Class segregation

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Date and country of first publication[1]

United States


Class segregation refers to the separation of people into different social classes based on factors such as income, wealth, occupation, and education. It is a form of social stratification where individuals or groups are segregated or separated based on their social class.

Class segregation can manifest in various ways, including residential segregation, educational segregation, and occupational segregation. Residential segregation occurs when people of different social classes live in separate neighborhoods or areas, with higher-income individuals living in wealthier neighborhoods and lower-income individuals living in economically disadvantaged areas.

Educational segregation refers to the unequal distribution of educational resources and opportunities based on social class. This can result in disparities in the quality of education and opportunities available to different social classes.

Occupational segregation occurs when certain occupations or industries are dominated by individuals from specific social classes. This can result in limited mobility and opportunities for individuals from lower social classes to move up the social ladder.

Class segregation can perpetuate social inequalities and limit social mobility. It can contribute to the perpetuation of wealth and income disparities, as well as reinforce social hierarchies. It also affects individuals' access to resources, opportunities, and social networks, which can further impact their economic and social well-being.

Efforts to address class segregation include policies aimed at reducing income inequality, improving access to quality education for all, and promoting inclusive and diverse workplaces.


The following terms are synonymous with:

class based segregation; .

References and literature addressing this segregation form under these synonymous terms can be found below.

See also

Related segregation forms

Class segregation is frequently discussed in the literature with the following segregation forms:

residential segregation, racial segregation, social segregation, spatial segregation, occupational segregation, socioeconomic residential segregation, racial residential segregation, ethnoracial segregation, employment segregation, ethnic segregation, socioeconomic segregation, school segregation, academic segregation, de jure segregation, ethnic residential segregation, economic segregation  

Visualization based on the research

For the complete network of associated segregation forms, see:



  1. Date and country of first publication as informed by the Scopus database (December 2023).
At its current state, this definition has been generated by a Large Language Model (LLM) so far without review by an independent researcher or a member of the curating team of segregation experts that keep the Segregation Wiki online. While we strive for accuracy, we cannot guarantee its reliability, completeness and timeliness. Please use this content with caution and verify information as needed. Also, feel free to improve on the definition as you see fit, including the use of references and other informational resources. We value your input in enhancing the quality and accuracy of the definitions of segregation forms collectively offered in the Segregation Wiki ©.

Class segregation appears in the following literature

Schnore L.F. (1965). Social class segregation among nonwhites in metropolitan centers. Demography, 2(1), 126-133.

Marston W.G. (1969). Socioeconomic differentiation within negro areas of american cities. Social Forces, 48(2), 65-76.

Marston W.G. (1969). Social Class Segregation within Ethnic Groups in Toronto. Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie, 6(2), 65-79.

Porteous J.D. (1974). Social class in atacama company towns. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 64(3), 409-417.

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Elgie R.A., Clark A.R. (1981). Social Class Segregation in Southern Metropolitan Areas. Urban Affairs Review, 16(3), 299-316.

O'Loughlin J. (1983). Spatial inequalities in Western cities: A comparison of North American and German urban areas. Social Indicators Research, 13(2), 185-212. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Harris R. (1984). A Political Chameleon: Class Segregation in Kingston, Ontario, 1961 1976. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 74(3), 454-476.

Sillince J.A.A. (1985). The Housing Market of the Budapest Urban Region 1949 1983. Urban Studies, 22(2), 141-149.

Reade E. (1985). Britain and Sweden: premature obsolescence of housing.. Scandinavian Housing & Planning Research, 2(1), 27-43.

Willms J.D. (1986). Social class segregation and its relationship to pupils' examination results in Scotland.. American Sociological Review, 51(2), 224-241.

Chinn C. (1988). Was separate schooling a means of class segregation in late Victorian and Edwardian birmingham?. Midland History, 13(1), 95-112.

Nesslein T.S. (1988). Urban decay and the premature obsolescence of housing: A cross country examination of the basic economic determinants. Scandinavian Housing and Planning Research, 5(4), 209-223.

