Socioeconomic segregation

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Date and country of first publication[1]

Hong Kong


Socio-economic segregation refers to the division of society based on people's economic status or social class. It occurs when people of different socio-economic backgrounds are segregated or separated from one another, often resulting in unequal access to resources, opportunities, and services. This type of segregation can lead to economic disparities, limited social mobility, and perpetuate cycles of poverty and inequality. Examples of socio-economic segregation include gated communities, exclusive private schools, and neighborhoods with limited affordable housing options. Addressing socio-economic segregation requires policies and initiatives that promote diversity, inclusion, and equal access to resources for all members of society.


The following terms are synonymous with socioeconomic segregation:

socio economic segregation; socioeconomic based segregationsocioeconomical segregation.

References and literature addressing this segregation form under these synonymous terms can be found below.

See also

Related segregation forms

Socioeconomic segregation is frequently discussed in the literature with the following segregation forms:

social segregation, residential segregation, racial segregation, school segregation, ethnic segregation, spatial segregation, sociospatial segregation, class segregation, ethnoracial segregation, spatial class segregation, student segregation, urban segregation, ethnic residential segregation, black white segregation, occupational segregation, global segregation, housing segregation

This visualization is based on the study The Multidisciplinary Landscape of Segregation Research.

For the complete network of interrelated segregation forms, please refer to:



  1. Date and country of first publication as informed by the Scopus database (December 2023).


Socioeconomic segregation appears in the following literature


Elgie R.A., Clark A.R. (1981). Social Class Segregation in Southern Metropolitan Areas. Urban Affairs Review, 16(3), 299-316.

Nesslein T.S. (1988). Urban decay and the premature obsolescence of housing: A cross country examination of the basic economic determinants. Scandinavian Housing and Planning Research, 5(4), 209-223.

Cuciti P., James F. (199). A Comparison of Black and Hispanic Poverty in Large Cities of the Southwest. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 12(1), 50-75.

Bénabou R. (1994). Human capital, inequality, and growth: A local perspective. European Economic Review, 38(3-4), 817-826.

Waslander S., Thrupp M. (1995). Choice, competition and segregation: An empirical analysis of a new zealand secondary school market, 1990 93. Journal of Education Policy, 10(1), 1-26.

Telles E.E. (1995). Structural sources of socioeconomic segregation in Brazilian metropolitan areas. American Journal of Sociology, 100(5), 1199-1223.

Musterd S., Ostendorf W. (1998). The changing distribution of incomes in Dutch cities: Myth and reality. GeoJournal, 46(1), 29-38.

Kemper F.-J. (1998). Residential segregation and housing in Berlin: Changes since unification. GeoJournal, 46(1), 17-28.

Gorard S., Fitz J. (2). Markets and stratification: A view from England and Wales. Educational Policy, 14(3), 405-428. SAGE Publications Inc..

Gorard S., Fitz J. (2). Investigating the determinants of segregation between schools. Research Papers in Education, 15(2), 115-132.

Wessel T. (2). Social polarisation and socioeconomic segregation in a welfare state: The case of Oslo. Urban Studies, 37(11), 1947-1967. Carfax Publishing Company.

Ahonen S. (2). OP ED what happens to the common school in the market?. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 32(4), 483-493.

Betts J.R., Fairlie R.W. (2001). Explaining ethnic, racial, and immigrant differences in private school attendance. Journal of Urban Economics, 50(1), 26-51. Academic Press Inc..

Taylor C., Gorard S. (2001). The role of residence in school segregation: Placing the impact of parental choice in perspective. Environment and Planning A, 33(10), 1829-1852.

Narodowski M., Nores M. (2002). Socio economic segregation with (without) competitive education policies. A comparative analysis of Argentina and Chile. Comparative Education, 38(4), 429-451. Carfax Publishing Company.

Fitz J., Gorard S., Taylor C. (2002). School admissions after the School Standards and Framework Act: Bringing the LEAs back in?. Oxford Review of Education, 28(2-3), 373-393.

Narodowski M. (2002). Socio economic Segregation in the Argentine Education System: School choice without vouchers. Compare, 32(2), 181-191.

Gorard S. (2003). Integration in an age of choice: Parental choice need not lead to greater social segregation in state education. New Economy, 10(4), 240-244.

