Sex segregation

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Date and country of first publication[1]

United States


Sex segregation refers to the separation of individuals based on their biological sex. This can occur in various settings including schools, workplaces, public spaces, and activities. The reasons for sex segregation can be social, cultural, religious, or legal. Some argue that sex segregation can help maintain privacy, maintain traditions and cultural norms, or preserve moral values. However, others argue that sex segregation can perpetuate gender stereotypes, limit opportunities, and contribute to discrimination and inequality. The extent and acceptability of sex segregation vary greatly across different societies and contexts.


The following terms are synonymous with sex segregation:

sex based segregation; sex related segregation.

References and literature addressing this segregation form under these synonymous terms can be found below.

See also

Related segregation forms

Sex segregation is frequently discussed in the literature with the following segregation forms:

occupational sex segregation, occupational segregation, gender segregation, social segregation, vertical segregation, racial segregation, horizontal segregation, workplace segregation, workplace sex segregation, labor market segregation

This visualization is based on the study The Multidisciplinary Landscape of Segregation Research.

For the complete network of interrelated segregation forms, please refer to:



  1. Date and country of first publication as informed by the Scopus database (December 2023).


Sex segregation appears in the following literature

MARSDEN L., HARVEY E., CHARNER I. (1975). Female graduates: their occupational mobility and attainments. Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie, 12(4), 385-405.

Schnepper J.A. (1977). Occupational Sexual Segregation and the Unemployment Vortex. Business & Society, 17(2), 5-10.

Rosen B.C., Aneshensel C.S. (1978). Sex Differences in the Educational Occupational Expectation Process. Social Forces, 57(1), 164-186.

Rosenfeld R.A., Størensen A.B. (1979). Sex differences in patterns of career mobility. Demography, 16(1), 89-101. Springer-Verlag.

Fox M.F. (1981). Sex Segregation and Salary Structure in Academia. Work and Occupations, 8(1), 39-60.

Stockard J., Kempner K. (1981). Women's Representation in School Administration: Recent Trends. Educational Administration Quarterly, 17(2), 81-91.

Burris V., Wharton A. (1982). Sex segregation in the U.S. labor force. Review of Radical Political Economics, 14(3), 43-56.

Burris V., Wharton A. (1982). Sex segregation in the U.S. labor force. Review of Radical Political Economics, 14(3), 43-56.

Stephan C.W., Holahan C.K. (1982). The influence of status and sex typing on assessments of occupational outcome. Sex Roles, 8(8), 823-833. Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers.

Steffensmeier D.J. (1983). Organization properties and sex segregation in the underworld: Building a sociological theory of sex differences in crime. Social Forces, 61(4), 1010-1032.

Bhargava G. (1983). Sex stereotyping and sex congruency: Components in the sex role definition of medical specialities in India. Social Science and Medicine, 17(15), 1017-1026.

Form W., Mcmillen D.B. (1983). Women, Men, and Machines. Work and Occupations, 10(2), 147-178.

England P. (1984). Wage appreciation and depreciation: A test of neoclassical economic explanations of occupational sex segregation. Social Forces, 62(3), 726-749.

Lemkau J.P., Pottick K.J. (1984). The declining job satisfaction of white collar women in sex segregated and mixed sex occupations. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 25(3), 344-358.

Levy D.E., Miller R.K., Jr., Willis C.L. (1984). Social and Economic Structural Antecedents of Fertility. Sociological Inquiry, 54(1), 26-43.

(1985). BOOK REVIEWS. Personnel Psychology, 38(2), 393-489.
(1986). BOOK REVIEWS. Personnel Psychology, 39(4), 853-941.

Bianchi S.M., Rytina N. (1986). The decline in occupational sex segregation during the 19705: census and cps comparisons. Demography, 23(1), 79-86.

Thornton M. (1986). The equality principle and the sexual division of labour. Women's Studies International Forum, 9(1), 13-18.

Bayes J. (1986). WOMEN, LABOR MARKETS. AND COMPARABLE WORTH. Review of Policy Research, 5(4), 776-799.

Humphries J. (1987). “ The most free from objection” the sexual division of labor and women’s s work in nineteenth century england. The Journal of Economic History, 47(4), 929-949.