Nesslein T.S. (1988). Urban decay and the premature obsolescence of housing: A cross country examination of the basic economic determinants. Scandinavian Housing and Planning Research, 5(4), 209-223.

Massey D.S. (199). American apartheid: segregation and the making of the underclass. American Journal of Sociology, 96(2), 329-357.

Fielding E., Taeuber K. (1992). Spatial isolation of a black underclass: An American case study. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 19(1), 113-127.

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Hiebert D. (1995). The social geography of Toronto in 1931: A study of residential differentiation and social structure. Journal of Historical Geography, 21(1), 55-74.

Morrill R. (1995). Racial Segregation and Class in a Liberal Metropolis. Geographical Analysis, 27(1), 22-41.

Willms J.D., Paterson L. (1995). A multilevel model for community segregation. The Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 20(1), 23-40.

Fainstein N., Nesbitt S. (1996). Did the black ghetto have a golden age? Class structure and class segregation in New York City, 1949 1970, with initial evidence for 1990. Journal of Urban History, 23(1), 3-28. SAGE Publications Inc..

Dougherty K.J. (1996). Opportunity to Learn Standards: A Sociological Critique. Sociology of Education, 40-65. American Sociological Association.

Massey D.S. (1996). The age of extremes: Concentrated affluence and poverty in the twenty first century. Demography, 33(4), 395-412. Duke University Press.

Fischler R. (1998). Health, safety, and the general welfare: markets, politics, and social science in early land use regulation and community design. Journal of Urban History, 24(6), 675-719. SAGE Publications Inc..

Swanstrom T. (1999). The stubborn persistence of local land use powers: A comment on Morrill. Political Geography, 18(1), 25-32. Elsevier BV.

Sims M. (1999). High status residential segregation among racial and ethnic groups in five metro areas, 1980 1990. Social Science Quarterly, 80(3), 556-573.

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Kleitz B., Weiher G.R., Tedin K., Matland R. (2). Choice, charter schools, and household preferences. Social Science Quarterly, 81(3), 846-854.

Massey D.S., Fischer M.J. (2). How segregation concentrates poverty. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 23(4), 670-691. Routledge.

Lucas S.R., Berends M. (2002). Sociodemographic diversity, correlated achievement, and de facto tracking. Sociology of Education, 75(4), 328-348. American Sociological Association.

Hutchens R. (2004). One measure of segregation. International Economic Review, 45(2), 555-578.

Wyly E.K., Hammel D.J. (2004). Gentrification, segregation, and discrimination in the American urban system. Environment and Planning A, 36(7), 1215-1241.

Fielding A.J. (2004). Class and space: Social segregation in Japanese cities. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 29(1), 64-84.

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Pattillo M. (2005). Black middle class neighborhoods. Annual Review of Sociology, 31(), 305-329.

Williams R., Nesiba R., McConnell E.D. (2005). The changing face of inequality in home mortgage lending. Social Problems, 52(2), 181-208.

Motevasel I.N. (2006). Senior housing in Sweden A question of class differences and collective aging: An interview study in rental apartments and housing cooperatives. Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 20(3), 77-93.

Croxford L., Paterson L. (2006). Trends in social class segregation between schools in England, Wales and Scotland since 1984. Research Papers in Education, 21(4), 381-406.

Strait J.B. (2006). Poverty concentration in the prismatic metropolis: The impact of compositional and redistributive forces within Los Angeles, California, 1990 2000. Journal of Urban Affairs, 28(1), 71-94.

Chakravarty S.R., Silber J. (2007). A generalized index of employment segregation. Mathematical social sciences, 53(2), 185-195.

Lee M.R., Ousey G.C. (2007). Counterbalancing disadvantage? Residential integration and urban black homicide. Social Problems, 54(2), 240-262.

Álvarez-Rivadulla M.J. (2007). Golden ghettos: Gated communities and class residential segregation in Montevideo, Uruguay. Environment and Planning A, 39(1), 47-63.

McCarty D. (2008). The impact of public housing policy on family social work theory and practice. Journal of Family Social Work, 11(1), 74-88.

