School segregation

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Date and country of first publication[1]

United States


School segregation refers to the practice of separating students based on their race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic background in schools. It has historically been a major issue in the United States, particularly during the era of racial segregation known as Jim Crow, which lasted from the late 19th century to the mid-20th century. During this time, laws were enacted to enforce racial segregation in schools, with African American students being forced to attend separate schools that were often underfunded and provided an inferior education compared to their white counterparts.

School segregation was challenged and ultimately ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in the landmark case of Brown v. Board of Education in 1954. The court declared that segregated schools were inherently unequal and violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. However, despite this ruling, many schools remained segregated in practice due to resistance and slow implementation of desegregation efforts.

In recent years, school segregation has remained a persistent issue, although it has taken on a different form. While explicit racial segregation has been largely abolished, de facto segregation still persists due to factors such as residential segregation, income inequality, and school district zoning policies. This has led to significant disparities in educational opportunities and outcomes for students of different racial and socioeconomic backgrounds.

Efforts to address school segregation and promote integration include busing programs, where students are transported to schools outside of their local neighborhood to achieve racial balance. Charter schools and school choice policies have also been implemented in some areas to provide parents with more options for selecting schools. Additionally, some communities have implemented voluntary integration programs or adopted measures to address housing segregation in order to promote diverse school environments.


The following terms are synonymous with:

school based segregation; school level segregation; schooling segregation; schools segregation; school's segregation.

References and literature addressing this segregation form under these synonymous terms can be found below.

See also

Related segregation forms

School segregation is frequently discussed in the literature with the following segregation forms:

racial segregation, social segregation, residential segregation, ethnic segregation, educational segregation, neighborhood segregation, socioeconomic segregation, ethnic school segregation, racial residential segregation, economic segregation, spatial segregation, de jure segregation, urban segregation, ethnoracial segregation, local segregation, de facto segregation, latino school segregation, academic segregation, class segregation, housing segregation, age segregation  

Visualization based on the research

For the complete network of associated segregation forms, see:



  1. Date and country of first publication as informed by the Scopus database (December 2023).
At its current state, this definition has been generated by a Large Language Model (LLM) so far without review by an independent researcher or a member of the curating team of segregation experts that keep the Segregation Wiki online. While we strive for accuracy, we cannot guarantee its reliability, completeness and timeliness. Please use this content with caution and verify information as needed. Also, feel free to improve on the definition as you see fit, including the use of references and other informational resources. We value your input in enhancing the quality and accuracy of the definitions of segregation forms collectively offered in the Segregation Wiki ©.

School segregation appears in the following literature

Gault R.H. (1914). Preventives of delinquency. Journal of Educational Psychology, 5(1), 32-36.

WERTHAM F. (1952). Psychological effects of school segregation.. American journal of psychotherapy, 6(1), 94-103.

Spruill A.W. (1955). School Segregation Outlawed! Are You Ready, Mr. Administrator?. Educational Forum, 19(2), 179-184.

Garfinkel H. (1959). Social science evidence and the school segregation cases. The Journal of Politics, 21(1), 37-59.

Pettigrew T.F., Campbell E.Q. (196). Faubus and segregation: An analysis of Arkansas voting. Public Opinion Quarterly, 24(3), 436-447. Oxford University Press.

Baron H. (1963). History of Chicago School Segregation to 1953. Equity and Excellence in Education, 1(1), 17-20.

Bell O.K. (1963). School Segregation in Gary. Equity and Excellence in Education, 1(5), 31-35.

Despres L.M. (1963). Taxes for School Segregation. Equity and Excellence in Education, 1(2), 34-35.

Glazer N. (1964). School Integration Policies in Northern Cities. Journal of the American Planning Association, 30(3), 178-189.

Haley F.T. (1964). Tacoma Faces School Segregation. Equity and Excellence in Education, 2(2), 24-29.

Dye T.R. (1968). Urban school segregation: A Comparative Analysis. Urban Affairs Review, 4(2), 141-165.

Colfax J.D. (197). Relevance and Responsibility in Sociological Research. Sociological Inquiry, 40(1), 73-83.

Dickens M., Schwartz R.E. (1971). Oral argument before the supreme court: Marshall v. Davis in the school segregation cases. Quarterly Journal of Speech, 57(1), 32-42.

