Vertical segregation
Date and country of first publication[1]
United Kingdom
Vertical segregation refers to the unequal distribution of power, status, and opportunities between different levels or positions within an organization or industry. It refers to the tendency for men and women to be concentrated in different types of jobs or positions, with men more likely to hold higher-ranking and more influential positions while women are more likely to be in lower-ranking and less influential roles. This form of segregation is often based on gender, but can also be influenced by factors such as race, ethnicity, age, or disability. Vertical segregation contributes to gender inequality and limits women's access to decision-making roles and leadership positions.
See also
Related segregation forms
Vertical segregation is frequently discussed in the literature with the following segregation forms:
horizontal segregation, vertical sex segregation, sex segregation, occupational gender segregation, vertical gender segregation, occupational sex segregation, horizontal gender segregation, horizontal sex segregation, establishment segregation, category segregation
For the complete network of associated segregation forms, see:
year of publication
betweenness centrality
disciplines where segregation forms first appeared
- ↑ Date and country of first publication as informed by the Scopus database (December 2023).
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Vertical segregation appears in the following literature
Corcoran J. (1986). Law and the promotion of women. Women's Studies International Forum, 9(1), 19-24.
Walby S., Bagguley P. (199). Sex Segregation in Local Labour Markets. Work Employment & Society, 4(1), 59-81.
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Lane C. (1993). Gender and the labour market in Europe: Britain, Germany and France compared. The Sociological Review, 41(2), 276-301.
Jordan E. (1996). The Lady CleRés at the Prudential: The Beginning of Vertical Segregation by Sex in Clerical WoRé in Nineteenth Century Britain. Gender and History, 8(1), 65-81.
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Powell D.M. (1998). Patterns and processes of sediment sorting in gravel bed rivers. Progress in Physical Geography, 22(1), 1-32. Arnold.
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Charles M., Bradley K. (2002). Equal but separate? A cross national study of sex segregation in higher education. American Sociological Review, 67(4), 573-599. American Sociological Association.
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Marsh C. (2005). Mixed use development and the property market. Reclaiming the City: Mixed Use Development, 117-148. Taylor and Francis.
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Alario M., Pascual H., Baraja E. (2009). Occupational segregation of women in rural Industry: The case of Castilla y León; [Segregación laboral de las mujeres en la industria rural: El caso de castillay león]. Boletin de la Asociacion de Geografos Espanoles, 173-192+401. Asociacion Espanola de Geografia.
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Fényes H. (201). Horizontal and vertical segregation in education by gender in the hungarian romanian ukrainian border region (partium). Journal of Social Research and Policy, 1(1), 69-89. Editura Universitatii din Oradea.
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Seierstad C., Healy G. (2012). Women's equality in the Scandinavian academy: A distant dream?. Work, Employment and Society, 26(2), 296-313. SAGE Publications Ltd.
Almer E.D., Lightbody M.G., Single L.E. (2012). Successful promotion or segregation from partnership? An examination of the "post senior manager" position in public accounting and the implications for women's careers. Accounting Forum, 36(2), 122-133.
O'Neill K.L., Fogarty-Valenzuela B. (2013). Verticality. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 19(2), 378-389.
Nemoto K. (2013). When culture resists progress: Masculine organizational culture and its impacts on the vertical segregation of women in Japanese companies. Work, Employment and Society, 27(1), 153-169. SAGE Publications Ltd.
Huppatz K., Goodwin S. (2013). Masculinised jobs, feminised jobs and men's 'gender capital' experiences: Understanding occupational segregation in Australia. Journal of Sociology, 49(2-3), 291-308.
Kreitz-Sandberg S. (2013). Gender inclusion and horizontal gender segregation: stakeholders' strategies and dilemmas in Swedish teachers' education. Gender and Education, 25(4), 444-465.
Seitkhozhina J.A. (2014). Gender asymmetry at the labor market in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Actual Problems of Economics, 151(1), 368-375. National Academy of Management.
Juhasz Liebermann A., Suter C., Iglesias Rutishauser K. (2014). Segregation or Integration? Immigrant Self Employment in Switzerland. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 15(1), 93-115.
Huppatz K. (2015). Theories of vertical segregation in feminized occupations: Rethinking dominant perspectives and making use of Bourdieu. Handbook of Gendered Careers in Management: Getting In, Getting On, Getting Out, 179-193. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd..
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Llaguno M.M., Segarra S.M., Navarro-Beltrá M. (2015). Analysis of communication executives and managers in Spain: Socio demographic, organizational and attitudinal characteristics from a gender perspective. Catalan Journal of Communication and Cultural Studies, 7(2), 129-146. Intellect Ltd..
Gasser M., Liechti L. (2015). Gender equality trade offs re examined: evidence from Swiss cantons. Community, Work and Family, 18(3), 249-267. Routledge.