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Nelson T.J. (2009). At ease with our own kind: Worship practices and class segregation in American religion. International Studies in Religion and Society, 7(), 45-68. Brill Academic Publishers.

Hutchens R. (2009). Occupational segregation with economic disadvantage: An investigation of decomposable indexes. Research on Economic Inequality, 17(), 99-120.

Massey D.S., Rothwell J., Domina T. (2009). The changing bases of segregation in the United States. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 626(1), 74-90.

Colombijn F., Barwegen M. (2009). Racial segregation in the (post) colonial city: The case of Indonesia. Urban Geography, 30(8), 838-856.

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Hogen-Esch T. (201). Consolidation, Fragmentation, and New Fiscal Federalism. A Companion to Los Angeles, 233-249. Wiley-Blackwell.

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Fujita K., Hill R.C. (2012). Residential income inequality in Tokyo and why it does not translate into class based segregation. Residential Segregation in Comparative Perspective: Making Sense of Contextual Diversity, 37-68. Ashgate Publishing Ltd.

Lopez G.E., Nastasi A.W. (2012). Writing the Divide: High School Students Crossing Urban Suburban Contexts. Equity and Excellence in Education, 45(1), 138-158.

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Paget-Seekins L. (2013). Atlanta: Scarcity and Abundance. Lecture Notes in Mobility, 149-160. Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH.

Mehdizadeh R., Fischer M. (2013). The unintended consequences of greening America: An examination of how implementing green building policy may impact the dynamic between local, state, and federal regulatory systems and the possible exacerbation of class segregation. Energy, Sustainability and Society, 3(1), -. Springer Verlag.

Morton D. (2013). From racial discrimination to class segregation in postcolonial urban Mozambique. Geographies of Privilege, 231-262. Taylor and Francis.

Cousin B., Chauvin S. (2013). Islanders, immigrants and millionaires: The dynamics of upperclass segregation in St barts, French West Indies. Geographies of the Super-Rich, 186-200. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd..

Logan J.R. (2014). Diversity and disparities: America enters a new century. Diversity and Disparities: America Enters A New Century, 1-472. Russell Sage Foundation.

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Karlsson H. (2014). Ruben östlund’s play (2011): Race and segregation in ‘good’ liberal sweden. Journal of Scandinavian Cinema, 4(1), 43-60. Intellect Ltd..

Palmer C.T. (2014). Tourism, changing architectural styles, and the production of place in Itacaré, Bahia, Brazil. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change, 12(4), 349-363. Routledge.

Dorling D. (2014). Class segregation. Social-Spatial Segregation: Concepts, Processes and Outcomes, 363-388. Policy Press.

Wilson D. (2014). City redevelopment, black exclusion, and America’s new fear governance. Race, Space, and Exclusion: Segregation and Beyond in Metropolitan America, 90-107. Taylor and Francis.

Tedong P.A., Grant J.L., Abd Aziz W.N.A.W. (2014). The social and spatial implications of community action to enclose space: Guarded neighbourhoods in Selangor, Malaysia. Cities, 41(PA), 30-37. Elsevier Ltd.

Holfve-Sabel M.-A. (2015). Students’ Individual Choices of Peers to Work with During Lessons May Counteract Segregation. Social Indicators Research, 122(2), 577-594. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Pérez Izaguirre E. (2015). When the « Others » Come to School: A Marginalization Framework in Multicultural Education. Sociology Compass, 9(10), 887-896. Wiley-Blackwell.

Ljunggren J., Andersen P.L. (2015). Vertical and Horizontal Segregation: Spatial Class Divisions in Oslo, 1970 2003. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 39(2), 305-322.

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McCormack D. (2016). Living with others inside the self: Decolonising transplantation, selfhood and the body politic in Nalo Hopkinson’s Brown Girl in the Ring. Medical Humanities, 42(4), 252-258. BMJ Publishing Group.

Lee Y., Shin D. (2016). Measuring Social Tension from Income Class Segregation. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 34(3), 457-471. American Statistical Association.

Fujita K., Hill R.C. (2016). Residential income inequality in Tokyo and why it does not translate into class based segregation. Residential Segregation in Comparative Perspective: Making Sense of Contextual Diversity, 37-68. Taylor and Francis.

