Ethnic segregation

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Date and country of first publication[1]

United States


Ethnic segregation refers to the separation of different racial or ethnic groups within a community or society. This can manifest in various ways, such as residential segregation, segregation within schools or workplaces, or even social or cultural segregation.

Residential segregation occurs when different ethnic groups tend to live in separate neighborhoods or areas within a city or country. This can be a result of historical, economic, or social factors, such as discriminatory housing policies, economic disparities, or cultural preferences.

Segregation within schools or workplaces can occur when individuals from different ethnic backgrounds are separated or isolated from each other. This can lead to limited opportunities for interaction, cultural exchange, and diversity, which can perpetuate stereotypes and hinder social integration.

Social or cultural segregation refers to the voluntary tendency for individuals from the same ethnic background to interact and associate primarily with others from their own group. This can be influenced by factors such as language, religion, shared experiences, or cultural traditions.

Ethnic segregation can have significant social, economic, and political implications. It can lead to unequal access to resources, limited opportunities, and persistence of social inequalities. Additionally, segregation can contribute to the creation or reinforcement of stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination, as well as hinder social cohesion and integration.


The following terms are synonymous with:

ethnically oriented segregation.

References and literature addressing this segregation form under these synonymous terms can be found below.

See also

Related segregation forms

Ethnic segregation is frequently discussed in the literature with the following segregation forms:

ethnic residential segregation, residential segregation, social segregation, racial segregation, spatial segregation, school segregation, socioeconomic segregation, ethnoracial segregation, urban ethnic segregation, ethnic spatial segregation  

For the complete network of associated segregation forms, see: 
year of publication 
betweenness centrality 
disciplines where segregation forms first appeared 



  1. Date and country of first publication as informed by the Scopus database (December 2023).
At its current state, this definition has been generated by a Large Language Model (LLM) so far without review by an independent researcher or a member of the curating team of segregation experts that keep the Segregation Wiki online. While we strive for accuracy, we cannot guarantee its reliability, completeness and timeliness. Please use this content with caution and verify information as needed. Also, feel free to improve on the definition as you see fit, including the use of references and other informational resources. We value your input in enhancing the quality and accuracy of the definitions of segregation forms collectively offered in the Segregation Wiki ©.

Ethnic segregation appears in the following literature

Klaff V.Z. (1973). Ethnic segregation in urban Israel. Demography, 10(2), 161-184.

PEACH G.C.K. (1974). Ethnic segregation in Sydney and intermarriage patterns. Australian Geographical Studies, 12(2), 219-229.

Cicirelli V.G. (1977). Relationship of socioeconomic status and ethnicity to primary grade children's self concept. Psychology in the Schools, 14(2), 213-215.<213::AID-PITS2310140217>3.0.CO;2-6

Cater J., Jones T., McEvoy D. (1977). Ethnic Segregation in British Cities. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 67(2), 305-306.

Jarvenpa R., Zenner W.P. (1979). Scot Trader/Indian Worker Relations and Ethnic Segregation: A Subarctic Example. Ethnos, 44(1-2), 58-77.

Woods R. (1979). Ethnic segregation in Birmingham in the 1960s and 1970s. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 2(4), 455-476.

Peach C. (198). Ethnic Segregation and Intermarriage. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 70(3), 371-381.

Woods R.I. (1981). Spatiotemporal models of ethnic segregation and their implications for housing policy.. Environment and Planning A, 13(11), 1415-1433.

Weimann G. (1983). The not so small world: Ethnicity and acquaintance networks in Israel. Social Networks, 5(3), 289-302.

ELKLIT J., TONSGAARD O. (1984). Elements for a Structural Theory of Ethnic Segregation and Assimilation. European Journal of Political Research, 12(1), 89-100.

Yamashita K. (1984). Studies of Ethnic Segregation in Urban Social Geography: A Review. Human Geography, 36(4), 312-326.

Palm R. (1985). Ethnic Segmentation of Real Estate Agent Practice in the Urban Housing Market. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 75(1), 58-68.

Miskaram N. (1985). Migration and ethnic segregation in Kavieng.. Malaysian Journal of Tropical Geography, 11(), 32-43.

Winsberg M.D. (1986). Ethnic segregation and concentration in Chicago suburbs. Urban Geography, 7(2), 135-145.

Aldrich H., Zimmer C., McEvoy D. (1989). Continuities in the study of ecological succession: Asian businesses in three english cities. Social Forces, 67(4), 920-944.

