Gender segregation

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Date and country of first publication[1]

United States


Gender segregation refers to the separation or division of people based on their gender, typically in social, educational, or vocational contexts. It can take various forms, such as separate schools or classrooms for boys and girls, gender-specific job roles, or gender-segregated social spaces.

Gender segregation has been prevalent in many societies and cultures throughout history, with some arguing that it is a necessary practice to maintain social order and preserve traditional gender roles. Proponents often argue that separating genders can create a more focused learning environment, reduce distractions, and promote better disciplinary practices. Additionally, some religious or cultural beliefs may support gender segregation as a way to maintain modesty and preserve traditional values.

However, gender segregation has also been widely critiqued for perpetuating gender stereotypes and inequalities. Critics argue that it reinforces harmful gender norms, limits opportunities for collaboration and access to resources, and hinders the development of social skills necessary for interacting with people of different genders. It can also contribute to unequal power dynamics and discrimination based on gender.

Efforts to challenge gender segregation include advocating for gender-neutral spaces, promoting inclusive education and workplaces, and encouraging equal opportunities for people of all genders. Many countries have introduced policies and initiatives to address gender segregation and promote gender equity and inclusivity.


The following terms are synonymous with:

gender based segregation; gender specific segregation; gender wise segregation; gendered segregation.

References and literature addressing this segregation form under these synonymous terms can be found below.

See also

Related segregation forms

Gender segregation is frequently discussed in the literature with the following segregation forms:

occupational segregation, social segregation, occupational gender segregation, sex segregation, job segregation, school segregation, vertical segregation, role segregation, spatial segregation  

Visualization based on the research

For the complete network of associated segregation forms, see:



  1. Date and country of first publication as informed by the Scopus database (December 2023).
At its current state, this definition has been generated by a Large Language Model (LLM) so far without review by an independent researcher or a member of the curating team of segregation experts that keep the Segregation Wiki online. While we strive for accuracy, we cannot guarantee its reliability, completeness and timeliness. Please use this content with caution and verify information as needed. Also, feel free to improve on the definition as you see fit, including the use of references and other informational resources. We value your input in enhancing the quality and accuracy of the definitions of segregation forms collectively offered in the Segregation Wiki ©.

Gender segregation appears in the following literature

Harkness S., Super C.M. (1985). The cultural context of gender segregation in children's peer groups.. Child development, 56(1), 219-224.

Brooker-Gross S.R., Maraffa T.A. (1985). Commuting distance and gender among nonmetropolitan university employees. Professional Geographer, 37(3), 303-310.

Jones F.L. (1985). Simulation models of group segregation. Journal of Sociology, 21(3), 431-444.

Wharton A.S. (1986). Industry structure and gender segregation in blue collar occupations. Social Forces, 64(4), 1025-1031.

Wharton A.S. (1986). Gender segregation and the dual economy: A study of blue collar occupations in U.S. manufacturing industries. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 6(2), 30-44.

Lederberg A.R., Chapin S.L., Rosenblatt V., Vandell D.L. (1986). Ethnic, gender, and age preferences among deaf and hearing preschool peers.. Child development, 57(2), 375-386.

Lockheed M.E. (1986). Reshaping the social order: The case of gender segregation. Sex Roles, 14(11-12), 617-628. Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers.

Weinzweig M. (1987). Pregnancy Leave, Comparable Worth, And Concepts of Equality. Hypatia, 2(1), 71-101.

FOX B.J., FOX J. (1987). Occupational gender segregation of the Canadian labour force, 1931 1981. Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie, 24(3), 374-397.

FOX B.J., FOX J. (1987). Occupational gender segregation of the Canadian labour force, 1931 1981. Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie, 24(3), 374-397.

Hornsby J.S., Benson P.G., Smith B.N. (1987). An investigation of gender bias in the job evaluation process. Journal of Business and Psychology, 2(2), 150-159. Kluwer Academic Publishers-Human Sciences Press.

Maccoby E.E., Jacklin C.N. (1987). Gender segregation in childhood. Advances in Child Development and Behavior, 20(C), 239-287.