Taylor C., Gorard S., Fttz J. (2003). The modifiable areal unit problem: Segregation between schools and levels of analysis. International Journal of Social Research Methodology: Theory and Practice, 6(1), 41-60.

Nesslein T.S. (2003). Markets versus planning: An assessment of the Swedish housing model in the post war period. Urban Studies, 40(7), 1259-1282.

González-López G. (2004). Fathering Latina sexualities: Mexican men and the virginity of their daughters. Journal of Marriage and Family, 66(5), 1118-1130.

Phillips M., Chin T. (2004). School inequality: What do we know?. Social Inequality, 467-519. Russell Sage Foundation.

Rumberger R.W., Palardy G.J. (2005). Does segregation still matter? The impact of student composition on academic achievement in high school. Teachers College Record, 107(9), 1999-2045. Teachers College, Columbia University.

Brighouse H. (2007). Educational justice and socio economic segregation in schools. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 41(4), 575-590.

Dronkers J., Levels M. (2007). Do school segregation and school resources explain region of origin differences in the mathematics achievement of immigrant students?. Educational Research and Evaluation, 13(5), 435-462.

Feitosa F.F., Câmara G., Monteiro A.M.V., Koschitzki T., Silva M.P.S. (2007). Global and local spatial indices of urban segregation. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 21(3), 299-323.

Zapata I., Arias G. (2008). Neighborhood recuperation program urban impact, some key guidelines for future managements; [Impactos urbanos del programa regeneracion de barrios, algunas orientaciones claves para la gestion futura]. Revista INVI, 23(63), 19-51.

Feitosa F.F., Reyes J., Zesk W.E. (2008). Spatial patterns of residential segregation: A generative model. Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on GeoInformatics, 157-162.

Brighouse H. (2009). Educational Justice and Socio Economic Segregation in Schools. The Common School and the Comprehensive Ideal: A Defence by Richard Pring with Complementary Essays, 72-87. John Wiley and Sons.

Goza F., Ryabov I. (2009). Adolescents' educational outcomes: Racial and ethnic variations in peer network importance. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 38(9), 1264-1279.

Roberts B.R., Wilson R.H. (2009). Urban Segregation and Governance in the Americas. Urban Segregation and Governance in the Americas, 1-231. Palgrave Macmillan.

Heller G.L. (2009). Salesman of ideas: The Life experiences that shaped edmund bacon. Imagining Philadelphia: Edmund Bacon and The Future of The City, 19-51. University of Pennsylvania Press.

Holmqvist E., Bergsten Z. (2009). Swedish social mix policy: A general policy without an explicit ethnic focus. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 24(4), 477-490.

Causa O., Chapuis C. (201). Equity in student achievement across OECD countries: An investigation of the role of policies. OECD Journal: Economic Studies, 77-126.

Meyer H.-D. (201). Local control as a mechanism of colonization of public education in the united states. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 42(8), 830-845. Routledge.

Rothwell J.T., Massey D.S. (201). Density zoning and class segregation in U.S. metropolitan areas. Social Science Quarterly, 91(5), 1123-1143.

Verrest H.J.L.M. (201). Paramaribo. Cities, 27(1), 50-60.

Marmolejo-Duartey C., Batista-DóRia de Souza N.J. (2011). Urban conditions and socioeconomic segregation: An analysis for Maceió Alagoas, Brazil; [Estructura urbana y segregación socioresidencial: Un análisis para Maceió Alagoas, Brasil]. Papeles de Poblacion, 17(70), 247-286.

Richter J. (2011). Socio economic segregation and activity spaces in cities of the northeastern part of Brazil Natal, an example. Urban Developments in Brazil and Portugal, 229-248. Nova Science Publishers, Inc..

Préteceille E. (2011). Has ethno racial segregation increased in the greater Paris metropolitan area?. Revue Francaise de Sociologie, 52(SUPPL.), 31-62. Editions Ophrys.

Stillerman J., Salcedo R. (2012). Transposing the Urban to the Mall: Routes, Relationships, and Resistance in Two Santiago, Chile, Shopping Centers. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 41(3), 309-336.

Préteceille E. (2012). Youth Segregation in Paris; [La Ségrégation des Jeunes à Paris]. Dados, 55(2), 301-325.