Baber H.e. (1987). How Bad Is Rape?. Hypatia, 2(2), 125-138.

Eccles J.S. (1987). Gender roles and women's achievement related decisions. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 11(2), 135-172.

Smart J.C., Ethington C.A. (1987). Occupational sex segregation and job satisfaction of women. Research in Higher Education, 26(2), 202-211. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Stevens G., Hoisington E. (1987). Occupational prestige and the 1980 U.S. labor force. Social Science Research, 16(1), 74-105.

Gupta P.D. (1987). Comment on suzanne M. Bianchi and Nancy Rytina's "the decline in occupational sex segregation during the 1970s: Census and CPs comparisons". Demography, 24(2), 291-295.

Monk‐Turner E., Baba Y. (1987). Gender and College Opportunities: Changes Over Time in the United States and Japan. Sociological Inquiry, 57(3), 292-303.

Presser H.B. (1987). Work shifts of full time dual earner couples: Patterns and contrasts by sex of spouse. Demography, 24(1), 99-112.

Gutek B.A. (1988). Sex Segregation and Women at Work: A Selective Review. Applied Psychology, 37(2), 103-120.

Savage M. (1988). Trade unionism, sex segregation, and the state: Women’s employment in ‘new industries’ in inter war Britain. Social History, 13(2), 209-230.

KARMEL T., MACLACHLAN M. (1988). Occupational Sex Segregation Increasing or Decreasing?. Economic Record, 64(3), 187-195.

KARMEL T., MACLACHLAN M. (1988). Occupational Sex Segregation Increasing or Decreasing?. Economic Record, 64(3), 187-195.

Kauppinen‐Toropainen K., Kandolin I., Haavio‐Mannila E. (1988). Sex segregation of work in Finland and the quality of women's work. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 9(1), 15-27.

Bell C.S. (1988). Organizational Influences on Women's Experience in the Superintendency. Peabody Journal of Education, 65(4), 31-59.

McIlwee J.S. (1988). Reducing occupational sex segregation: Explaining failure and success. Sociological Focus, 21(1), 33-51.

McIlwee J.S. (1988). Reducing occupational sex segregation: Explaining failure and success. Sociological Focus, 21(1), 33-51.

Pratt G., Hanson S. (1988). Gender, class, and space. Environment & Planning D: Society & Space, 6(1), 15-35.

Gwartney-Gibbs P.A. (1988). Sex Segregation in the Paid Workforce: The New Zealand Case. Journal of Sociology, 24(2), 264-278.

Gwartney-Gibbs P.A. (1988). Sex Segregation in the Paid Workforce: The New Zealand Case. Journal of Sociology, 24(2), 264-278.

Johnston-Anumonwo I. (1988). The journey to work and occupational segregation. Urban Geography, 9(2), 138-154.

Massé M.A., Rosenblum K. (1988). Male and female created they them: The depiction of gender in the advertising of traditional women's and men's magazines. Women's Studies International Forum, 11(2), 127-144.

Kauppinen K., Haavio-Mannila E., Kandolin I. (1989). Who Benefits from Working in Non Traditional Workroles: Interaction Patterns and Quality of Worklife. Acta Sociologica, 32(4), 389-403.

Mannila E.H. (1989). Influence of work place sex segregation on family life. Marriage and Family Review, 14(1-2), 107-126.

Jacobs J.A. (1989). Long term trends in occupational segregation by sex. American Journal of Sociology, 95(1), 160-173.

Wittig M.A., Lowe R.H. (1989). Comparable Worth Theory and Policy. Journal of Social Issues, 45(4), 1-22.

Burris B.H. (1989). Technocratic organization and gender. Women's Studies International Forum, 12(4), 447-462.

Stafford M.T., Fossett M.A. (1989). Occupational sex inequality in the nonmetropolitan South, 1960 1980. Rural Sociology, 54(2), 169-194.

Kollehlon K.T. (1989). Occupational status attainment in Liberia: The roles of achievement and ascription. Social Science Research, 18(2), 151-173.

Glass J. (199). The Impact of Occupational Segregation on Working Conditions. Social Forces, 68(3), 779-796.

Glass J. (199). The Impact of Occupational Segregation on Working Conditions. Social Forces, 68(3), 779-796.