Agassi J.B. (1989). Theories of gender equality: Lessons from the Israeli Kibbutz. Gender & Society, 3(2), 160-186.

Miller R.K., Jr. (1989). Segmentation and gender occupational segregation within an industrial labor market: The radio manufacturing industry in philadelphia, 1926 1935. Sociological Spectrum, 9(4), 403-424.

Major B. (1989). Gender Differences in Comparisons and Entitlement: Implications for Comparable Worth. Journal of Social Issues, 45(4), 99-115.

Roach S.L. (199). Men and women lawyers in in house legal departments: Recruitment and Career Patterns. Gender & Society, 4(2), 207-219.

Miller J.A. (199). Women’s Unemployment Patterns in Postwar Business Cycles: Class Difference, The Gender Segregation of Work and Deindustrialization. Review of Radical Political Economics, 22(4), 87-110.

Acker J. (199). Hierarchies, jobs, bodies: A Theory of Gendered Organizations. Gender & Society, 4(2), 139-158.

Siltanen J. (199). Social Change and the Measurement of Occupational Segregation by Sex: An Assessment of the Sex Ratio Index. Work Employment & Society, 4(1), 1-29.

Siltanen J. (199). Social Change and the Measurement of Occupational Segregation by Sex: An Assessment of the Sex Ratio Index. Work Employment & Society, 4(1), 1-29.

Williams R.M., Smith P.R. (199). What else do unions do?: Race and gender in local 35. The Review of Black Political Economy, 18(3), 59-74. Springer-Verlag.

Powlishta K.K., Maccoby E.E. (199). Resource utilization in mixed sex dyads: The influence of adult presence and task type. Sex Roles, 23(5-6), 223-240. Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers.

Eccles J.S., Jacobs J.E., Harold R.D. (199). Gender Role Stereotypes, Expectancy Effects, and Parents' Socialization of Gender Differences. Journal of Social Issues, 46(2), 183-201.

Ransom M.R. (199). Gender segregation by field in higher education. Research in Higher Education, 31(5), 477-494. Kluwer Academic Publishers-Human Sciences Press.

Díaz A.J., Stewart J. (1991). Occupational class and female headed households in Santiago Maior Do Iguape, Brazil, 1835. Journal of Family History, 16(3), 299-313.

Luria Z., Herzog E.W. (1991). Sorting gender out in a children's museum. Gender & Society, 5(2), 224-232.

Mansfield P.K., Koch P.B., Henderson J., Vicary J.R., Cohn M., Young E.W. (1991). The job climate for women in traditionally male blue collar occupations. Sex Roles, 25(1-2), 63-79. Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers.

Canetto S.S. (1991). Gender roles, suicide attempts, and substance abuse. Journal of Psychology: Interdisciplinary and Applied, 125(6), 605-620.

Wharton A.S., Baron J.N. (1991). SATISFACTION? The Psychological Impact of Gender Segregation on Women at Work. Sociological Quarterly, 32(3), 365-387.

Bagguley P. (1991). The patriarchal restructuring of gender segregation: A case study of the hotel and catering industry. Sociology, 25(4), 607-625.

Maier F. (1991). Part time work, social security protections and labour law: an international comparison. Policy & Politics, 19(1), 1-11.

Blair S.L., Lichter D.T. (1991). Measuring the Division of Household Labor: Gender Segregation of Housework Among American Couples. Journal of Family Issues, 12(1), 91-113.

Zagórski K. (1992). Occupational and industrial contextual indicators in income determination models for Australia. Social Indicators Research, 26(1), 61-91. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Devine F. (1992). Gender segregation in the engineering and science professions: A case of continuity and change. Work Employment & Society, 6(4), 557-575.

Devine F. (1992). Gender segregation in the engineering and science professions: A case of continuity and change. Work Employment & Society, 6(4), 557-575.


Bottero W. (1992). The changing face of the professions? gender and explanations of women's entry to pharmacy. Work Employment & Society, 6(3), 329-346.