Richter J. (2012). Socio economic segregation and activity spaces in cities of the northeastern part of Brazil Natal, an example. Urban Developments in Brazil and Portugal, 229-247. Nova Science Publishers, Inc..

Monkkonen P. (2012). Housing Finance Reform and Increasing Socioeconomic Segregation in Mexico. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 36(4), 757-772.

Elacqua G. (2012). The impact of school choice and public policy on segregation: Evidence from Chile. International Journal of Educational Development, 32(3), 444-453.

Ströbele M.F. (2012). How do people vote in suburbia? Political preference and suburbanisation in Europe. Urban Research and Practice, 5(1), 93-115.

Musterd S., Ostendorf W. (2013). Urban segregation and the welfare state: Inequality and exclusion in western cities. Urban Segregation and the Welfare State: Inequality and Exclusion in Western Cities, 1-275. Taylor and Francis.

Krüger N. (2013). Social segregation and educational attainment inequality in Argentina; [Segregación social y desigualdad de logros educativos en Argentina]. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 21(), -.

Duncan D.T., Kawachi I., White K., Williams D.R. (2013). The geography of recreational open space: Influence of neighborhood racial composition and neighborhood poverty. Journal of Urban Health, 90(4), 618-631.

Mehdizadeh R., Fischer M. (2013). The unintended consequences of greening America: An examination of how implementing green building policy may impact the dynamic between local, state, and federal regulatory systems and the possible exacerbation of class segregation. Energy, Sustainability and Society, 3(1), -. Springer Verlag.

Santo S.M., Silva B.-C.M.N., Santos R.L., Fernandes R.B. (2013). Population and environment on the threshold of XXI century in the city of Feira de Santana (Bahia Brazil); [População e meio ambiente no umbral do século XXI na cidade de Feira de Santana (Bahia Brasil)]. Scripta Nova, 17(), -.

Rebernik D. (2013). Social areas in Ljubljana; [Socialna območja v Ljubljani]. Dela, 39(), 5-26. University of Ljubljana.

Palardy G.J. (2013). High School Socioeconomic Segregation and Student Attainment. American Educational Research Journal, 50(4), 714-754. SAGE Publications Inc..

Palardy G.J. (2013). High School Socioeconomic Segregation and Student Attainment. American Educational Research Journal, 50(4), 714-754. SAGE Publications Inc..

Scott J., Quinn R. (2014). The Politics of Education in the Post Brown Era: Race, Markets, and the Struggle for Equitable Schooling. Educational Administration Quarterly, 50(5), 749-763. SAGE Publications Inc..

Valenzuela J.P., Bellei C., de los Ríos D. (2014). Socioeconomic school segregation in a market oriented educational system. The case of Chile. Journal of Education Policy, 29(2), 217-241.

Marcińczak S., Gentile M., Rufat S., Chelcea L. (2014). Urban geographies of hesitant transition: Tracing socioeconomic segregation in post ceauşescu bucharest. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 38(4), 1399-1417. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Thibert J., Osorio G.A. (2014). Urban segregation and metropolitics in latin America: The Case of Bogotá, Colombia. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 38(4), 1319-1343. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Krupickaitė D., Pociūtė G., Peciukonytė L. (2014). In the middle of nowhere: Gated neighbourhoods in Vilnius region as a new lifestyle?. Hungarian Geographical Bulletin, 63(3), 271-286. Reasearch Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences Hungarian Academy.

Andersson R., Turner L.M. (2014). Segregation, gentrification, and residualisation: From public housing to market driven housing allocation in inner city Stockholm. International Journal of Housing Policy, 14(1), 3-29.

Gorard S. (2014). The link between Academies in England, pupil outcomes and local patterns of socio economic segregation between schools. Research Papers in Education, 29(3), 268-284. Routledge.

Gottlieb D. (2015). "Closer to heaven": Race and diversity in Suburban America. Journal of Urban History, 41(5), 927-935. SAGE Publications Inc..

Aldén L., Hammarstedt M., Neuman E. (2015). Ethnic segregation, tipping behavior, and native residential mobility. International Migration Review, 49(1), 36-69. Blackwell Publishing Inc..