Walby S., Bagguley P. (199). Sex Segregation in Local Labour Markets. Work Employment & Society, 4(1), 59-81.

Prus M.J. (199). Mechanisation and the gender based division of labour in the US cigar industry. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 14(1), 63-79. Oxford University Press.

Northrop E.M. (199). The feminization of poverty: the demographic factor and the composition of economic growth.. Journal of economic issues, 24(1), 145-160.

Schultz V. (199). Telling stories about women and work: Judicial interpretations of sex segregation in the workplace in title VII cases raising the lack of interest argument. Harvard Law Review, 103(8), 1750-1839. Harvard Law Review Association.

Putnam G.W. (199). OCCUPATIONAL SEX SEGREGATION AND ECONOMIC INEQUALITY UNDER SOCIALISM: Earnings Attainment and Earnings Decomposition in Yugoslavia. Sociological Quarterly, 31(1), 59-75.

Lorence J. (1991). Growth in service sector employment and msa gender earnings inequality: 1970 1980. Social Forces, 69(3), 763-783.

Lorence J. (1991). Growth in service sector employment and msa gender earnings inequality: 1970 1980. Social Forces, 69(3), 763-783.

Neuman S. (1991). Occupational Sex Segregation in the Kibbutz: Principles and Practice. Kyklos, 44(2), 203-219.

Dean J. (1991). Sex Segregated Employment, Wage Inequality and Labor Intensive Production: A Study of 33 U.S. Manufacturing Industries. Review of Radical Political Economics, 23(), 244-268.

Neuman S. (1991). The marriage market and occupational sex segregation: A "new home economics" approach. Journal of Socio-Economics, 20(4), 347-358.

Kane M.J., Stangl J.M. (1991). Employment Patterns of Female Coaches in Men's Athletics: Tokenism and Marginalization as Reflections of Occupational Sex Segregation. Journal of Sport & Social Issues, 15(1), 21-41.

Presser H.B., Kishor S. (1991). Economic development and occupational sex segregation in Puerto Rico: 1950 80. Population & Development Review, 17(1), 53-85.

Presser H.B., Kishor S. (1991). Economic development and occupational sex segregation in Puerto Rico: 1950 80. Population & Development Review, 17(1), 53-85.

Rosenfeld R.A., Kalleberg A.L. (1991). Gender Inequality in the Labor Market: A Cross National Perspective. Acta Sociologica, 34(3), 207-225.

Engelbrech G. (1991). The Labour Market for Women in the Old and New Länder of the Federal Republic of Germany. LABOUR, 5(3), 105-122.

Lyson T.A. (1991). Industrial shifts, occupational recomposition, and the changing sexual division of labor in the five largest U.S. cities: 1910 1930. Sociological Forum, 6(1), 157-177. Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers.

Blair S.L., Lichter D.T. (1991). Measuring the Division of Household Labor: Gender Segregation of Housework Among American Couples. Journal of Family Issues, 12(1), 91-113.

Snyder R.A., Verderber K.S., Langmeyer L., Myers M. (1992). A Reconsideration of Self and Organization Referent Attitudes as “Causes” of the Glass Ceiling Effect. Group & Organization Management, 17(3), 260-278.

Andes N. (1992). Social class and gender: An Empirical Evaluation of Occupational Stratification. Gender & Society, 6(2), 231-251.

Watts M. (1992). How Should Occupational Sex Segregation be Measured?. Work Employment & Society, 6(3), 475-487.

Watts M.J., Rich J. (1992). Occupational sex segregation in the UK 1979 89: The role of part time employment*. International Review of Applied Economics, 6(3), 286-308.


Kelley K., Streeter D. (1992). Chapter 10 the roles of gender in organizations. Advances in Psychology, 82(C), 285-337.

Duncan K.C., Prus M.J. (1992). Starting wages of women in female and male occupations: A test of the human capital explanation of occupational sex segregation. The Social Science Journal, 29(4), 479-493.

Knoppers A. (1992). Explaining male dominance and sex segregation in coaching: Three approaches. Quest, 44(2), 210-227.

Moore D. (1992). Economic development, socio political ideology and women's employment: The case of israel. International Sociology, 7(4), 413-431.