Howes C., Phillipsen L. (1992). Gender and friendship: relationships within peer groups of young children. Social Development, 1(3), 230-242.

Glass J., Camarigg V. (1992). Gender, parenthood, and job family compatibility. American Journal of Sociology, 98(1), 131-151.

Glass J., Camarigg V. (1992). Gender, parenthood, and job family compatibility. American Journal of Sociology, 98(1), 131-151.

Porter S. (1992). Women in a women's job: the gendered experience of nurses. Sociology of Health & Illness, 14(4), 510-527.

Sheridan L. (1992). Women Returners to Further Education: Employment and Gender Relations in the Home. Gender and Education, 4(3), 213-228.

Ishii-Kuntz M., Coltrane S. (1992). Remarriage, Stepparenting, and Household Labor. Journal of Family Issues, 13(2), 215-233.

Yule J. (1992). Gender and leisure policy. Leisure Studies, 11(2), 158-173.

Charles M. (1992). Cross national variation in occupational sex segregation. American Sociological Review, 57(4), 483-502.

TAGGART J.M. (1992). Gender segregation and cultural constructions of sexuality in two Hispanic societies. American Ethnologist, 19(1), 75-96.

Mackinnon A., Blomqvist M., Vehvilainen M. (1993). Gendering computer work: An international perspective. AI & Society, 7(4), 280-294. Springer-Verlag.

Lee O.-J. (1993). Gender differentiated employment practices in the south korean textile industry. Gender & Society, 7(4), 507-528.

Blackburn R.M., Jarman J., Siltanen J. (1993). The analysis of occupational gender segregation over time and place: Considerations of measurement and some new evidence. Work Employment & Society, 7(3), 335-362.

Powlishta K.K., Serbin L.A., Moller L.C. (1993). The stability of individual differences in gender typing: Implications for understanding gender segregation. Sex Roles, 29(11-12), 723-737. Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers.

Devine F. (1993). Gender segregation and labour supply: On ‘choosing’ gender atypical jobs. British Journal of Education & Work, 6(3), 61-74.

Adler M.A. (1993). GENDER DIFFERENCES IN JOB AUTONOMY: The Consequences of Occupational Segregation and Authority Position. Sociological Quarterly, 34(3), 449-465.

Collins R., Chafetz J.S., Blumberg R.L., Coltrane S., Turner J.H. (1993). Toward an integrated theory of gender stratification. Sociological Perspectives, 36(3), 185-216.

Tanur J.M. (1994). Gender and Musical Instruments: Winds of Change?. Journal of Research in Music Education, 42(1), 58-67.

Serbin L.A., Moller L.C., Gulko J., Powlishta K.K., Colburne K.A. (1994). The emergence of gender segregation in toddler playgroups. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 1994(65), 7-17.

Maccoby E.E. (1994). Commentary: Gender segregation in childhood. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 1994(65), 87-97.

Leaper C. (1994). Exploring the consequences of gender segregation on social relationships. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 1994(65), 67-86.

Leaper C. (1994). Exploring the consequences of gender segregation on social relationships. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 1994(65), 67-86.

Martin C.L. (1994). Cognitive influences on the development and maintenance of gender segregation. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 1994(65), 35-51.

Fabes R.A. (1994). Physiological, emotional, and behavioral correlates of gender segregation. New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 1994(65), 19-34.

Ferreira V. (1994). Women's employment in the European semiperipheral countries. Analysis of the Portuguese case. Women's Studies International Forum, 17(2-3), 141-155.

Harkess S., Warren C. (1994). The Good Worker: Race and Gender in a 1970s Southern City. Sociological Perspectives, 37(2), 269-292.

Devine F. (1994). Segregation and Supply: Preferences and Plans among ‘Self Made’ Women. Gender, Work & Organization, 1(2), 94-109.

Buswell C. (1994). Equal Opportunities Policies, Employment and Patriarchy. Gender, Work & Organization, 1(2), 83-93.

Leitao D.D. (1995). The Perils of Leukippos: Initiatory Transvestism and Male Gender Ideology in the Ekdusia at Phaistos. Classical Antiquity, 14(1), 130-163.