Burneika D., Ubarevičienė R., Valatka V. (2015). Socio economic segregation in growing urban regions of Lithuania; [Socioekonominė rezidencinė diferenciacija augančiuose Lietuvos miestų regionuose]. Filosofija, Sociologija, 26(4), 277-292. Lithuanian Academy of Sciences Publishers.

Tammaru T., Kährik A., Novák J., Leetmaa K. (2015). The 'market experiment': Increasing socio economic segregation in the inherited bi ethnic context of Tallinn. Socio-Economic Segregation in European Capital Cities: East Meets West, 333-357. Taylor and Francis Inc..

Musterd S., Van Gent W. (2015). Changing welfare context and income segregation in Amsterdam and its metropolitan area. Socio-Economic Segregation in European Capital Cities: East Meets West, 55-79. Taylor and Francis Inc..

Chakrabarti R., Roy J. (2015). Housing markets and residential segregation: Impacts of the Michigan school finance reform on inter and intra district sorting. Journal of Public Economics, 122(), 110-132. Elsevier B.V..

Tammaru T., Musterd S., Van Ham M., Marcińczak S. (2015). A multi factor approach to understanding socio economic segregation in European capital cities. Socio-Economic Segregation in European Capital Cities: East Meets West, 1-29. Taylor and Francis Inc..

Valatka V., Burneika D., Ubarevičiene R. (2015). Large social inequalities and low levels of socio economic segregation in Vilnius. Socio-Economic Segregation in European Capital Cities: East Meets West, 313-332. Taylor and Francis Inc..

Hatz G., Kohlbacher J., Reeger U. (2015). Socio economic segregation in Vienna: A social oriented approach to urban planning and housing. Socio-Economic Segregation in European Capital Cities: East Meets West, 80-109. Taylor and Francis Inc..

Maloutas T. (2015). Socio economic segregation in Athens at the beginning of the twenty first century. Socio-Economic Segregation in European Capital Cities: East Meets West, 156-185. Taylor and Francis Inc..

Marcińczak S., Musterd S., Van Ham M., Tammaru T. (2015). Inequality and rising levels of socio economic segregation: Lessons from a pan European comparative study. Socio-Economic Segregation in European Capital Cities: East Meets West, 358-382. Taylor and Francis Inc..

Tammaru T., Marcińczak S., Van Ham M., Musterd S. (2015). Socio economic segregation in European capital cities: East meets West. Socio-Economic Segregation in European Capital Cities: East Meets West, 1-389. Taylor and Francis Inc..

Krišjane Z., Berziņš M., Kratoviš K. (2015). Occupation and ethnicity: Patterns of residential segregation in Riga two decades after socialism. Socio-Economic Segregation in European Capital Cities: East Meets West, 287-312. Taylor and Francis Inc..

Kovács Z., Szabó B. (2015). Urban restructuring and changing patterns of socioeconomic segregation in Budapest. Socio-Economic Segregation in European Capital Cities: East Meets West, 238-260. Taylor and Francis Inc..

Aguilera C. (2015). Memories and silences of a segregated city: Monuments and political violence in Santiago, Chile, 1970 1991. Memory Studies, 8(1), 102-114. SAGE Publications Ltd.

Reardon S.F., Fox L., Townsend J. (2015). Neighborhood Income Composition by Household Race and Income, 1990 2009. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 660(1), 78-97. SAGE Publications Inc..

Palardy G.J. (2015). High school socioeconomic composition and college choice: multilevel mediation via organizational habitus, school practices, peer and staff attitudes. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 26(3), 329-353. Routledge.

Jacobs D., Devleeshouwer P. (2015). Migrant children and educational challenges. Routledge Handbook of Immigration and Refugee Studies, 198-205. Taylor and Francis.

Carlisle B.L., Murray C.B. (2015). Academic Performance, Effects of Socio Economic Status on. International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences: Second Edition, 43-48. Elsevier Inc..

Palardy G.J., Rumberger R.W., Butler T. (2015). The effect of high school socioeconomic, racial, and linguistic segregation on academic performance and school behaviors. Teachers College Record, 117(12), -. Teachers College, Columbia University.

Marcińczak S., Tammaru T., Novák J., Gentile M., Kovács Z., Temelová J., Valatka V., Kährik A., Szabó B. (2015). Patterns of Socioeconomic Segregation in the Capital Cities of Fast Track Reforming Postsocialist Countries. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 105(1), 183-202. Routledge.