Bullough B. (1972). Alienation and school segregation. Equity and Excellence in Education, 10(2), 29-35.

Lawton S.B. (1972). Measurement of school segregation in detroit. Education and Urban Society, 4(4), 403-421.

Herbst R.L. (1973). The Legal Struggle to Integrate Schools in the North. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 407(1), 43-62.

Lowry M. (1973). Schools in transition. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 63(2), 167-180.

Giles M.W., Walker T.G. (1975). Judicial Policy Making and Southern School Segregation. The Journal of Politics, 37(4), 917-936.

Sly D.F., Pol L.G. (1978). The Demographic Context of School Segregation and Desegregation. Social Forces, 56(4), 1072-1086.

Morgan D.R., Fitzgerald M.R. (1979). A Causal Perspective on School Segregation among American States: A Research Note. Social Forces, 58(1), 329-335. Oxford University Press.

Brown F. (1979). Major Changes in School Integration Litigation, 1954 1979. Educational Administration Quarterly, 15(2), 76-97.

Taeuber K.E. (1979). Housing, Schools, and Incremental Segregative Effects. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 441(1), 157-167.

Orfield G. (1979). School segregation and housing policy: The role of local and federal governments in neighborhood segregation. Equity and Excellence in Education, 17(3-4), 48-53.

Taeuber K.E. (1979). Housing and school segregation in indianapolis. Equity and Excellence in Education, 17(1-2), 14-18.


Streitwieser M.L., Goodman Jr. J.L. (1983). A survey of recent research on race and residential location. Population Research and Policy Review, 2(3), 253-283. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Braddock J.H., Dawkins M.P. (1984). Long term effects of school desegregation on southern blacks. Sociological Spectrum, 4(4), 365-381.


Richards C.E. (1986). Race and demographic trends: the employment of minority teachers in California public schools. Economics of Education Review, 5(1), 57-64.

Clark W.A.V. (1988). School integration impacts on residential change: evaluation and tests. Environment & Planning C: Government & Policy, 6(4), 475-488.

Menchaca M., Valencia R.R. (199). Anglo Saxon Ideologies in the 1920s 1930s: Their Impact on the Segregation of Mexican Students in California. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 21(3), 222-249.

Willms J.D., Echols F., Willms J.D. (1992). Alert and inert clients: The Scottish experience of parental choice of schools. Economics of Education Review, 11(4), 339-350.

Chapa J., Valencia R.R. (1993). Latino Population Growth, Demographic Characteristics, and Educational Stagnation: An Examination of Recent Trends. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 15(2), 165-187.

Marjoram T. (1994). Are/Should Boys and Girls Gifted in Mathematics be Taught Together?. Gifted Education International, 9(3), 152-153. SAGE Publications Ltd.

Valencia R.R., Rankin R.J., Livingston R. (1995). K ABC content bias: Comparisons between Mexican American and White children. Psychology in the Schools, 32(3), 153-169.<153::AID-PITS2310320302>3.0.CO;2-G

Smylie M.A., Yowell C.M., Kahne J. (1995). Educational remedies for school segregation: A social science statement to the U.S. Supreme Court in Missouri v. Jenkins. The Urban Review, 27(3), 207-233. Kluwer Academic Publishers-Human Sciences Press.

Denton N.A. (1996). The persistence of segregation: Links between residential segregation and school segregation. Minnesota Law Review, 80(4), 795-.

Spruill A.W. (1996). School segregation outlawed! are you ready, mr. administrator?. Educational Forum, 60(2), 104-107.

Douglas D.M. (1997). The limits of law in accomplishing racial change: School segregation in the pre brown north. UCLA Law Review, 44(3), 677-.

Piliawsky M. (1998). Remedies to de facto school segregation: The case of hartford. Black Scholar, 28(2), 29-35. Black World Foundation.

Gorard S., Fitz J. (1998). Under starters orders: The established market, the Cardiff study and the Smithfield project. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 8(3), 299-316.

Gramberg P. (1998). School segregation: The case of Amsterdam. Urban Studies, 35(3), 547-564. Carfax Publishing Company.