Massey D.S., Denton N.A. (1989). Hypersegregation in U.S. Metropolitan Areas: Black and Hispanic Segregation Along Five Dimensions. Demography, 26(3), 373-391.

Doherty P. (1989). Ethnic segregation levels in the Belfast urban area. Area, 21(2), 151-159.

Stern D. (199). Ethno ideological segregation and metropolitan development. Geoforum, 21(4), 397-409.

Pyong Gap Min (199). Problems of Korean immigrant entrepreneurs. International Migration Review, 24(3), 436-455.

Waldorf B.S. (199). Housing Policy Impacts on Ethnic Segregation Patterns: Evidence from Dusseldorf, West Germany. Urban Studies, 27(5), 637-652.

Bickford A., Massey D.S. (1991). Segregation in the second ghetto: Racial and ethnic segregation in american public housing, 1977. Social Forces, 69(4), 1011-1036.

Lewin-Epstein N., Semyonov M. (1992). Local labor markets, ethnic segregation, and income inequality. Social Forces, 70(4), 1101-1119.

Stern D.I. (1992). Population distribution in an ethno ideologically divided city: The case of Jerusalem. Urban Geography, 13(2), 164-186.

King D. (1992). Ethnic residential segregation in Suva: analysis of inter censal rates of change. Malaysian Journal of Tropical Geography, 23(1), 23-31.

Stebbins R.A. (1993). Stacking in Professional American Football: Implications from the Canadian Game. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 28(1), 65-73.

Ahmad N. (1993). Choice of Neighbourhoods by Mover Households in Karachi. Urban Studies, 30(7), 1257-1270.

Boswell T.D. (1993). Racial and ethnic segregation patterns in metropolitan Miami, Florida, 1980 1990. Southeastern Geographer, 33(1), 82-109.

LADÁNYI J. (1993). Patterns of Residential Segregation and the Gypsy Minority in Budapest. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 17(1), 30-41.

Karsten S. (1994). Policy on ethnic segregation in a system of choice: The case of the netherlands. Journal of Education Policy, 9(3), 211-225.

Medrano J.D. (1994). The effects of ethnic segregation and ethnic competition on political mobilization in the Basque country, 1988. American Sociological Review, 59(6), 873-889.

Shimizu M. (1995). Residential Relocation and Friendship Associations of Overstay Foreign Workers in Tokyo. Geographical Review of Japan, Series B, 68(2), 166-184.

Simonsen S.G. (1996). Aleksandr Barkashov and Russian National Unity: Blackshirt friends of the nation. Nationalities Papers, 24(4), 625-639. Carfax Publishing Company.

Pacione M. (1996). Ethnic segregation in the European City: The case of Vienna. Geography, 81(2), 120-132.

Lutz S. (1996). The impact of school choice in the United States and the Netherlands on ethnic segregation and equal educational opportunity. Equity and Excellence in Education, 29(3), 48-54.

Coulton C.J., Chow J., Wang E.C., Su M. (1996). Geographic concentration of affluence and poverty in 100 metropolitan areas, 1990. Urban Affairs Review, 32(2), 186-216. SAGE Publications Inc..

Newman D. (1996). Shared spaces Separate spaces: The Israel Palestine peace process. GeoJournal, 39(4), 363-375. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Peach C. (1996). Does Britain have ghettos?. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 21(1), 216-235. Royal Geographical Society.

Van Kempen R., Van Weesep J. (1997). Segregation, housing and ethnicity in dutch cities. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 88(2), 188-195. Royal Dutch Geographical Society.

Glebe G. (1997). Urban economic restructuring and ethnic segregation in Dusseldorf. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 88(2), 147-157.

Musterd S., Ostendorf W., Breebaart M. (1997). Segregation in European cities: Patterns and policies. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 88(2), 182-187. Royal Dutch Geographical Society.

Musterd S., Deurloo R. (1997). Ethnic segregation and the role of public housing in Amsterdam. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 88(2), 158-168.

Smith R.A. (1997). Patterns of racial and ethnic segregation in Florida's urban counties. Florida Geographer, 28(), 35-54.

Doherty P., Poole M.A. (1997). Ethnic residential segregation in belfast, Northern Ireland, 1971 1991. Geographical Review, 87(4), 520-536. American Geographical Society.