Leetmaa K., Tammaru T., Hess D.B. (2015). Preferences Toward Neighbor Ethnicity and Affluence: Evidence from an Inherited Dual Ethnic Context in Post Soviet Tartu, Estonia. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 105(1), 162-182. Routledge.

le Goix R., Vesselinov E. (2015). Inequality shaping processes and gated communities in US western metropolitan areas. Urban Studies, 52(4), 619-638.

Ruiz Ramas R. (2016). Parental informal payments in Kyrgyzstani schools: Analyzing the strongest and the weakest link. Journal of Eurasian Studies, 7(2), 205-219. Elsevier B.V..

Gamboa L.F., Krüger N. (2016). Does the contribution made by early education to later academic achievement differ in Latin America?: Pisa 2009 2012; [¿Existen diferencias en América Latina en el aporte de la educación preescolar al logro educativo futuro?: Pisa 2009 2012]. Cepal Review, 2016(118), 81-96. United Nations Publications.

Verhaeghe P.-P., Coenen A., Van de Putte B. (2016). Is Living in a High Rise Building Bad for Your Self Rated Health?. Journal of Urban Health, 93(5), 884-898. Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.

Quillian L., Lagrange H. (2016). Socioeconomic Segregation in Large Cities in France and the United States. Demography, 53(4), 1051-1084. Springer Science and Business Media, LLC.

Narodowski M., Gottau V., Moschetti M. (2016). Quasi State monopoly of the education system and socio economic segregation in Argentina. Policy Futures in Education, 14(6), 687-700. SAGE Publications Inc..

Tremaria S. (2016). Violent Caracas: Understanding violence and homicide in contemporary Venezuela. International Journal of Conflict and Violence, 10(1), 61-76. Universitaet Bielefeld.

López-Ospina H.A., Martínez F.J., Cortés C.E. (2016). Microeconomic model of residential location incorporating life cycle and social expectations. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 55(), 33-43. Elsevier Ltd.

Harris R., Johnston R., Manley D. (2017). The changing interaction of ethnic and socio economic segregation in England and Wales, 1991 2011. Ethnicities, 17(3), 320-349. SAGE Publications Ltd.

Valatka V., Burneika D., Ubarevičiene R. (2017). Large social inequalities and low levels of socio economic segregation in Vilnius. A+BE Architecture and the Built Environment, 9(), 185-207. TU Delft.

Monkkonen P., Zhang X. (2017). Creating mixed income neighbourhoods unintentionally: Public housing residualisation and socio economic segregation in Hong Kong. Trends and Issues in Housing in Asia: Coming of an Age, 134-158. Taylor and Francis.

Tammaru T., Marcińczak S., Kukk K. (2017). Social transformations, housing and socio economic segregation in the fast track reform countries. The Routledge International Handbook of European Social Transformations, 159-171. Taylor and Francis.

Yuxiao W., Chao H. (2017). School Socioeconomic Segregation and Educational Expectations of Students in China’s Junior High Schools. Social Sciences in China, 38(3), 112-126. Routledge.

Yuxiao W., Chao H. (2017). School Socioeconomic Segregation and Educational Expectations of Students in China’s Junior High Schools. Social Sciences in China, 38(3), 112-126. Routledge.

Calquin C.C., Farris M., Patuelli K.R. (2017). Discussing school socioeconomic segregation in territorial terms: the differentiated influence of urban fragmentation and daily mobility; [Discutir la segregación socioeconómica escolar en términos territoriales. La influencia diferenciada de la fragmentación urbana y la movilidad cotidiana]. Investigaciones Geograficas, 2017(92), 34-50. Instituto de Geografia.

Calquin C.C., Farris M., Patuelli K.R. (2017). Discussing school socioeconomic segregation in territorial terms: the differentiated influence of urban fragmentation and daily mobility; [Discutir la segregación socioeconómica escolar en términos territoriales. La influencia diferenciada de la fragmentación urbana y la movilidad cotidiana]. Investigaciones Geograficas, 2017(92), 34-50. Instituto de Geografia.