Clotfelter C.T. (1999). Public school segregation in metropolitan areas. Land Economics, 75(4), 487-504. University of Wisconsin Press.

Valencia R.R. (2). Inequalities and the schooling of minority students in Texas: Historical and contemporary conditions. Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 22(4), 445-459. SAGE Publications Inc..

Gorard S., Fitz J. (2). Investigating the determinants of segregation between schools. Research Papers in Education, 15(2), 115-132.

Reardon S.F., Yun J.T., Eitle T.M. (2). The changing structure of school segregation: Measurement and evidence of multiracial metropolitan area school segregation, 1989 1995. Demography, 37(3), 351-364. Duke University Press.

Reardon S.F., Yun J.T., Eitle T.M. (2). The changing structure of school segregation: Measurement and evidence of multiracial metropolitan area school segregation, 1989 1995. Demography, 37(3), 351-364. Duke University Press.

Broccolichi S., Van Zanten A. (2). School competition and pupil flight in the urban periphery. Journal of Education Policy, 15(1), 51-60.

Voss D.S., Miller P. (2001). Following a False Trail: The Hunt for White Backlash in Kentucky’s 1996 Desegregation Vote. State Politics and Policy Quarterly, 1(1), 62-80. SAGE Publications Inc..

Van Delinder J. (2001). Early civil rights activism in Topeka, Kansas, prior to the 1954 Brown case. Great Plains Quarterly, 21(1), 45-61.

Laosa L.M. (2001). School segregation of children who migrate to the United States from Puerto Rico. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 9(), -.

Taylor C., Gorard S. (2001). The role of residence in school segregation: Placing the impact of parental choice in perspective. Environment and Planning A, 33(10), 1829-1852.

Reardon S.F., Yun J.T. (2001). Suburban racial change and suburban school segregation, 1987 95. Sociology of Education, 74(2), 79-101. American Sociological Association.

Reardon S.F., Yun J.T. (2001). Suburban racial change and suburban school segregation, 1987 95. Sociology of Education, 74(2), 79-101. American Sociological Association.

Mickelson R.A. (2001). Subverting Swann: First and second generation segregation in the Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools. American Educational Research Journal, 38(2), 215-252. American Educational Research Association.

Benjamin Jr. L.T., Crouse E.M. (2002). The American psychological association's response to Brown v. Board of Education: The case of Kenneth B. Clark. American Psychologist, 57(1), 38-50. American Psychological Association Inc..

Stretesky P.B., Lynch M.J. (2002). Environmental hazards and school segregation in Hillsborough County, Florida, 1987 1999. Sociological Quarterly, 43(4), 553-573. University of California Press.

Fitz J., Gorard S., Taylor C. (2002). School admissions after the School Standards and Framework Act: Bringing the LEAs back in?. Oxford Review of Education, 28(2-3), 373-393.

Rury J.L. (2002). Democracy's High School? Social change and American secondary education in the post Conant era. American Educational Research Journal, 39(2), 307-336. American Educational Research Association.

Eitle D., McNulty Eitle T. (2003). Segregation and School Violence. Social Forces, 82(2), 589-615. Oxford University Press.

Pritchett W.E. (2003). Where shall we live? Class and limitations of fair housing law. Urban Lawyer, 35(3), 399-470.

Gordon L. (2003). School choice and the social market in New Zealand: Education reform in an era of increasing inequality. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 13(1), 17-34.

Bell K., West A. (2003). Specialist schools: An exploration of competition and co operation. Educational Studies, 29(2-3), 273-289.

King R.H. (2004). The Brown decades. Patterns of Prejudice, 38(4), 333-353.

McLaren K. (2004). "We had no desire to be set apart": Forced segregation of black students in Canada west public schools and myths of british egalitarianism. Histoire Sociale, 37(73), 27-50.

Johnston R., Wilson D., Burgess S. (2004). School segregation in multiethnic England. Ethnicities, 4(2), 237-265.

Clapp J.M., Ross S.L. (2004). Schools and housing markets: An examination of school segregation and performance in Connecticut. Economic Journal, 114(499), F425-F440.

Guthrie J.W., Springer M.G. (2004). Returning to square one: From plessy to brown and back to plessy. Peabody Journal of Education, 79(2), 5-32.