Tallichet S.E. (1995). Gendered relations in the mines and the division of labor underground. Gender & Society, 9(6), 697-711.

Carrington W.J., Troske K.R. (1995). Gender segregation in small firms. Journal of Human Resources, 30(3), 503-533.

Carrington W.J., Troske K.R. (1995). Gender segregation in small firms. Journal of Human Resources, 30(3), 503-533.

Rubery J., Fagan C. (1995). Gender segregation in societal context. Work Employment & Society, 9(2), 213-240.

Powlishta K.K. (1995). Gender bias in children's perceptions of personality traits. Sex Roles, 32(1-2), 17-28. Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers.

Melamed T. (1995). Career Success: The Moderating Effect of Gender. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 47(1), 35-60.

Cotter D.A., DeFiore J.M., Hermsen J.M., Kowalewski B.M., Vanneman R. (1995). Occupational Gender Desegregation in the 1980s. Work and Occupations, 22(1), 3-21.

Radford J., Holdstock L. (1995). Gender Differences in Higher Education Aims between Computing and Psychology Students. Research in Science & Technological Education, 13(2), 163-176.

Witkowski K.M., Leicht K.T. (1995). The Effects of Gender Segregation, Labor Force Participation, and Family Roles on the Earnings of Young Adult Workers. Work and Occupations, 22(1), 48-72.

Cotter D.A., Defiore J.M., Hermsen J.M., Kowalewski B.M., Vanneman R. (1995). Occupational gender segregation and the earnings gap: Changes in the 1980s. Social Science Research, 24(4), 439-454.

Alizadeh P., Harper B. (1995). Occupational sex segregation in Iran 1976 86. Journal of International Development, 7(4), 637-651.

Osman K.M., Suliman M. (1996). Spatial and cultural dimensions of the houses of Omdurman, Sudan. Human Relations, 49(4), 395-428. SAGE Publications Ltd.

Moller L.C., Serbin L.A. (1996). Antecedents of toddler gender segregation: Cognitive consonance, gender typed toy preferences and behavioral compatibility1. Sex Roles, 35(7-8), 445-460. Springer New York LLC.

Davies S., Mosher C., O'Grady B. (1996). Educating women: Gender inequalities among Canadian university graduates. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, 33(2), 125-142. Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association.

Burchell B.J. (1996). Gender segregation, size of workplace and the public sector. Gender, Work and Organization, 3(4), 227-235. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Purcell K. (1996). The relationship between career and job opportunities: women’s employment in the hospitality industry as a microcosm of women’s employment. Women in Management Review, 11(5), 17-24.

Walsh M. (1997). Women's place in the American labour force, 1870 1995. History, 82(268), 563-581.

Lucas R. (1997). Youth, gender and part time work Students in the labour process. Work, Employment and Society, 11(4), 595-614. SAGE Publications Ltd.

Stavrou S. (1997). Cypriot women at work. Cyprus Review, 9(2), 57-81. University of Nicosia.

Heaton N., Robinson G., Davies C., McWilliams M. (1997). 'The differences between women are more marginal' . . . Catholic and protestant women in the Northern Ireland labour market. Work, Employment and Society, 11(2), 237-261. SAGE Publications Ltd.

Mahmud S. (1997). Women's work in urban Bangladesh: Is there an economic rationale?. Development and Change, 28(2), 235-260. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Kulis S. (1997). Gender segregation among college and university employees. Sociology of Education, 70(2), 151-173. American Sociological Association.

Watts M. (1997). Gender segregation in higher educational attainment in Australia 1978 94. Higher Education, 34(1), 45-61. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Watts M. (1997). Gender segregation in higher educational attainment in Australia 1978 94. Higher Education, 34(1), 45-61. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Yamagata H., Yeh K.S., Stewman S., Dodge H. (1997). Sex segregation and glass ceilings: A comparative statics model of women's career opportunities in the federal government over a quarter century. American Journal of Sociology, 103(3), 566-632. University of Chicago Press.

