Classroom racial segregation

From Segregation Wiki
Date and country of first publication[1]

United States


Classroom racial segregation refers to the practice of separating students of different races into different classrooms or schools. This practice has been historically prevalent in many countries, particularly during periods of racial discrimination and inequality.

Racial segregation in classrooms can occur through various means, including the assignment of students to different schools based on their race, allocating resources and opportunities unequally between schools serving different racial groups, or tracking students into different academic programs based on their race.

The consequences of classroom racial segregation can be profound. It often perpetuates racial inequalities by denying marginalized racial groups access to quality education, resources, and opportunities. It can lead to disparities in academic achievement, limited social interactions between students of different races, and perpetuation of stereotypes and biases.

Efforts to address and overcome classroom racial segregation have been made through various means. Civil rights movements, desegregation policies, and affirmative action initiatives have aimed to promote equal access to education for all students, regardless of their race. Additionally, promoting diversity and integration within schools and classrooms can foster understanding, empathy, and meaningful engagement among students of different races.

However, despite these efforts, classroom racial segregation remains a complex issue that continues to exist in different forms and degrees across various educational systems worldwide. Addressing this issue requires ongoing commitment, policy changes, and inclusive practices to ensure equitable educational opportunities for all students, regardless of their race.

See also

Related segregation forms

Classroom racial segregation is frequently discussed in the literature with the following segregation forms:

racial segregation

This visualization is based on the study The Multidisciplinary Landscape of Segregation Research.

For the complete network of interrelated segregation forms, please refer to:



  1. Date and country of first publication as informed by the Scopus database (December 2023).


Classroom racial segregation appears in the following literature

Giersch J., Bottia M.C., Mickelson R.A., Stearns E. (2016). Exposure to school and classroom racial segregation in charlotte mecklenburg high schools and students’ college achievement. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 24(), 1-28. Arizona State University.