Martín-Llaguno M., Navarro-Beltrá M. (2015). Vertical and horizontal segregation in advertising agencies before and after the law for equality of women and men; [La segregación vertical y horizontal en las agencias de publicidad antes y después de la ley de igualdad de mujeres y hombres]. Revista Espanola de Investigaciones Sociologicas, 150(), 113-150. Centro de Investigaciones Sociologicas.
Ljunggren J., Andersen P.L. (2015). Vertical and Horizontal Segregation: Spatial Class Divisions in Oslo, 1970 2003. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 39(2), 305-322.
Hussein S., Ismail M., Manthorpe J. (2016). Male workers in the female dominated long term care sector: evidence from England. Journal of Gender Studies, 25(1), 35-49. Routledge.
Liu J. (2016). Beauties at work: Sexual politics in a Chinese professional organization. NAN NU, 18(2), 326-349. Brill Academic Publishers.
Camerino D. (2016). Gender differences in safety, health and work/family interference promoting equity. Social and Family Issues in Shift Work and Non Standard Working Hours, 153-179. Springer International Publishing.
Žalėnienė I., Krinickienė E., Tvaronavičienė A., Lobačevskytė A. (2016). Gender equality and its implementation in universities of Lithuania. Economics and Sociology, 9(1), 237-251. Centre of Sociological Research.
Levanon A., Grusky D.B. (2016). The persistence of extreme gender segregation in the Twenty first century. American Journal of Sociology, 122(2), 573-619. University of Chicago Press.
Maloutas T., Spyrellis S.N. (2016). Vertical segregation: Mapping the vertical social stratiication of residents in Athenian apartment buildings. Mediterranee, 2016(127), 27-36. Presses Universitaires de Provence.
Maloutas T., Spyrellis S.N. (2016). Vertical segregation: Mapping the vertical social stratiication of residents in Athenian apartment buildings. Mediterranee, 2016(127), 27-36. Presses Universitaires de Provence.
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Araújo-Pinzón P., Álvarez-Dardet C., Ramón-Jerónimo J.M., Flórez-López R. (2017). Women and inter organizational boundary spanning: A way into upper management?. European Research on Management and Business Economics, 23(2), 70-81. European Academy of Management and Business Economics.
Kuchynková L. (2017). The causes of an unequal position of women in the labour market. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Management Leadership and Governance, ICMLG 2017, 239-244. Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited.
Nenadic I., Ostling A. (2017). Public service media in Europe: Gender equality policies and the representation of women in decision making roles. Comunicazione Politica, 18(2), 209-232. Societa Editrice il Mulino.
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Symeonaki M., Filopoulou C. (2017). Quantifying gender distances in education, occupation and employment. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 36(4), 340-361. Emerald Group Publishing Ltd..
Nae N. (2018). To work or not to work? The dilemma of Japanese women. Cogito, 10(1), 66-78. PROUniversitaria Publishing House.
Hyuseinov B. (2018). Discriminatory manifestations against women in the field of employment Risks, profiles and protection. Ikonomicheski Izsledvania, 27(5), 56-78. Bulgarska Akademiya na Naukite.
Mori E., Zozzoli R., Mazza G. (2018). Coming in like a wrecking ball: are native Eurasian red squirrels displacing invasive Siberian chipmunks? A study from an urban park. Urban Ecosystems, 21(5), 975-981. Springer New York LLC.
Otero-Hermida P., García-Melón M. (2018). Gender equality indicators for research and innovation from a responsible perspective: The case of Spain. Sustainability (Switzerland), 10(9), -. MDPI.
Grandi G., Menchetti M., Mori E. (2018). Vertical segregation by breeding ring necked parakeets Psittacula krameri in northern Italy. Urban Ecosystems, 21(5), 1011-1017. Springer New York LLC.
Reimann S., Alfermann D. (2018). Female Doctors in Conflict: How Gendering Processes in German Hospitals Influence Female Physicians’ Careers. Gender Issues, 35(1), 52-70. Springer New York LLC.
Levanon A., Grusky D.B. (2018). Why Is There Still So Much Gender Segregation?. Inequality in the 21st Century: A Reader, 370-379. Taylor and Francis.
Szalay P. (2018). Beyond the growth paradigm the future of transportation's vertical segregation ruins Slovak Radio building Bratislava. Proceedings of the 15th International Docomomo Conference - Metamorphosis: The Continuity of Change, IDC 2018, 633-635. Docomomo.
Bakas F.E., Costa C., Breda Z., Durão M. (2018). A critical approach to the gender wage gap in tourism labor. Tourism, Culture and Communication, 18(1), 35-49. Cognizant Communication Corporation.
Perner M.L. (2019). Segregated behind the walls: residential patterns in pre industrial Copenhagen. Social History, 44(4), 412-439. Routledge.
Maloutas T., Spyrellis S.N., Capella A. (2019). Residential segregation and educational performance. The case of Athens. Urban Studies, 56(15), 3143-3161. SAGE Publications Ltd.
