About Segregation Wiki

From Segregation Wiki

Please cite Segregation Wiki articles in the following format (subject to different citation styles, e.g. APA):

Article title. (Year, Month Day). In Segregation Wiki. URL

Example: Social segregation. (2024, October 10). In Segregation Wiki. https://segregationwiki.cityscience.group/index.php/Social_segregation

About Segregation Wiki

Segregation Wiki emerged from a comprehensive meta-study on The Multidisciplinary Landscape of Segregation Research. By examining open-access excerpts from over 10,000 documents in the Scopus database, we identified and mapped 804 distinct forms of segregation (SFs) studied across more than 160 disciplinary fields, dating back to 1913. These SFs were uncovered using a bottom-up methodology, reflecting the diversity of segregation research over the past century.

This platform was envisioned and brought to life to foster collaborative research on segregation. Most of the initial definitions for the identified SFs were generated through a large language model (LLM) and are designed to evolve through the collaborative contributions of the research community. Linguist and glossary expert Dr. Satia Marini synthesized definitions for the fifty most-researched segregation forms based on key works in the specialized literature. These definitions were further reviewed and refined by Segregation Wiki administrators Maria Fiszon and Vinicius Netto. We hope that collaborative effort will ensure that the platform continues to evolve in line with the emerging needs and insights of the research community.

At its core, Segregation Wiki is organized around a comprehensive ontology of segregation forms — a systematic, bottom-up classification that semantically organizes access to this vast transdisciplinary landscape. This is the first classification of its kind in segregation research. By leveraging network analysis and AI-driven semantic generation, the ontology maps relationships between various forms of segregation as they appear in the literature, grouped under distinct labels or types. You can explore a high-resolution, zoomable figure for more detail, or navigate the interactive ontology, which is currently under development.

To cite the ontology, the multidisciplinary mapping of segregation forms or the network analyses presented on Segregation Wiki, please reference the following source:

Netto, V.M., Krenz, K., Fiszon, M., Peres, O., & Rosalino, D. (2024). Decoding segregation: Navigating a century of segregation research across disciplines and introducing a bottom-up ontology. ArXiv.

Please use this reference while our article is under review in a scientific journal.

Founders and Project development team

Segregation Wiki was created by Vinicius M. Netto with Maria Fiszon, Otávio Peres, Kimon Krenz, Desirée Rosalino and Renato Saboya.

The platform is primarily administered by Vinicius M. Netto and Renato Saboya, who oversee the integrity and accuracy of its content. As Principal Investigator and Project Administrator, Vinicius holds formal responsibility for the platform, ensuring it remains aligned with research objectives, adheres to institutional and funding guidelines.

Website development was carried out by Zesto Tecnologia LTDA (Brazil), while the Segregation Wiki logo was designed by Laura Miranda, adding a visual identity that reflects the platform's subject.


Main funding for Segregation Wiki was provided by the Carlos Chagas Filho Foundation for Research Support of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, FAPERJ) under the research project "Immersive Technologies for More Resilient, Fair, and Sustainable Cities" ("Tecnologias Imersivas para Cidades mais Resilientes, Justas e Sustentáveis," Proc. E-26/211.381/2021), with Vinicius M. Netto serving as Principal Investigator and Project Administrator.

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Additional funding for researchers:

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Research Centre for Territory, Transports and Environment Faculty of Engineering | University of Porto (CITTA FEUP, VN), Portugal.

Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia FCT) (VN grant 2023.07510.CEECIND), Portugal.

National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, CNPq, Brazil) (VN grant 315086/2020-3, MF grant E-26/201.573/2023).

Brazilian Federal Agency for Suport and Evaluation of Graduate Education (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, CAPES, Brazil) (OP grant 88887.877125/2023-00).