Calquin C.C., Farris M., Patuelli K.R. (2017). Discussing school socioeconomic segregation in territorial terms: the differentiated influence of urban fragmentation and daily mobility; [Discutir la segregación socioeconómica escolar en términos territoriales. La influencia diferenciada de la fragmentación urbana y la movilidad cotidiana]. Investigaciones Geograficas, 2017(92), 34-50. Instituto de Geografia.

Musterd S., Marcińczak S., van Ham M., Tammaru T. (2017). Socioeconomic segregation in European capital cities. Increasing separation between poor and rich. Urban Geography, 38(7), 1062-1083. Routledge.

Siddiqui N. (2017). Socio economic segregation of disadvantaged children between schools in Pakistan: comparing the state and private sector. Educational Studies, 43(4), 391-409. Routledge.

Molina Y., Plascak J.J., Patrick D.L., Bishop S., Coronado G.D., Beresford S.A.A. (2017). Neighborhood predictors of mammography barriers among US based latinas. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 4(2), 233-242. Springer International Publishing.

Browning C.R., Calder C.A., Krivo L.J., Smith A.L., Boettner B. (2017). Socioeconomic segregation of activity spaces in urban neighborhoods: Does shared residence mean shared routines?. RSF, 3(2), 210-231. Russell Sage Foundation.

Reardon S.F., Townsend J., Fox L. (2017). A continuous measure of the joint distribution of race and income among neighborhoods. RSF, 3(2), 34-62. Russell Sage Foundation.

Esteves A.M. (2017). "Commoning" at the borderland: Ecovillage development, socio economic segregation and institutional mediation in southwestern Alentejo, Portugal. Journal of Political Ecology, 24(1), 968-991. The University of Arizona Libraries.

Ataç E. (2017). Turkish Style Segregation. Asian Journal of Social Science, 45(3), 235-270. Brill Academic Publishers.

Parker A. (2018). The ghetto in the cities and films of Johannesburg and Cape Town. Journal of African Cinemas, 10(1-2), 65-80. Intellect Ltd..

Çelik Ç. (2018). Disadvantaged, but morally superior: ethnic boundary making strategies of second generation male Turkish immigrant youth in Germany. Identities, 25(6), 705-723. Routledge.

Neves R. (2018). Grupo OPNI graffiti and urban violence in present day Brazil. Street Art and Urban Creativity, 4(2), 126-130. Urban Creativity.

Durlauf S.N., Seshadri A. (2018). Understanding the great gatsby curve. NBER Macroeconomics Annual, 32(1), 333-393. University of Chicago Press.

Azhdari A., Sasani M.A., Soltani A. (2018). Exploring the relationship between spatial driving forces of urban expansion and socioeconomic segregation: The case of Shiraz. Habitat International, 81(), 33-44. Elsevier Ltd.

Azhdari A., Sasani M.A., Soltani A. (2018). Exploring the relationship between spatial driving forces of urban expansion and socioeconomic segregation: The case of Shiraz. Habitat International, 81(), 33-44. Elsevier Ltd.

Giménez-Santana A., Caplan J.M., Drawve G. (2018). Risk Terrain Modeling and Socio Economic Stratification: Identifying Risky Places for Violent Crime Victimization in Bogotá, Colombia. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research, 24(4), 417-431. Springer Netherlands.

Hunter E., Mac Namee B., Kelleher J. (2018). Using a socioeconomic segregation burn in model to initialise an agent based model for infectious diseases. JASSS, 21(4), -. University of Surrey.

Harel Ben Shahar T., Berger E. (2018). Religious justification, elitist outcome: are religious schools being used to avoid integration?. Journal of Education Policy, 33(4), 558-583. Routledge.

Costa R., de Valk H.A.G. (2018). Ethnic and Socioeconomic Segregation in Belgium: A Multiscalar Approach Using Individualised Neighbourhoods. European Journal of Population, 34(2), 225-250. Springer Netherlands.

Fahle E.M., Reardon S.F. (2018). How Much Do Test Scores Vary Among School Districts? New Estimates Using Population Data, 2009 2015. Educational Researcher, 47(4), 221-234. SAGE Publications Inc..

Monkkonen P., Comandon A., Montejano Escamilla J.A., Guerra E. (2018). Urban sprawl and the growing geographic scale of segregation in Mexico, 1990 2010. Habitat International, 73(), 89-95. Elsevier Ltd.

