Hierarchical segregation
united states
Hierarchical segregation refers to the division of groups or individuals based on a social hierarchy. In this context, segregation refers to the separation of different social classes or groups into distinct physical or social spaces.
Hierarchical segregation can occur in various ways. One common form is spatial segregation, where different social classes or groups occupy separate physical spaces or neighborhoods. This can result in distinct locations for wealthier and poorer communities, for example.
Another form of hierarchical segregation is occupational segregation, where certain professions or industries are dominated by specific social groups. This can lead to concentration of power, resources, and opportunities in certain groups, while others are excluded or limited in their access to these benefits.
Hierarchical segregation can also occur in education, where schools or universities may be divided based on social class, ethnicity, or other factors. This can result in unequal educational opportunities and outcomes for different social groups.
Overall, hierarchical segregation reflects the unequal distribution of power, resources, and opportunities based on social hierarchies. It perpetuates social inequalities and can lead to the marginalization or exclusion of certain groups from important social and economic spheres.
See also
Further reading
Payne C. (2016) "Asylum: Inside the closed world of state mental hospitals", Change Over Time, 6(2), pp. 174-191. University of Pennsylvania Press. DOI: 10.1353/cot.2016.0012
Levy N.; Horn D.; Ruppin E. (1999) "Associative Memory in a Multimodular Network", Neural Computation, 11(7), pp. 1717-1737. MIT Press Journals. DOI: 10.1162/089976699300016205
Shatnawi D.; Oaxaca R.; Ransom M. (2014) "Movin’ on up: Hierarchical occupational segmentation and gender wage gaps", Journal of Economic Inequality, 12(3), pp. 315-338. Springer New York LLC. DOI: 10.1007/s10888-013-9257-4
Goy S.C.; Johnes G. (2012) "Revisiting the impact of occupational segregation on the gender earnings gap in Malaysia", Jurnal Ekonomi Malaysia, 46(1), pp. 13-25. Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. DOI: [1]
Shatnawi D.; Oaxaca R.; Ransom M. (2011) "Applying fixed effects to hierarchical segregation models", American Economic Review, 101(3), pp. 588-592. . DOI: 10.1257/aer.101.3.588
Walby S.; Bagguley P. (1990) "Sex Segregation in Local Labour Markets", Work Employment & Society, 4(1), pp. 59-81. . DOI: 10.1177/0950017090004001004
Pasternack G.B.; Wyrick J.R. (2017) "Flood driven topographic changes in a gravel cobble river over segment, reach, and morphological unit scales", Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 42(3), pp. 487-502. John Wiley and Sons Ltd. DOI: 10.1002/esp.4064
Langfeldt B. (2014) "The influence of career planning, career strategies and organisational conditions on gender disparities in the career of mathematicians and physicists", Paths to Career and Success for Women in Science: Findings from International Research, 221-240. Springer Fachmedien. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-04061-1_13
Chen L. (2014) "Varieties of Global Capital and the Paradox of Local Upgrading in China", Politics and Society, 42(2), pp. 223-252. SAGE Publications Inc.. DOI: 10.1177/0032329213519422
Won J. (2007) "Post socialist china: Labour relations in korean managed factories", Journal of Contemporary Asia, 37(3), pp. 309-325. . DOI: 10.1080/00472330701408643