Housing segregation
Date and country of first publication[1]
United States
Housing segregation refers to the practice of separating people based on their race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status in residential areas. It is a result of discriminatory practices and policies that have been historically implemented in many countries, including the United States, South Africa, and Brazil, among others.
In the United States, housing segregation has been primarily enforced through racial zoning laws, redlining, and discriminatory lending practices. These practices have led to the concentration of racial and ethnic minority groups in low-income neighborhoods with limited access to quality education, healthcare, and economic opportunities.
The consequences of housing segregation are far-reaching and have contributed to the perpetuation of social and economic inequality. Segregated neighborhoods tend to have higher rates of poverty, crime, and under-resourced schools. Furthermore, the lack of affordable housing options in predominantly white neighborhoods has limited opportunities for minorities to move into better areas and has perpetuated a cycle of poverty and inequality.
Efforts to address housing segregation include the enforcement of fair housing laws, desegregation initiatives, and affordable housing programs. Additionally, urban planning and zoning policies that promote mixed-income neighborhoods and inclusionary housing practices can help combat housing segregation.
While progress has been made in recent decades, housing segregation still persists in many areas. It remains a significant social issue that requires continued attention and action to create more equitable and inclusive communities.
See also
Related segregation forms
Housing segregation is frequently discussed in the literature with the following segregation forms:
racial segregation, residential segregation, social segregation, school segregation, urban segregation, income segregation, ethnic segregation, racial residential segregation, central city segregation, metropolitan housing segregation, black self segregation, socioeconomic segregation, spontaneous segregation, spatial segregation, occupational segregation, suburban segregation
This visualization is based on the study The Multidisciplinary Landscape of Segregation Research.
For the complete network of interrelated segregation forms, please refer to:
- ↑ Date and country of first publication as informed by the Scopus database (December 2023).
Housing segregation appears in the following literature
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