Meng X. (1998). Gender occupational segregation and its impact on the gender wage differential among rural urban migrants: A Chinese case study. Applied Economics, 30(6), 741-752. Routledge.

Lee W.K.M. (1998). Gender inequality and discrimination in Singapore. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 28(4), 484-497.

Knoke D., Ishio Y. (1998). The gender gap in company job training. Work and Occupations, 25(2), 141-167. SAGE Publications Inc..

Schmitt M. (1998). Gender segregation at vocational schools Women farm apprentices' dilemma. Sociologia Ruralis, 38(3), 303-317. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Watts M. (1998). Occupational gender segregation: Index measurement and econometric modeling. Demography, 35(4), 489-496. Duke University Press.

Watts M. (1998). Occupational gender segregation: Index measurement and econometric modeling. Demography, 35(4), 489-496. Duke University Press.

Xu X. (1998). Convergence or divergence: the transformation of marriage relationships in urban America and urban China. Journal of Asian and African Studies, 33(2), 181-204. Brill Academic Publishers.

Dowson J. (1999). ‘older sisters are very sobering things’: Contemporary women poets and the female affiliation complex. Feminist Review, 62(1), 6-20.

Popielarz P.A. (1999). (IN)voluntary association: A multilevel analysis of gender segregation in voluntary organizations. Gender and Society, 13(2), 234-250. SAGE Publications Inc..

Semuonov M., Jones F.L. (1999). Dimensions of gender occupational differentiation in segregation and inequality: A cross national analysis. Social Indicators Research, 46(2), 225-247. Springer Netherlands.

Rich J. (1999). Gender segregation in the academic staff of universities in Great Britain, 1980/81 1993/94. Economica, 66(264), 509-531. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Tanner J., Cockerill R., Barnsley J., Williams A.P. (1999). Flight paths and revolving doors: A case study of gender desegregation in pharmacy. Work, Employment and Society, 13(2), 275-293. Cambridge University Press.

Preston J.A. (1999). Occupational gender segregation Trends and explanations. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 39(5), 611-624. Elsevier.

Preston J.A. (1999). Occupational gender segregation Trends and explanations. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 39(5), 611-624. Elsevier.

Black B., Trainor M., Spencer J.E. (1999). Wage protection systems, segregation and gender pay inequalities: West Germany, the Netherlands and Great Britain. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 23(4), 449-464. Oxford University Press.

Rothboeck S., Acharya S. (1999). Gender based segregation in the Indian labour market. Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 42(4), 581-598. University of Lucknow.

Panteli A., Stack J., Atkinson M., Ramsay H. (1999). The status of women in the UK it industry: An empirical study. European Journal of Information Systems, 8(3), 3-170.

Lawson H.M. (1999). Working on hair. Qualitative Sociology, 22(3), 235-257. Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.

Askew K.M. (1999). Female circles and male lines: Gender dynamics along the Swahili Coast. Africa Today, 46(3-4), 65-101. Indiana University Press.

Wallace T. (1999). 'It's a man's world!': Restructuring gender imbalance in the Volvo truck company?. Gender, Work and Organization, 6(1), 20-31. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Balkin J.M. (1999). Free speech and hostile environments. Columbia Law Review, 99(8), 2295-. Columbia Law Review Association.

Clarke L. (1999). Balancing acts in construction: A study of two womenpainters in denmark and britain. NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 7(2-3), 138-150.

Tienari J. (1999). The first wave washed up on shore: Reform, feminization and gender resegregation. Gender, Work and Organization, 6(1), 1-19. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Humphreys B.R. (2). Equal Pay on the Hardwood: The Earnings Gap Between Male and Female NCAA Division I Basketball Coaches. Journal of Sports Economics, 1(3), 299-307.

Kucera D., Milberg W. (2). Gender segregation and gender bias in manufacturing trade expansion: Revisiting the 'Wood Asymmetry'. World Development, 28(7), 1191-1210.

Updegraff K.A., McHale S.M., Crouter A.C. (2). Adolescents' sex typed friendship experiences: Does having a sister versus a brother matter?. Child Development, 71(6), 1597-1610. Blackwell Publishing Inc..