Leetmaa K., Holvandus J., Mägi K., Kährik A. (2018). Population shifts and Urban policies in housing estates of Tallinn, Estonia. Urban Book Series, 389-412. Springer.

Murillo F.J., Martínez-Garrido C. (2018). Impact of the economic crisis on school segregation in spain; [Incidencia de la crisis económica en la segregación escolar en España]. Revista de Educacion, 2018(381), 67-93and61. Ministry Education and Science.

Andersson R., Bråmå Å. (2018). The Stockholm Estates A tale of the importance of initial conditions, macroeconomic dependencies, tenure and immigration. Urban Book Series, 361-387. Springer.

Casado-Muñoz R., Lezcano-Barbero F., Baños-García M.E. (2019). Participation and rights of children with Specific Needs of Educational Support in Castilla y León (Spain): bridging the gap between policies and practices. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 23(5), 532-545. Routledge.

El Ayadi N., Mamadouh V. (2019). Language crossing, fluid identities, and spatial mobility: Representing language, identity, and place in an Amsterdam based movie. Handbook of the Changing World Language Map, 1(), 2381-2398. Springer International Publishing.

Sleutjes B., Ooijevaar J., de Valk H.A.G. (2019). Residential Segregation in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Region: A Longitudinal Analysis Using Scalable Individualised Neighbourhoods. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 110(3), 359-377. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Ihlanfeldt K., Mayock T. (2019). Affordable Housing and the Socioeconomic Integration of Elementary Schools. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 58(4), 567-595. Springer New York LLC.

Fung-Loy K., Van Rompaey A., Hemerijckx L.-M. (2019). Detection and Simulation of Urban Expansion and Socioeconomic Segregation in the Greater Paramaribo Region, Suriname. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 110(3), 339-358. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Marcotte D.E., Dalane K. (2019). Socioeconomic Segregation and School Choice in American Public Schools. Educational Researcher, 48(8), 493-503. SAGE Publications Inc..

Tesfai R. (2019). Double Minority Status and Neighborhoods: Examining the Primacy of Race in Black Immigrants’ Racial and Socioeconomic Segregation. City and Community, 18(2), 509-528. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Hu W., Wang R. (2019). Segregation in urban education: Evidence from public schools in Shanghai, China. Cities, 87(), 106-113. Elsevier Ltd.

Modai-Snir T., Plaut P. (2019). The analysis of residential sorting trends: Measuring disparities in socio spatial mobility. Urban Studies, 56(2), 288-300. SAGE Publications Ltd.

Anderson J., Frankenberg E. (2019). Voluntary integration in uncertain times. Phi Delta Kappan, 100(5), 14-18. SAGE Publications Inc..

Espino J.M.G. (2019). School Zoning, Spatial Proximity and Socio economic Segregation: The cases of Seville and Malaga. Revista Espanola de Investigaciones Sociologicas, 168(), 35-54. Centro de Investigaciones Sociologicas.

Brevik I. (2019). Income inequalities and socio economic segregation in oslo: Governance by the market. Governing European Cities: Social Fragmentation, Social Exclusion and Urban, 211-232. Taylor and Francis.

Belli N. (202). Modern Urban Planning and Dissonant Heritage: The Case of San Polo; [Modernus Miesto Planavimas ir Disonansinis Paveldas: San Polo Atvejis]. Art History and Criticism, 16(1), 79-93. Walter de Gruyter GmbH.

Hofflinger A., Gelber D., Tellez Cañas S. (202). School choice and parents’ preferences for school attributes in Chile. Economics of Education Review, 74(), -. Elsevier Ltd.

Azorín C. (202). Beyond COVID 19 supernova. Is another education coming?. Journal of Professional Capital and Community, 5(3-4), 381-390. Emerald Group Holdings Ltd..

Kosunen S., Bernelius V., Seppänen P., Porkka M. (202). School Choice to Lower Secondary Schools and Mechanisms of Segregation in Urban Finland. Urban Education, 55(10), 1461-1488. SAGE Publications Inc..

Mehdipanah R., Bess K., Tomkowiak S., Richardson A., Stokes C., Perkins D.W., Cleage S., Israel B.A., Schulz A.J. (202). Residential racial and socioeconomic segregation as predictors of housing discrimination in detroit metropolitan area. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(24), 1-16. MDPI.

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