Rosenfeld R.A., Spenner K.I. (1992). Occupational Sex Segregation and Women's Early Career Job Shifts. Work and Occupations, 19(4), 424-449.

Lorence J. (1992). Service Sector Growth and Metropolitan Occupational Sex Segregation. Work and Occupations, 19(2), 128-156.

Birkelund G.E. (1992). Stratification and Segregation. Acta Sociologica, 35(1), 47-61.

Jacobs J.A., Lim S.T. (1992). Trends in Occupational and Industrial Sex Segregation in 56 Countries, 1960 1980. Work and Occupations, 19(4), 450-486.

Jacobs J.A., Lim S.T. (1992). Trends in Occupational and Industrial Sex Segregation in 56 Countries, 1960 1980. Work and Occupations, 19(4), 450-486.

Jacobs J.A. (1992). Introduction to the Special Issue on Sex Segregation and Gender Stratification. Work and Occupations, 19(4), 339-341.

Charles M. (1992). Cross national variation in occupational sex segregation. American Sociological Review, 57(4), 483-502.

England P., Browne I. (1992). Trends in Women's Economic Status. Sociological Perspectives, 35(1), 17-51.

Watts M., Rich J. (1993). Occupational sex segregation in Britain, 1979 1989: The persistence of sexual stereotyping. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 17(2), 159-177. Oxford University Press.

Lach D.H., Gwartney-Gibbs P.A. (1993). Sociological perspectives on sexual harassment and workplace dispute resolution. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 42(1), 102-115.

Brinton M.C., Ngo H.-Y. (1993). Age and sex in the occupational structure: A United States Japan comparison. Sociological Forum, 8(1), 93-111. Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers.

Brinton M.C., Ngo H.-Y. (1993). Age and sex in the occupational structure: A United States Japan comparison. Sociological Forum, 8(1), 93-111. Kluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers.

Martin E., Healy J. (1993). Social Work as Women's Work: Census Data 1976 1986. Australian Social Work, 46(4), 13-18.

Jacobs J.A. (1993). Theoretical and measurement issues in the study of sex segregation in the workplace: Research note. European Sociological Review, 9(3), 325-330. Oxford University Press.

Sainsbury D. (1993). Dual welfare and sex segregation of access to social benefits: income maintenance policies in the UK, the US, the Netherlands and Sweden. Journal of Social Policy, 22(1), 69-98.

Watts M. (1993). Explaining trends in occupational segregation: Some comments. European Sociological Review, 9(3), 315-319. Oxford University Press.

Watts M. (1993). Explaining trends in occupational segregation: Some comments. European Sociological Review, 9(3), 315-319. Oxford University Press.

Hartmann H. (1993). Comment on Brines and Fiorentine. Rationality and Society, 5(3), 375-385.

McDowell L., Court G. (1994). Missing subjects: gender, power and sexuality in merchant banking. Economic Geography, 70(3), 229-251.

Moskowitz D.S., Suh E.J., Desaulniers J. (1994). Situational Influences on Gender Differences in Agency and Communion. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 66(4), 753-761.

Jacobsen J.P. (1994). Sex segregation at work: Trends and predictions. The Social Science Journal, 31(2), 153-169.

Jacobsen J.P. (1994). Sex segregation at work: Trends and predictions. The Social Science Journal, 31(2), 153-169.

Stover D.L. (1994). The Horizontal Distribution of Female Managers within Organizations. Work and Occupations, 21(4), 385-402.

Stover D.L. (1994). The Horizontal Distribution of Female Managers within Organizations. Work and Occupations, 21(4), 385-402.

Adler M.A. (1994). Male Female Power Differences at Work: A Comparison of Supervisors and Policymakers. Sociological Inquiry, 64(1), 37-55.

McDowell L., Court G. (1994). Gender divisions of labour in the post Fordist economy: the maintenance of occupational sex segregation in the financial services sector. Environment & Planning A, 26(9), 1397-1418.

McDowell L., Court G. (1994). Gender divisions of labour in the post Fordist economy: the maintenance of occupational sex segregation in the financial services sector. Environment & Planning A, 26(9), 1397-1418.

