Gender job segregation
united states
Gender job segregation refers to the unequal distribution of men and women in different occupations and industries. It is a phenomenon where certain jobs are predominantly performed by one gender, while others are predominantly performed by the other gender. This segregation can be seen across various sectors such as healthcare, education, engineering, and finance.
Traditionally, women have been overrepresented in fields such as nursing, teaching, and administrative roles, whereas men have been overrepresented in fields such as engineering, IT, and construction. This division of labor is often influenced by societal expectations, cultural norms, and stereotypes regarding gender roles and abilities.
Gender job segregation can have several negative consequences. It restricts individuals' choices and opportunities, limiting career options for both men and women. It can lead to the devaluation and underpayment of certain professions associated with women, known as the "pink-collar" jobs, while higher-paying professions remain dominated by men. This contributes to the gender pay gap, where women tend to earn less than men for similar work.
Efforts to reduce gender job segregation include promoting gender equality in hiring and talent development, challenging stereotypes and biases, providing equal access to education and training, and implementing policies that support work-life balance for both men and women. By breaking down gender barriers, societies can create more inclusive and diverse workplaces that benefit individuals and the economy as a whole.
See also
Further reading
Arora D.; Braunstein E.; Seguino S. (2023) "A macro analysis of gender segregation and job quality in Latin America", World Development, 164(), pp. -. Elsevier Ltd. DOI: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2022.106153
Tverdostup M. (2020) "Skills utilisation and gender: Estonian case study", Labour Market Institutions and Productivity: Labour Utilisation in Central and Eastern Europe, 164-187. Taylor and Francis. DOI: 10.4324/9781003009658-10
Hara H. (2018) "The gender wage gap across the wage distribution in Japan: Within and between establishment effects", Labour Economics, 53(), pp. 213-229. Elsevier B.V.. DOI: 10.1016/j.labeco.2018.04.007
Alsarhan F.; Ali S.; Weir D.; Valax M. (2021) "Impact of gender on use of wasta among human resources management practitioners", Thunderbird International Business Review, 63(2), pp. 131-143. Wiley-Liss Inc.. DOI: 10.1002/tie.22186
Campero S. (2021) "Hiring and Intra occupational Gender Segregation in Software Engineering", American Sociological Review, 86(1), pp. 60-92. SAGE Publications Ltd. DOI: 10.1177/0003122420971805
Seguino S.; Braunstein E. (2019) "The Costs of Exclusion: Gender Job Segregation, Structural Change and the Labour Share of Income", Development and Change, 50(4), pp. 976-1008. Blackwell Publishing Ltd. DOI: 10.1111/dech.12462
Mencken F.C.; Winfield I. (1999) "Employer recruiting and the gender composition of jobs", Sociological Focus, 32(2), pp. 201-220. . DOI: 10.1080/00380237.1999.10571135