Panori A., Psycharis Y., Ballas D. (2019). Spatial segregation and migration in the city of Athens: Investigating the evolution of urban socio spatial immigrant structures. Population, Space and Place, 25(5), -. John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
Kurchenko L., Kolomiyets-Ludwig E., Ilnytskyy D. (202). Women's empowerment as a tool for sustainable development of higher education and research in the digital age. Stagnancy Issues and Change Initiatives for Global Education in the Digital Age, 141-172. IGI Global.
Marcińczak S., Hess D.B. (202). Vertical segregation of apartment building dwellers during late state socialism in Bucharest, Romania. Urban Geography, 41(6), 823-848. Routledge.
Shalaby M., Elimam L. (202). Examining female membership and leadership of legislative committees in Jordan. Gender and Politics, 231-255. Palgrave Macmillan.
Gaiaschi C. (2021). Highly Skilled Women Reaching the Top: A Cost free Achievement? Analyzing the Gender Promotion Gap in the Medical Profession. Social Forces, 100(2), 622-648. Oxford University Press.
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Boucher A. (2021). Gender bias in skills definition, labour market dynamics and skills recognition. The Palgrave Handbook of Gender and Migration, 187-201. Springer International Publishing.
Jordão C., Carvalho T., Diogo S. (2021). Discourses of men’s leadership in higher education and research institutions: Exploring the challenges and opportunities for gender equality. Proceedings of the International Conference on Gender Research, 131-138. Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited.
Maloutas T., Botton H. (2021). Vertical micro segregation: is living in disadvantageous lower floors in Athens’ apartment blocks producing negative social effects?. Housing Studies, -. Routledge.
Diogo S., Jordão C., Carvalho T., Himi H., Ashkenazi M., Mešková V., Breda Z. (2021). A Comparative Approach on the Relevance of National Gender Equality Legal Frameworks in Israel, Portugal, and Slovakia to Improve Equality at the Institutional Level. Journal of International Women's Studies, 22(5), 84-102. Bridgewater State College.
Soares R., Naegele R., Gouveia F.O. (2021). Vertical segregation in chemistry during the covid 19 pandemic in brazil; [Ségrégation Verticale En Chimie Pendant La Pandémie Covid 19 Au Brésil]; [Segregação Vertical Na Área Da Química Durante A Pandemia De Covid 19 No Brasil]; [Segregación Vertical En La Química Durante La Pandemia Del Covid 19 En Brasil]. Cadernos de Pesquisa, 51(), -. Fundacao Carlos Chagas.
Mosakova E.A., Kizilova K. (2021). Labor market in the uk in digital era: The gender dimension. RUDN Journal of Sociology, 21(3), 512-519. RUDN UNiversity.
Filandri M., Pasqua S. (2021). ‘Being good isn’t good enough’: gender discrimination in Italian academia. Studies in Higher Education, 46(8), 1533-1551. Routledge.
Kaida L., Boyd M. (2022). Revisiting gender occupational segregation trends in Canada: 1991 2016. Canadian Review of Sociology, 59(), 4-25. John Wiley and Sons Inc.
Herrero-De-la-Fuente M., Gago Gelado R., Saavedra Llamas M. (2022). Women in the audiovisual industry. The case of Spain as the new hub of European production. Cogent Arts and Humanities, 9(1), -. Cogent OA.
Ilieva B., Wrohlich K. (2022). Gender Gaps in Employment, Working Hours and Wages in Germany: Trends and Developments Over the Last 35 Years. CESifo Forum, 23(2), 17-19. Ifo institute for Economic Research e.V..
Lauzadyte-Tutliene A., Mikuciauskaite P. (2022). ANALYSIS OF GENDER WAGE GAP IN LITHUANIA. Economics and Sociology, 15(2), 172-185. Centre of Sociological Research.
Almer E.D., Harris M.K., Higgs J.L., Rakestraw J.R. (2022). Gender equity in public accounting: Evidence from single audit partner and director engagement leaders. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 41(3), -. Elsevier Inc..
Cambronero-Saiz B., Segarra-Saavedra J. (2022). Thematic trends and social networks in Spanish doctoral theses relating to mass media and health (1979/2020); [Tendencias temáticas y redes sociales en tesis doctorales españolas sobre medios de comunicación y salud (1979/2020)]. Revista Espanola de Documentacion Cientifica, 45(4), -. CSIC Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas.
Vellamo T. (2022). Gendered identities in a university merger female academics’ identifications in technical fields. European Journal of Engineering Education, -. Taylor and Francis Ltd..
Tortosa-Pérez M., de Oliver J.S.-P., González-Sala F., Ochando F.S., Gil F.T. (2022). Presence and representativeness of female psychologists in different management bodies in the Spanish Psychological Association; [Presencia y representatividad de las psicólogas colegiadas en diferentes órganos de relevancia en la organización colegial española]. Revista Espanola de Documentacion Cientifica, 45(4), -. CSIC Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas.
Ahrens P., Scheele A. (2022). Game Changers for Gender Equality in Germany’s Labour Market? Corporate Board Quotas, Pay Transparency and Temporary Part Time Work. German Politics, 31(1), 157-176. Routledge.