(4), 273-284.

Morgan B.S. (1984). Social geography, spatial structure and social structure. GeoJournal, 9(3), 301-310. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Adams J.S. (1984). The Meaning of Housing in America. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 74(4), 515-526.

Harris R. (1984). RESIDENTIAL SEGREGATION AND CLASS FORMATION IN CANADIAN CITIES: A CRITICAL REVIEW. Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe canadien, 28(2), 186-196.

O'Loughlin J., Glebe G. (1984). Intraurban migration in West German cities.. Geographical Review, 74(1), 1-23.

Harris R. (1984). Residential segregation and class formation in the capitalist city: A review and directions for research. Progress in Human Geography, 8(1), 26-49.

Hannon J.T. (1984). The influence of catholic schools on the desegregation of public school systems: A case study of white flight in Boston. Population Research and Policy Review, 3(3), 219-237. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Harris R. (1984). A Political Chameleon: Class Segregation in Kingston, Ontario, 1961 1976. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 74(3), 454-476.

Tanaka K. (1984). Spatial pattern of urban crime occurrences and urban activities in osaka city: Static and time serial analysis. Japanese Journal of Human Geography, 36(2), 97-110.

Rees P.H., Birkin M. (1984). Census based information systems for ethnic groups: a study of Leeds and Bradford.. Environment & Planning A, 16(12), 1551-1571.

Boal F.W., Livingstone D.N. (1984). The frontier in the city: Ethnonationalism in Belfast. International Political Science Review, 5(2), 161-179.

Hwang S.-S., Murdock S.H., Parpia B., Hamm R.R. (1985). The Effects of Race and Socioeconomic Status on Residential Segregation in Texas, 1970 80. Social Forces, 63(3), 732-747. Oxford University Press.

Bell P.A., Wade Smith A. (1985). Racial residential segregation in the sun belt. Social Indicators Research, 16(2), 181-193. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Bell P.A., Wade Smith A. (1985). Racial residential segregation in the sun belt. Social Indicators Research, 16(2), 181-193. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Massey D.S., Bitterman B. (1985). Explaining the Paradox of Puerto Rican Segregation. Social Forces, 64(2), 306-331. Oxford University Press.

Wilson B.M. (1985). Racial segregation trends in Birmingham, Alabama.. Southeastern Geographer, 25(1), 30-43.

Mizuuchi T. (1985). Formation and Development of a Japanese Colonial City: Dalian from 1899 to 1945. Human Geography, 37(5), 438-455.

Darden J.T. (1985). Residential segregation and the quality of life: the black ghetto of Pittsburgh revisited.. Pennsylvania Geographer, 24(3-4), 11-20.


Marsden W.E. (1985). Residential segregation and the hierarchy of elementary schooling from charles booth's London surveys. London Journal, 11(2), 127-146.

Harris R. (1986). Housing in Canadian cities: an agenda and review of sources ( historical).. Urban History Review, 14(3), 258-266.

Messner S.F., South S.J. (1986). Economic deprivation, opportunity structure, and robbery victimization: Intra and interracial patterns. Social Forces, 64(4), 975-991.

Mabin A. (1986). Labour, capital, class struggle and the origins of residential segregation in Kimberley, 1880 1920. Journal of Historical Geography, 12(1), 4-26.



Stearns L.B., Logan J.R. (1986). Measuring trends in segregation: Three dimensions, three measures. Urban Affairs Review, 22(1), 124-150.


Krivo L.J., Mutchler J.E. (1986). Housing constraint and household complexity in metropolitan america: Black and Spanish Origin Minorities. Urban Affairs Review, 21(3), 389-409.

Mohl R.A. (1986). The politics of ethnicity in contemporary Miami.. Migration world magazine, 14(3), 7-11.

Yamashita K. (1986). The Residential Segregation of Chinese Dialect Groups in Singapore: With Focus on the Period before ca. 1970. Geographical review of Japan, Series B., 59(2), 83-102.

Johnston R.J. (1986). The general good of the community. Some perspectives on town planning and residential segregation: A Mount Laurel case study. Planning Perspectives, 1(2), 131-145.

Clark W.A.V. (1986). Residential segregation in American cities: a review and interpretation. Population Research and Policy Review, 5(2), 95-127. Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague/Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Pirie G.H. (1987). African township railways and the South African state, 1902 1963. Journal of Historical Geography, 13(3), 283-295.

OKRAKU I.O. (1987). Age residential segregation in Canadian cities. Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie, 24(3), 431-452.

Massey D.S., Condran G.A., Denton N.A. (1987). The effect of Residential Segregation on Black Social and Economic Well Being. Social Forces, 66(1), 29-56.

Massey D.S., Condran G.A., Denton N.A. (1987). The effect of Residential Segregation on Black Social and Economic Well Being. Social Forces, 66(1), 29-56.

Leonard J.S. (1987). The interaction of residential segregation and employment discrimination. Journal of Urban Economics, 21(3), 323-346.

HERSHKOWITZ S. (1987). RESIDENTIAL SEGREGATION BY RELIGION: A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie, 78(1), 44-52.

Galster G.C. (1987). Residential segregation and interracial economic disparities: A simultaneous equations approach. Journal of Urban Economics, 21(1), 22-44.

Galster G.C. (1987). Residential segregation and interracial economic disparities: A simultaneous equations approach. Journal of Urban Economics, 21(1), 22-44.

Normoyle J.B. (1987). Fear of Crime and Satisfaction Among Elderly Public Housing Residents: The Impact of Residential Segregation. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 8(3), 193-207.

Darden J.T. (1987). Socioeconomic Status and Racial Residential Segregation: Blacks and Hispanics in Chicago. Comparative Sociology, 28(1-2), 1-13.