Shirahase S.A.W.A.K.O., Ishida H.I.R.O.S.H.I. (1994). Gender Inequality in the Japanese Occupational Structure. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 35(3-4), 188-206.

McKinnon M., Ahola‐Sidaway J. (1994). Office workers, factory workers, cashiers or cooks: A north american perspective on vocational education reform at the secondary school level. Vocational Aspect of Education, 46(1), 41-60.

Berenbaum S.A., Snyder E. (1995). Early Hormonal Influences on Childhood Sex Typed Activity and Playmate Preferences: Implications for the Development of Sexual Orientation. Developmental Psychology, 31(1), 31-42.

Jacobs S.C. (1995). Changing patterns of sex segregated occupations throughout the life course. European Sociological Review, 11(2), 157-171. Oxford University Press.

Marshall G., Roberts S., Burgoyne C., Swift A., Routh D. (1995). Class, gender, and the asymmetry hypothesis. European Sociological Review, 11(1), 1-15. Oxford University Press.

Petersen T., Morgan L.A. (1995). Separate and unequal: occupation establishment sex segregation and the gender wage gap. American Journal of Sociology, 101(2), 329-365.

Sorensen A., Trappe H. (1995). The persistence of gender inequality in earnings in the German Democratic Republic. American Sociological Review, 60(3), 398-406.

Charles M., Grusky D.B. (1995). Models for describing the underlying structure of sex segregation. American Journal of Sociology, 100(4), 931-971.

Alizadeh P., Harper B. (1995). Occupational sex segregation in Iran 1976 86. Journal of International Development, 7(4), 637-651.

Koncz K. (1996). The position of women in the Hungarian labour market after the regime change. Women's History Review, 5(4), 539-551.

Reskin B., Cassirer N. (1996). Occupational segregation by gender, race and ethnicity. Sociological Focus, 29(3), 231-243.

Mccammon H.J. (1996). Protection for whom? Maximum hours laws and women's employment in the United States, 1880 1920. Work and Occupations, 23(2), 132-164. SAGE Publications Inc..

Evans G. (1996). Putting men and women into classes: An assessment of the cross sex validity of the Goldthorpe class schema. Sociology, 30(2), 209-234. Cambridge University Press.

Cassirer N. (1996). Race composition and earnings: Effects by race, region, and gender. Social Science Research, 25(4), 375-399. Academic Press Inc..

Cotter D.A., DeFiore J., Hermsen J.M., Kowalewski B.M., Vanneman R. (1996). Gender inequality in nonmetropolitan and metropolitan areas. Rural Sociology, 61(2), 272-288. Rural Sociological Society.

Nermo M. (1996). Occupational sex segregation in Sweden, 1968 1991. Work and Occupations, 23(3), 319-332. SAGE Publications Inc..

Hansen M.N. (1997). The Scandinavian welfare state model: The impact of the public sector on segregation and gender equality. Work, Employment and Society, 11(1), 83-99. Cambridge University Press.

Cole M. (1997). Gender and power: Sex segregation in American and polish higher education as a case study. Sociological Forum, 12(2), 205-232. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.

Cole M. (1997). Gender and power: Sex segregation in American and polish higher education as a case study. Sociological Forum, 12(2), 205-232. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.

Tam T. (1997). Sex segregation and occupational gender inequality in the United States: Devaluation or specialized training?. American Journal of Sociology, 102(6), 1652-1692. University of Chicago Press.

Xie Y., Shauman K.A. (1997). Modeling the sex typing of occupational choice: Influences of occupational structure. Sociological Methods and Research, 26(2), 233-261. SAGE Publications Inc..

Leithner C. (1997). A gender gap in Australia? Commonwealth elections 1910 96. Australian Journal of Political Science, 32(1), 29-48. Carfax Publishing Company.

Aitchison C. (1997). A decade of compulsory competitive tendering in UK sport and leisure services: Some feminist reflections. Leisure Studies, 16(2), 85-105.

Jordan F. (1997). An occupational hazard? Sex segregation in tourism employment. Tourism Management, 18(8), 525-534. Elsevier Ltd.

Frehill L.M. (1997). Education and occupational sex segregation: The decision to major in engineering. Sociological Quarterly, 38(2), 225-249. University of California Press.