Clotfelter C.T. (2004). Private schools, segregation, and the southern states. Peabody Journal of Education, 79(2), 74-97.

Feagin J.R., Barnett B.M. (2004). Success and failure: How systemic racism trumped the Brown v. Board of Education decision. University of Illinois Law Review, 2004(5), 1099-1130.

Ryan J.E. (2004). The perverse incentives of the No Child Left Behind Act. New York University Law Review, 79(3), 932-989.

Gorard S. (2004). School choice policies and social integration: The experience of England and Wales. Educating citizens: International perspectives on civic values and school choice, 131-156. Brookings Institution Press.

Valverde L.A. (2004). Equal educational opportunity since Brown: Four major developments. Education and Urban Society, 36(3), 368-378.

Eitle T.M., Eitle D.J. (2004). Inequality, segregation, and the overrepresentation of African Americans in school suspensions. Sociological Perspectives, 47(3), 269-287. SAGE Publications Inc..

Teranishi R., Allen W.R., Solórzano D.G. (2004). Opportunity at the crossroads: Racial inequality, school segregation, and higher education in California. Teachers College Record, 106(11), 2224-2245. Teachers College, Columbia University.

Tapia J. (2004). Latino households and schooling: Economic and sociocultural factors affecting students’ learning and academic performance. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 17(3), 415-436.

Ramos L.Y. (2004). Dismantling segregation together: Interconnections between the méndez v. westminster (1946) and brown v. board of education (1954) school segregation cases. Equity and Excellence in Education, 37(3), 247-254.

Ramos L.Y. (2004). Dismantling segregation together: Interconnections between the méndez v. westminster (1946) and brown v. board of education (1954) school segregation cases. Equity and Excellence in Education, 37(3), 247-254.

Scott R. (2005). Law, social science, federal and state agencies, resurgence of Tabula Rasa, and perpetuation of racial problems. Mankind Quarterly, 46(1), 81-98. Ulster Institute for Social Research.

Stretesky P.B., Hogan M.J. (2005). Segregation and school disorder. Social Science Journal, 42(3), 405-420.

Renzulli L.A., Evans L. (2005). School choice, charter schools, and white flight. Social Problems, 52(3), 398-418.

Burgess S., Wilson D., Lupton R. (2005). Parallel lives? Ethnic segregation in schools and neighbourhoods. Urban Studies, 42(7), 1027-1056.

Stern A.M. (2005). Eugenic nation: Faults and frontiers of better breeding in modern America. Eugenic Nation: Faults and Frontiers of Better Breeding in Modern America, -. University of California Press.

Tolsdorf P. (2005). If separate, then at least equal: Rethinking Brown v. Board of Education and de facto public school segregation. George Washington Law Review, 73(3), 668-692.

Björklund A., Clark M.A., Edin P.-A., Fredriksson P., Krueger A.B. (2005). The market comes to education in Sweden: An evaluation of Sweden's surprising school reforms. The Market Comes to Education in Sweden: An Evaluation of Sweden's Surprising School Reforms, 1-167. Russell Sage Foundation.

Tomlinson S. (2005). Race, ethnicity and education under New Labour. Oxford Review of Education, 31(1), 153-171.

Kirchler L. (2005). Architecture and landscapes of segregation: An historical look at the built environment of educational facilities in the United States. Berkeley Planning Journal, 18(), 79-99.

Rumberger R.W., Palardy G.J. (2005). Does segregation still matter? The impact of student composition on academic achievement in high school. Teachers College Record, 107(9), 1999-2045. Teachers College, Columbia University.

Martin I., Karabel J., Jaquez S.W. (2005). High school segregation and access to the University of California. Educational Policy, 19(2), 308-330. SAGE Publications Inc..

Conger D. (2005). Within school segregation in an urban school district. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 27(3), 225-244. SAGE Publications Inc..

Conger D. (2005). Within school segregation in an urban school district. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 27(3), 225-244. SAGE Publications Inc..

Horn C. (2005). Standardized assessments and the flow of students into the college admission pool. Educational Policy, 19(2), 331-348. SAGE Publications Inc..