Darden J.T. (1987). Socioeconomic Status and Racial Residential Segregation: Blacks and Hispanics in Chicago. Comparative Sociology, 28(1-2), 1-13.

Massey D.S., Denton N.A. (1987). Trends in the residential segregation of blacks, Hispanics, and Asians: 1970 1980. American Sociological Review, 52(6), 802-825.

Mather C. (1987). Residential segregation and Johannesburg’s ‘locations in the sky’. South African Geographical Journal, 69(2), 119-128.

Galster G. (1988). Residential segregation in American cities: A contrary review. Population Research and Policy Review, 7(3), 93-112. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Galster G. (1988). Residential segregation in American cities: A contrary review. Population Research and Policy Review, 7(3), 93-112. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Clark W.A.V. (1988). Understanding residential segregation in American cities: Interpreting the evidence A reply to Galster. Population Research and Policy Review, 7(3), 113-121. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Massey D.S., Denton N.A. (1988). The dimensions of residential segregation. Social Forces, 67(2), 281-315.

Marcum J.P., Williams M.W. (1988). Residential segregation by race in mississippi, 1980. Sociological Spectrum, 8(2), 117-131.

Marcum J.P., Williams M.W. (1988). Residential segregation by race in mississippi, 1980. Sociological Spectrum, 8(2), 117-131.

Parnell S. (1988). Public housing as a device for white residential segregation in Johannesburg, 1934 1953. Urban Geography, 9(6), 584-602.

Darden J.T. (1988). The effect of world war I on black occupational and residential segregation: The Case of Pittsburgh. Journal of Black Studies, 18(3), 297-312.

Scarpaci J.L., Infante R.P., Gaete A. (1988). Planning residential segregation: The case of Santiago, Chile. Urban Geography, 9(1), 19-36.

Nebe J.M. (1988). Residential segregation of ethnic groups in West German cities. Cities, 5(3), 235-244.

Teeland L. (1988). Residential inequality in Sweden: A conceptual distinction. Scandinavian Housing and Planning Research, 5(3), 147-157.

Frenkel S., Western J. (1988). Pretext or Prophylaxis? Racial Segregation and Malarial Mosquitos in a British Tropical Colony: Sierra Leone. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 78(2), 211-228.

Frenkel S., Western J. (1988). Pretext or Prophylaxis? Racial Segregation and Malarial Mosquitos in a British Tropical Colony: Sierra Leone. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 78(2), 211-228.

Hwang S.-S., Murdock S.H. (1988). Residential segregation and ethnic identification among hispanics in Texas. Urban Affairs Review, 23(3), 329-345.

Pettiway L.E. (1988). Urban spatial structure and incidence of arson: Differences between ghetto and nonghetto environments. Justice Quarterly, 5(1), 113-129.

Huff J.O., Waldorf B. (1988). A PREDICTIVE MODEL OF RESIDENTIAL MOBILITY AND RESIDENTIAL SEGREGATION. Papers in Regional Science, 65(1), 59-59.

Moore B.L. (1988). The Settlement of Chinese in Guyana in the Nineteenth Century. Immigrants & Minorities, 7(1), 41-56.

Galster G.C., Keeney W.M. (1988). Race, residence, discrimination, and economic opportunity: Modeling the Nexus of Urban Racial Phenomena. Urban Affairs Review, 24(1), 87-117.

Pirie G.H. (1988). Housing essential service workers in Johannesburg: Locational constraint and conflict. Urban Geography, 9(6), 568-583.

Smith R.A. (1989). The Effects of local Fair Housing Ordinances on Housing Segregation: Their Impact Is Small, But It's an Important Positive Change Toward Integration. American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 48(2), 219-230.

McKinney S., Schnare A.B. (1989). Trends in residential segregation by race: 1960 1980. Journal of Urban Economics, 26(3), 269-280.

Christopher A.J. (1989). Apartheid within apartheid: An assessment of official intra black segregation on the witwatersrand, south africa. Professional Geographer, 41(3), 328-336.

Christopher A.J. (1989). Apartheid within apartheid: An assessment of official intra black segregation on the witwatersrand, south africa. Professional Geographer, 41(3), 328-336.

Darden J.T. (1989). Blacks and other racial minorities: The significance of color in inequality. Urban Geography, 10(6), 562-577.

Massey D.S., Denton N.A. (1989). Hypersegregation in U.S. Metropolitan Areas: Black and Hispanic Segregation Along Five Dimensions. Demography, 26(3), 373-391.

Galster G. (1989). Residential segregation in American cities: A further response to Clark. Population Research and Policy Review, 8(2), 181-192. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Franz P., Ueltzen W., Vaskovics L. (1989). Residential segregation of the elderly in West German cities. The Netherlands Journal of Housing and Environmental Research, 4(4), 371-382. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Clark W.A.V. (1989). Residential segregation in American cities: Common ground and differences in interpretation. Population Research and Policy Review, 8(2), 193-197. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Christopher A.J. (1989). Calculating urban segregation levels in south africa. South African Journal of Sociology, 20(3), 169-175.

Menahem G., Spiro S. (1989). Urban neighborhoods and the quest for community: Implications for policy and practice. Community Development Journal, 24(1), 29-39.

Dauskardt R.P.A. (1989). Local state, segregation and transport provision: The atteridgeville bus boycott, 1947. South African Geographical Journal, 71(2), 109-115.

Ward R.G. (1989). Earth's empty quarter? The Pacific Islands in a Pacific century. Geographical Journal, 155(2), 235-246.

Denton N.A., Massey D.S. (1989). Racial identity among Caribbean Hispanics: the effect of double minority status on residential segregation. American Sociological Review, 54(5), 790-808.

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