Yamagata H., Yeh K.S., Stewman S., Dodge H. (1997). Sex segregation and glass ceilings: A comparative statics model of women's career opportunities in the federal government over a quarter century. American Journal of Sociology, 103(3), 566-632. University of Chicago Press.

Straits B.C. (1998). Occupational sex segregation: The role of personal ties. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 52(2), 191-207.

Watts M. (1998). The analysis of sex segregation: When is index measurement not index measurement?. Demography, 35(4), 505-508. Duke University Press.

Wyly E.K. (1998). Containment and mismatch: Gender differences in commuting in metropolitan labor markets. Urban Geography, 19(5), 395-430.

Phillips M.W. (1998). Gendered work: An analysis of work in a Fijian garment factory. Australian Geographer, 29(3 SPEC. ISS. 1), 341-355. Carfax Publishing Company.

Weeden K.A. (1998). Revisiting occupational sex segregation in the United States, 1910 1990: Results from a log linear approach. Demography, 35(4), 475-487. Duke University Press.

Weeden K.A. (1998). Revisiting occupational sex segregation in the United States, 1910 1990: Results from a log linear approach. Demography, 35(4), 475-487. Duke University Press.

Chakravarty S. (1998). Mainstreaming gender in the police: the Maharashtra experience. Development in Practice, 8(4), 430-438.

Burris B.H. (1998). Computerization of the workplace. Annual Review of Sociology, 24(), 141-157. Annual Reviews Inc..

Hultin M. (1998). Gender differences in workplace authority: Discrimination and the role of organizational leaders. Acta Sociologica, 41(2), X-113.

Grusky D.B., Charles M. (1998). The past, present, and future of sex segregation methodology. Demography, 35(4), 497-504. Duke University Press.

Rosenfeld R.A., Van Buren M.E., Kalleberg A.L. (1998). Gender Differences in Supervisory Authority: Variation among Advanced Industrialized Democracies. Social Science Research, 27(1), 23-49.

Dryler H. (1998). Parental role models, gender and educational choice. British Journal of Sociology, 49(3), 374-398. Routledge.

Hultin M. (1998). Gender Differences in Workplace Authority: Discrimination and the Role of Organizational Leaders. Acta Sociologica, 41(2-3), 99-113.

Cole M. (1998). Gender and power: A comparative analysis of sex segregation in Polish and American higher education, 1965 1985. Sociology, 32(2), 277-298. Cambridge University Press.

Li J.H., Buchmann M., König M., Sacchi S. (1998). Patterns of mobility for women in female dominated occupations: An event history analysis of two birth cohorts of Swiss women. European Sociological Review, 14(1), 49-67. Oxford University Press.

Shekeris A. (1999). European trends: The cypriot female labour force and occupational sex segregation. Cyprus Review, 11(2), 23-48. University of Nicosia.

O'Farrell B. (1999). Women in blue collar and related occupations at the end of the millennium. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 39(5), 699-722. Elsevier.

Martin C.L., Fabes R.A., Evans S.M., Wyman H. (1999). Social cognition on the playground: Children's beliefs about playing with girls versus boys and their relations to sex segregated play. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 16(6), 751-771. SAGE Publications Inc..

Coventry B.T. (1999). Do men leave feminizing occupations?. Social Science Journal, 36(1), 47-64. Elsevier Inc..

Hondagneu-Sotelo P. (1999). Introduction: Gender and Contemporary U.S. Immigration. American Behavioral Scientist, 42(4), 565-576.

Cejka M.A., Eagly A.H. (1999). Gender stereotypic images of occupations correspond to the sex segregation of employment. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 25(4), 413-423. SAGE Publications Inc..

Levit N. (1999). Separating equals: Educational research and the long term consequences of sex segregation. George Washington Law Review, 67(3), 451-525.

Chan T.W. (1999). Revolving doors reexamined: Occupational sex segregation over the life course. American Sociological Review, 64(1), 86-96. American Sociological Association.

Cole M. (1999). Sex segregation in American and polish higher education: The influence of class structure, politics, and the economy. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 40(3), 351-374. Brill Academic Publishers.

Cole M. (1999). Sex segregation in American and polish higher education: The influence of class structure, politics, and the economy. International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 40(3), 351-374. Brill Academic Publishers.