Shircliffe B.J. (2006). School and community loss, yet still imagined in the oral history of school segregation in Tampa, Florida. Schools as Imagined Communities: The Creation of Identity, Meaning, and Conflict in U.S. History, 125-142. Palgrave Macmillan.

Vandenberge V. (2006). Achievement effectiveness and equity: The role of tracking, grade repetition and inter school segregation. Applied Economics Letters, 13(11), 685-693. Routledge.

Rivkin S., Welch F. (2006). Chapter 17 Has School Desegregation Improved Academic and Economic Outcomes for Blacks?. Handbook of the Economics of Education, 2(), 1019-1049.

Tienda M., Niu S.X. (2006). Capitalizing on segregation, pretending neutrality: College admissions and the Texas top 10% law. American Law and Economics Review, 8(2), 312-346.

Echenique F., Fryer Jr. R.G., Kaufman A. (2006). Is school segregation good or bad?. American Economic Review, 96(2), 265-269.

Bozic G. (2006). Reeducating the hearts of Bosnian students: An essay on some aspects of education in Bosnia and Herzegovina. East European Politics and Societies, 20(2), 319-342.

Massey D.S., Fischer M.J. (2006). The effect of childhood segregation on minority academic performance at selective colleges. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 29(1), 1-26.

Slavin R.E. (2006). Cooperative learning: Applying contact theory in desegregated schools. Cultural Diversity and the Schools: Volume 2: Prejudice, Polemic or Progress?, 306-320. Taylor and Francis.

Fiss O. (2006). Between supremacy and exclusivity. The Least Examined Branch: The Role of Legislatures in the Constitutional State, 452-467. Cambridge University Press.

McCormick J., Ayala C.J. (2007). Felícita "La Prieta" Méndez (1916 1998) and the end of Latino school segregation in California. Centro Journal, 19(2), 12-35.

McCormick J., Ayala C.J. (2007). Felícita "La Prieta" Méndez (1916 1998) and the end of Latino school segregation in California. Centro Journal, 19(2), 12-35.

Card D., Rothstein J. (2007). Racial segregation and the black white test score gap. Journal of Public Economics, 91(11-12), 2158-2184.

Card D., Rothstein J. (2007). Racial segregation and the black white test score gap. Journal of Public Economics, 91(11-12), 2158-2184.

Schnepf S.V. (2007). Immigrants' educational disadvantage: An examination across ten countries and three surveys. Journal of Population Economics, 20(3), 527-545.

Ryabov I., Van Hook J. (2007). School segregation and academic achievement among Hispanic children. Social Science Research, 36(2), 767-788.

Allen R. (2007). Allocating pupils to their nearest secondary school: The consequences for social and ability stratification. Urban Studies, 44(4), 751-770.

Gorard S. (2007). What does an index of school segregation measure? A commentary on Allen and Vignoles. Oxford Review of Education, 33(5), 669-677.

Rangvid B.S. (2007). Living and learning separately? Ethnic segregation of school children in Copenhagen. Urban Studies, 44(7), 1329-1354.

Simon-McWilliams E. (2007). Federal support for educational research and development: The history of research and development centers and regional educational laboratories. Journal of Negro Education, 76(3), 391-402.

Van Hook J., Snyder J. (2007). Immigration, ethnicity, and the loss of white students from California public schools, 1990 2000. Population Research and Policy Review, 26(3), 259-277.

Dronkers J., Levels M. (2007). Do school segregation and school resources explain region of origin differences in the mathematics achievement of immigrant students?. Educational Research and Evaluation, 13(5), 435-462.

Dronkers J., Levels M. (2007). Do school segregation and school resources explain region of origin differences in the mathematics achievement of immigrant students?. Educational Research and Evaluation, 13(5), 435-462.

Allen R., Vignoles A. (2007). What should an index of school segregation measure?. Oxford Review of Education, 33(5), 643-668.

Stiefel L., Schwartz A.E., Chellman C.C. (2007). So many children left behind: Segregation and the impact of subgroup reporting in no child left behind on the racial test score gap. Educational Policy, 21(3), 527-550. SAGE Publications Inc..

Noreisch K. (2007). School catchment area evasion: The case of Berlin, Germany. Journal of Education Policy, 22(1), 69-90.

