Crowd segregation
united kingdom
Crowd segregation refers to the physical separation of individuals or groups in a crowd based on certain criteria such as age, gender, or security concerns. This can be done to maintain order, enhance safety, or minimize potential conflicts within a large gathering of people. For example, at a music concert, crowd segregation may involve separating sections for VIP guests, general admission ticket holders, and security personnel.
See also
Further reading
Wang X.; Guo W.; Zheng X. (2016) "Information guiding effect of Evacuation Assistants in a two channel segregation process using Multi Information Communication Field Model", Safety Science, 88(), pp. 16-25. Elsevier B.V.. DOI: 10.1016/j.ssci.2016.04.005
Frosdick S. (2005) "Pompey v Saints: A Case Study in Crowd Segregation", International Journal of Police Science and Management, 7(3), pp. 149-159. SAGE Publications Ltd. DOI: 10.1350/ijps.2005.7.3.149