Wells T. (1999). Changes in occupational sex segregation during the 1980s and 1990s. Social Science Quarterly, 80(2), 370-380.

Wells T. (1999). Changes in occupational sex segregation during the 1980s and 1990s. Social Science Quarterly, 80(2), 370-380.

Okamoto D., England P. (1999). Is there a supply side to occupational sex segregation?. Sociological Perspectives, 42(4), 557-582. University of California Press.

Jonsson J.O. (1999). Explaining sex differences in educational choice: An empirical assessment of a rational choice model. European Sociological Review, 15(4), 391-404. Oxford University Press.

Wyly E.K. (1999). Local labor markets and occupational sex segregation in an American metropolis. Journal of Urban Affairs, 21(1), 1-33. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Mencken F.C., Winfield I. (2). Job search and sex segregation: Does sex of social contact matter?. Sex Roles, 42(9-10), 847-864.

Yodanis C.L. (2). Constructing gender and occupational segregation: A study of women and work in fishing communities. Qualitative Sociology, 23(3), 267-290. Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.

Brown-Nagin T. (2). Toward a pragmatic understanding of status consciousness: The case of deregulated education. Duke Law Journal, 50(3), 753-754. Duke University Press.

Tallichet S.E. (2). Barriers to women's advancement in underground coal mining. Rural Sociology, 65(2), 234-252. Rural Sociological Society.

Bradley K. (2). The incorporation of women into higher education: Paradoxical outcomes?. Sociology of Education, 73(1), 1-18. American Sociological Association.

Bradley K. (2). The incorporation of women into higher education: Paradoxical outcomes?. Sociology of Education, 73(1), 1-18. American Sociological Association.

Chang M.L. (2). The evolution of sex segregation regimes. American Journal of Sociology, 10(6), 1658-1701. University of Chicago Press.

Chang M.L. (2). The evolution of sex segregation regimes. American Journal of Sociology, 10(6), 1658-1701. University of Chicago Press.

Johansson U. (2001). Education and social justice: Gender lessons of the past. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 5(2-3), 265-280.

Blackwell L. (2001). Women's work in UK official statistics and the 1980 reclassification of occupations. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in Society, 164(2), 307-325. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Günlük-Senesen G., Özar S. (2001). Gender based occupational segregation in the Turkish banking sector. Research in Middle East Economics, 4(), 247-267. Elsevier.

Bellas M.L., Coventry B.T. (2001). Salesmen, saleswomen, or sales workers? Determinants of the sex composition of sales occupations. Sociological Forum, 16(1), 73-98.

Bellas M.L., Coventry B.T. (2001). Salesmen, saleswomen, or sales workers? Determinants of the sex composition of sales occupations. Sociological Forum, 16(1), 73-98.

Blackwell L. (2001). Occupational sex segregation and part time work in modern Britain. Gender, Work and Organization, 8(2), 146-163. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Aitchison C. (2001). Gender and leisure research: The "codification of knowledge". Leisure Sciences, 23(1), 1-19.

South S.J. (2001). Time dependent effects of wives' employment on marital dissolution. American Sociological Review, 66(2), 226-245. American Sociological Association.

Rich J. (2002). MEASURING OCCUPATIONAL SEX SEGREGATION: ACADEMIA IN AUSTRALIAN UNIVERSITIES, 1989 TO 2000. Economic Papers, 21(3), 44-63. Wiley-Blackwell.

Jones E., Oppenheim C. (2002). Glass ceiling issues in the UK library profession. Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 34(2), 103-115. SAGE Publications Ltd.

Baunach D.M. (2002). Trends in occupational sex segregation and inequality, 1950 to 1990. Social Science Research, 31(1), 77-98. Academic Press Inc..

Charles M., Bradley K. (2002). Equal but separate? A cross national study of sex segregation in higher education. American Sociological Review, 67(4), 573-599. American Sociological Association.

Hang-Yue N. (2002). Trends in Occupational Sex Segregation in Urban China. Gender Technology And Development, 6(2), 175-196.

Tomaskovic-Devey D., Skaggs S. (2002). Sex segregation, labor process organization, and gender earnings inequality. American Journal of Sociology, 108(1), 102-128+i.

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