Rapp K.E., Eckes S.E. (2007). Dispelling the myth of "white Flight": An examination of minority enrollment in charter schools. Educational Policy, 21(4), 615-661. SAGE Publications Inc..

Powers J.M. (2008). Forgotten history: Mexican American school segregation in Arizona from 1900 1951. Equity and Excellence in Education, 41(4), 467-481.

Vigdor J.L., Ludwig J. (2008). Segregation and the test score gap. Steady Gains and Stalled Progress: Inequality and The Black-White Test Score Gap, 181-211. Russell Sage Foundation.

Lee M., Madyun N. (2008). School racial composition and academic achievement: The case of Hmong LEP students in the USA. Educational Studies, 34(4), 319-331.

Werning R., Lser J.M., Urban M. (2008). Cultural and social diversity: An analysis of minority groups in German schools. Journal of Special Education, 42(1), 47-54.

Magnuson K., Waldfogel J. (2008). Steady gains and stalled progress: Inequality and the black white test score gap. Steady Gains and Stalled Progress: Inequality and The Black-White Test Score Gap, 1-355. Russell Sage Foundation.

Logan J.R., Oakley D., Stowell J. (2008). School segregation in metropolitan regions, 1970 2000: The impacts of policy choices on public education. American Journal of Sociology, 113(6), 1611-1644.

Kristen C. (2008). Primary school choice and ethnic school segregation in German elementary schools. European Sociological Review, 24(4), 495-510.

Schmidt C.W. (2008). Brown and the colorblind constitution. Cornell Law Review, 94(1), 203-238.

Danns D. (2008). Racial ideology and the Sancity of the neighborhood school in Chicago. Urban Review, 40(1), 64-75. Springer Netherlands.

Bell S., Logan J. (2008). Distributed research and scientific creativity: Accessible data for the social sciences. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, 0(9783540720287), 207-218. Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.

Valencia R.R. (2008). Chicano students and the courts: The Mexican American legal struggle for educational equality. Chicano Students and the Courts: The Mexican American Legal Struggle for Educational Equality, 1-483. New York University Press.

Sikkink D., Emerson M.O. (2008). School choice and racial segregation in US schools: The role of parents' education. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 31(2), 267-293.

Godfrey P.C. (2008). The "Other White": Mexican Americans and the impotency of whiteness in the segregation and desegregation of texan public schools. Equity and Excellence in Education, 41(2), 247-261.

Foley N. (2008). "God Bless the Law, He Is White": Legal, Local, and International Politics of Latina/o and Black Desegregation Cases in Post World War II California and Texas. A Companion to Latina/o Studies, 297-310. Wiley Blackwell.

Yablon Y.B. (2009). Privatisation of religious public education in Israel: Enhancing parents' educational goals or fostering segregation?. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 13(5), 539-551.

Catsam D.C. (2009). Freedom's main line: The journey of reconciliation and the freedom rides. Freedom's Main Line: The Journey of Reconciliation and the Freedom Rides, 1-421. University Press of Kentucky.

Billger S.M. (2009). On reconstructing school segregation: The efficacy and equity of single sex schooling. Economics of Education Review, 28(3), 393-402.

Bonnie R.J., Robinson M.W. (2009). Introduction. Law Touched Our Hearts: A Generation Remembers Brown v. Board of Education, 1-7. Vanderbilt University Press.

Valiente O., Rambla X. (2009). The new Other Catalans at school: Decreasing unevenness but increasing isolation. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 19(2), 105-117.

Valiente O., Rambla X. (2009). The new Other Catalans at school: Decreasing unevenness but increasing isolation. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 19(2), 105-117.

Sohoni D., Saporito S. (2009). Mapping school segregation: Using GIS to explore racial segregation between schools and their corresponding attendance areas. American Journal of Education, 115(4), 569-600.

Levy T. (2009). Homeschooling and racism. Journal of Black Studies, 39(6), 905-923.

Frankenberg E. (2009). Splintering school districts: Understanding the link between segregation and fragmentation. Law and Social Inquiry, 34(4), 869-909.

Maroy C., van Zanten A. (2009). Regulation and competition among schools in six European localities. Sociologie du Travail, 51(SUPPL. 1), e67-e79.