Tienari J. (2). Gender segregation in the making of a merger. Scandinavian Journal of Management, 16(2), 111-144. Elsevier Ltd.

Glassman M. (2). Adult and peer social interactions during preschool activity: A combination for gender segregation?. Early Child Development and Care, 165(1), 1-16.

Maccoby E.E. (2). Perspectives on gender development. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 24(4), 398-406. Psychology Press Ltd.

Talbani A., Hasanali P. (2). Adolescent females between tradition and modernity: Gender role socialization in South Asian immigrant culture. Journal of Adolescence, 23(5), 615-627. Academic Press.

Abrahamsson L. (2). Restoring and restraining mechanisms A study of why organisational changes fail. Proceedings of the XIVth Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association and 44th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Association, 'Ergonomics for the New Millennium', 332-. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Pineda J. (2). Partners in women headed households: Emerging masculinities?. European Journal of Development Research, 12(2), 72-92.

Kraus V., Yonay Y.P. (2). The Effect of Occupational Sex Composition on the Gender Gap in Workplace Authority. Social Science Research, 29(4), 583-605.

Steven V. (2). A stairway to the stars for “unskilled” women. Women in Management Review, 15(1), 20-29.

Yule J. (2). Women councillors and committee recruitment. Local Government Studies, 26(3), 31-54.

Johnson M.R.D. (2). Perceptions of Barriers to Healthy Physical Activity among Asian Communities. Sport, Education and Society, 5(1), 51-70. Carfax Publishing Company.

Skaptadóttir U.D., Rafnsdóttir G.L. (2). Gender construction at work in icelandic ? Sh plants. NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 8(1), 5-16.

Ransom M.R. (2). Sampling distributions of segregation indexes. Sociological Methods and Research, 28(4), 454-475. SAGE Publications Inc..

Blackburn R.M., Jarman J., Brooks B. (2). The puzzle of gender segregation and inequality: A cross national analysis. European Sociological Review, 16(2), 119-135. Oxford University Press.

Blackburn R.M., Jarman J., Brooks B. (2). The puzzle of gender segregation and inequality: A cross national analysis. European Sociological Review, 16(2), 119-135. Oxford University Press.

Riska E. (2001). Towards gender balance: But will women physicians have an impact on medicine?. Social Science and Medicine, 52(2), 179-187.

Blackburn R.M., Brooks B., Jarman J. (2001). Occupational stratification: The vertical dimension of occupational segregation. Work, Employment and Society, 15(3), 511-538.

Baker M., Fortin N.M. (2001). Occupational gender composition and wages in Canada, 1987 1988. Canadian Journal of Economics, 34(2), 345-376. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Dolado J.J., Felgueroso F., Jimeno J.F. (2001). Female employment and occupational changes in the 1990s: How is the EU performing relative to the US?. European Economic Review, 45(4-6), 875-889.

Hoffmann M.L., Powlishta K.K. (2001). Gender segregation in childhood: A test of the interaction style theory. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 162(3), 298-313.

Conti R., Collins M.A., Picariello M.L. (2001). The impact of competition on intrinsic motivation and creativity: Considering gender, gender segregation and gender role orientation. Personality and Individual Differences, 31(8), 1273-1289.

Søndergaard D.M. (2001). Consensual and disensual university cultures: Gender and power in academia. NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, 9(3), 143-153.

Boulis A., Jacobs J., Veloski J.J. (2001). Gender segregation by specialty during medical school. Academic Medicine, 76(10 SUPPL.), S65-S67. Association of American Medical Colleges.

Nelson A., Nelson W.H.M., III (2001). Information dependency theory: Furthering the understanding of a manager’s predilection to use gender as a basis for pay and organization hierarchical level decisions. International Journal of Public Administration, 24(5), 447-460.

Jordan E. (2002). Suitable and remunerative employment': The feminization of hospital dispensing in late nineteenth century England. Social History of Medicine, 15(3), 429-456.

Breen R., García-Peñalosa C. (2002). Bayesian learning and gender segregation. Journal of Labor Economics, 20(4), 899-922.