Spocter M. (2016). Non metropolitan Gated Retirement Communities in the Western Cape. Urban Forum, 27(2), 211-228. Springer Netherlands.

Geyer H.S., Jr., Mohammed F. (2016). Hypersegregation and Class Based Segregation Processes in Cape Town 2001 2011. Urban Forum, 27(1), 35-58. Springer Netherlands.

Salvati L., Ridolfi E., Pujol D.S., Ruiz P.S. (2016). Latent sprawl, divided Mediterranean landscapes: Urban growth, swimming pools, and the socio spatial structure of Athens, Greece. Urban Geography, 37(2), 296-312. Routledge.

Drake S. (2017). Academic segregation and the institutional success frame: unequal schooling and racial disparity in an integrated, affluent community. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 43(14), 2423-2439. Routledge.

Williams M., Arkaraprasertkul N. (2017). Mobility in a global city: Making sense of Shanghai’s growing automobile dominated transport culture. Urban Studies, 54(10), 2232-2248. SAGE Publications Ltd.

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Zambon I., Serra P., Sauri D., Carlucci M., Salvati L. (2017). Beyond the ‘mediterranean city’: Socioeconomic disparities and urban sprawl in three Southern European cities. Geografiska Annaler, Series B: Human Geography, 99(3), 319-337. Taylor and Francis Ltd..

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De La Cruz-Viesca M., Ong P.M., Coman-Don A., Darity W.A., Jr., Hamilton D. (2018). Fifty years after the Kerner Commission report: Place, housing, and racial wealth inequality in Los Angeles. RSF, 4(6), 160-184. Russell Sage Foundation.

Forde M. (2018). Fear, Segregation, and Civic Engagement in Urban Trinidad. Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, 23(3), 437-456. Wiley-Blackwell.

Adjei P.B. (2018). The (em)bodiment of blackness in a visceral anti black racism and ableism context. Race Ethnicity and Education, 21(3), 275-287. Routledge.

Di Feliciantonio C., Salvati L., Sarantakou E., Rontos K. (2018). Class diversification, economic growth and urban sprawl: evidences from a pre crisis European city. Quality and Quantity, 52(4), 1501-1522. Springer Netherlands.

Jones K., Johnston R., Forrest J., Charlton C., Manley D. (2018). Ethnic and class residential segregation: exploring their intersection a multilevel analysis of ancestry and occupational class in Sydney. Urban Studies, 55(6), 1163-1184. SAGE Publications Ltd.

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Zambon I., Rontos K., Serra P., Colantoni A., Salvati L. (2019). Population dynamics in southern Europe: A local scale analysis, 1961 2011. Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(1), -. MDPI.

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Auðardóttir A.M., Kosunen S. (202). Choosing private compulsory schools: A means for class distinctions or responsible parenting?. Research in Comparative and International Education, 15(2), 97-115. SAGE Publications Inc..

Massey D.S. (202). Still the Linchpin: Segregation and Stratification in the USA. Race and Social Problems, 12(1), 1-12. Springer.

Anguelovski I., Ranganathan M., Hyra D. (2021). THE RACIAL INEQUITIES OF GREEN GENTRIFICATION IN WASHINGTON, D.C.. The Green City and Social Injustice: 21 Tales from North America and Europe, 160-170. Taylor and Francis.

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Lindh A., Andersson A.B., Volker B. (2021). The Missing Link: Network Influences on Class Divides in Political Attitudes. European Sociological Review, 37(5), 695-712. Oxford University Press.

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Carlucci M., Vinci S., Ricciardo Lamonica G., Salvati L. (2022). Socio spatial Disparities and the Crisis: Swimming Pools as a Proxy of Class Segregation in Athens. Social Indicators Research, 161(2-3), 937-961. Springer Science and Business Media B.V..

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Otero G., Volker B., Rözer J., Mollenhorst G. (2022). The lives of others: Class divisions, network segregation, and attachment to society in Chile. British Journal of Sociology, 73(4), 754-785. John Wiley and Sons Inc.