Wells R. (2009). Segregation and immigration: An examination of school composition for children of immigrants. Equity and Excellence in Education, 42(2), 130-151.

Alonso G., Anderson N.S., Su C., Theoharis J. (2009). Our schools suck: Students talk back to a segregated nation on the failures of urban education. Our Schools Suck: Students Talk Back to a Segregated Nation on the Failures of Urban Education, 1-289. New York University Press.

Laosa L.M. (2009). School segregation in Texas at the beginning of the twenty first century. School Resegregation: Must the South Turn Back?, 111-123. University of North Carolina Press.

Frankenberg E. (2009). The impact of school segregation on residential housing patterns: Mobile, Alabama, and Charlotte, North Carolina. School Resegregation: Must the South Turn Back?, 164-184. University of North Carolina Press.

Van Zanten A. (2009). Competitive arenas and schools' logics of action: A European comparison. Compare, 39(1), 85-98.

Robert P. (201). The influence of educational segregation on educational achievement. Quality and Inequality of Education: Cross-National Perspectives, 13-40. Springer Netherlands.

Alegre M.À., Ferrer-Esteban G. (201). How do school regimes tackle ethnic segregation: Some insights supported in PISA 2006. Quality and Inequality of Education: Cross-National Perspectives, 137-162. Springer Netherlands.

Webb C. (201). Introduction. Massive Resistance: Southern Opposition to the Second Reconstruction, -. Oxford University Press.

Tramonte L., Willms J.D. (201). Cultural capital and its effects on education outcomes. Economics of Education Review, 29(2), 200-213.

Causa O., Chapuis C. (201). Equity in student achievement across OECD countries: An investigation of the role of policies. OECD Journal: Economic Studies, 77-126.

Suárez-Orozco C., Gaytán F.X., Bang H.J., Pakes J., O'Connor E., Rhodes J. (201). Academic trajectories of newcomer immigrant youth. Developmental Psychology, 46(3), 602-618.

Suárez-Orozco C., Hee Jin Bang, Onaga M. (201). Contributions to variations in academic trajectories amongst recent immigrant youth. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 34(6), 500-510. SAGE Publications Ltd.

Lindbom A. (201). School choice in Sweden: Effects on student performance, school costs, and segregation. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 54(6), 615-630.

Zane J., Jeffries J.L. (201). A panther sighting in the pacific northwest : The seattle chapter of the black panther party. On the Ground: The Black Panther Party in Communities across America, 41-95. University Press of Mississippi.

Byrne D., Mcginnity F., Smyth E., Darmody M. (201). Immigration and school composition in Ireland. Irish Educational Studies, 29(3), 271-288.

Park H., Kyei P. (201). School segregation and the achievement gap between immigrant and native students: A comparative study of 18 countries. Sociological Theory and Methods, 25(2), 207-228.

Andersson E., Östh J., Malmberg B. (201). Ethnic segregation and performance inequality in the Swedish school system: A regional perspective. Environment and Planning A, 42(11), 2674-2686.

Wilson T.S. (201). Civic Fragmentation Or Voluntary Association? Habermas, Fraser, And Charter School Segregation. Educational Theory, 60(6), 643-664.

Greernberg J. (201). Report on roma education today: From slavery to segregation and beyond. Columbia Law Review, 110(4), 919-1001.

Greernberg J. (201). Report on roma education today: From slavery to segregation and beyond. Columbia Law Review, 110(4), 919-1001.

Cheng S.C., Gorard S. (201). Segregation by poverty in secondary schools in England 2006 2009: A research note. Journal of Education Policy, 25(3), 415-418.

Levy T. (201). Charter schools legislation and the element of race. Western Journal of Black Studies, 34(1), 43-52.

Eitle D., Eitle T.M. (201). Public school segregation and juvenile violent crime arrests in metropolitan areas. Sociological Quarterly, 51(3), 436-459.

Eitle D., Eitle T.M. (201). Public school segregation and juvenile violent crime arrests in metropolitan areas. Sociological Quarterly, 51(3), 436-459.

Mitchell D.E., Batie M., Mitchell R.E. (201). The contributions of school desegregation to housing integration: Case studies in two large urban areas. Urban Education, 45(2), 166-193. SAGE Publications Inc..

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