Strough J., Covatto A.M. (2002). Context and age differences in same and other gender peer preferences. Social Development, 11(3), 346-361.

Van der Lippe T., Van Dijk L. (2002). Comparative research on women's employment. Annual Review of Sociology, 28(), 221-241.

Brown K., Ridge S. (2002). Moving into management: Gender segregation and its effect on managerial attainment. Women in Management Review, 17(7), 318-327.

Blackburn R.M., Browne J., Brooks B., Jarman J. (2002). Explaining gender segregation. British Journal of Sociology, 53(4), 513-536.

Blackburn R.M., Browne J., Brooks B., Jarman J. (2002). Explaining gender segregation. British Journal of Sociology, 53(4), 513-536.

Bettio F. (2002). The pros and cons of occupational gender segregation in Europe. Canadian Public Policy, 28(SUPP), S65-S84. University of Toronto Press Inc..

Greene A.-M., Ackers P., Black J. (2002). Going against the historical grain: Perspectives on gendered occupational identity and resistance to the breakdown of occupational segregation in two manufacturing firms. Gender, Work and Organization, 9(3), 266-285.

Addi-Raccah A. (2002). The feminization of teaching and principalship in the Israeli educational system: A comparative study. Sociology of Education, 75(3), 231-248. American Sociological Association.

Jenkins S., Martinez Lucio M., Noon M. (2002). Return to gender: An analysis of women's disadvantage in postal work. Gender, Work and Organization, 9(1), 81-104. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Fortin N.M., Huberman M. (2002). Occupational gender segregation and women's wages in Canada: An historical perspective. Canadian Public Policy, 28(SUPP), S11-S40. University of Toronto Press Inc..

Abrahamsson L. (2002). Restoring the order: Gender segregation as an obstacle to organisational development. Applied Ergonomics, 33(6), 549-557. Elsevier Ltd.

Fortin N.M., Huberman M. (2002). Occupational gender segregation: Public policies and economic forces Introduction and overview. Canadian Public Policy, 28(SUPP), S1-S10.

Rosenfeld R.A., Trappe H. (2002). Occupational sex segregation in state socialist and market economies: Levels, patterns, and change in East and West Germany, 1980s and 1998. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 19(C), 231-267.

Cohen P.N., Huffman M.L. (2003). Occupational segregation and the devaluation of women's work across U.S. labor markets. Social Forces, 81(3), 881-908. University of North Carolina Press.

Crompton R., le Feuvre N. (2003). Continuity and change in the gender segregation of the medical profession in Britain and France. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 23(4-5), 36-58.

Crompton R., le Feuvre N. (2003). Continuity and change in the gender segregation of the medical profession in Britain and France. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 23(4-5), 36-58.

Lemons M.A. (2003). Contextual and cognitive determinants of procedural justice perceptions in promotion barriers for women. Sex Roles, 49(5-6), 247-264.

Ayalon H. (2003). Women and men go to university: Mathematical background and gender differences in choice of field in higher education. Sex Roles, 48(5-6), 277-290.

Aydt H., Corsaro W.A. (2003). Differences in children's construction of gender across culture: An interpretive approach. American Behavioral Scientist, 46(10), 1306-1325.

Blackwell L. (2003). Gender and Ethnicity at Work: Occupational Segregation and Disadvantage in the 1991 British Census. Sociology, 37(4), 713-731. SAGE Publications Ltd.

Bridges W.P. (2003). Rethinking gender segregation and gender inequality: Measures and meanings. Demography, 40(3), 543-568. Duke University Press.

Betzelt S., Gottschall K. (2003). 12. PUBLISHING AND THE NEW MEDIA PROFESSIONS AS FORERUNNERS OF PIONEER WORK AND LIFE PATTERNS. Advances in Life Course Research, 8(), 257-280. Elsevier BV.

Cohen P.N., Huffman M.L. (2003). Individuals, jobs, and labor markets: The devaluation of women's work. American Sociological Review, 68(3), 443-463. American Sociological Association.

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