Wong D.W.S. (1998). Measuring multiethnic spatial segregation. Urban Geography, 19(1), 77-87.

Friedrichs J. (1998). Ethnic segregation in Cologne, Germany, 1984 94. Urban Studies, 35(10), 1745-1763.

Duany J. (1998). Reconstructing racial identity: ethnicity, color, and class among Dominicans in the United States and Puerto Rico. Latin American Perspectives, 25(3), 147-172. SAGE Publications Ltd.

Simon P. (1998). Ghettos, immigrants, and integration the French dilemma. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 13(1), 41-61. Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Van Kempen R., Özüekren A.Ş. (1998). Ethnic segregation in cities: new forms and explanations in a dynamic world. Urban Studies, 35(10), 1631-1656. Carfax Publishing Company.

Kemper F.-J. (1998). Restructuring of housing and ethnic segregation: recent developments in Berlin. Urban Studies, 35(10), 1765-1789.

Andersson R. (1998). Socio spatial dynamics: Ethnic divisions of mobility and housing in post palme Sweden. Urban Studies, 35(3), 397-428. Carfax Publishing Company.

Scheffel D.Z. (1999). The untouchables of Svinia. Human Organization, 58(1), 44-53. Society for Applied Anthropology.

Cobb C.D., Glass G.V. (1999). Ethnic segregation in Arizona charter schools. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 7(), -. Arizona State University.

Poveda D., Gómez V., Messina C. (1999). Children's rights and education in Argentina, Chile and Spain. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 7(), -. Arizona State University.

Massey D.S., Fischer M.J. (1999). Does rising income bring integration? New results for Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians in 1990. Social Science Research, 28(3), 316-326.

Leman J. (1999). School as a structuring force in interethnic hybridism. International Journal of Educational Research, 31(4), 341-353. Elsevier Masson SAS.

Poulsen M., Johnston R., Forrest J. (2). Ethnic enclaves in New Zealand?. International Journal of Population Geography, 6(5), 325-347.<325::AID-IJPG195>3.0.CO;2-I

Hanhörster H. (2). Whose neighbourhood is it? Ethnic diversity in urban spaces in Germany. GeoJournal, 51(4), 329-338.

Turton A.R. (2). Statutory instruments for the maintenance of ethnic minority interests in a multi cultural community: The case of the afrikaners in South Africa. Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law, 32(45), 137-164.

Pappé I. (2). Israel at a crossroads between civic democracy and Jewish zealotocracy. Journal of Palestine Studies, 29(3), 33-44. University of California Press.

Fong E., Shibuya K. (2). The spatial separation of the poor in Canadian cities. Demography, 37(4), 449-459. Duke University Press.

Ginty R.M. (2001). Ethno National Conflict and Hate Crime. American Behavioral Scientist, 45(4), 639-653. SAGE Publications Inc..

Kaplan D.H., Holloway S.R. (2001). Scaling ethnic segregation: Causal processes and contingent outcomes in Chinese residential patterns. GeoJournal, 53(1), 59-70.

Cobb C.D., Glass G.V. (2001). U.S. Charter Schools and Ethnic Segregation: Inspecting the Evidence1. International Journal of Educational Reform, 10(4), 381-395. SAGE Publications Inc..

Poulsen M., Johnston R., Forrest J. (2001). Intraurban ethnic enclaves: Introducing a knowledge based classification method. Environment and Planning A, 33(11), 2071-2082.

Johnston R., Forrest J., Poulsen M. (2001). Sydney's ethnic geography: New approaches to analysing patterns of residential concentration. Australian Geographer, 32(2), 149-162. Carfax Publishing Company.

Elliott J.R. (2001). Referral hiring and ethnically homogeneous jobs: How prevalent is the connection and for whom?. Social Science Research, 30(3), 401-425. Academic Press Inc..

Bolt G., Hooimeijer P., van Kempen R. (2002). Ethnic segregation in the Netherlands: New patterns, new policies?. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 93(2), 214-220. Royal Dutch Geographical Society.

Anas A. (2002). Prejudice, exclusion, and compensating transfers: The economics of ethnic segregation. Journal of Urban Economics, 52(3), 409-432.

Vendina O. (2002). Social polarization and ethnic segregation in Moscow. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 43(3), 216-243. V.H. Winston and Son Inc..

Kauppinen T.M. (2002). The beginning of immigrant settlement in the Helsinki metropolitan area and the role of social housing. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 17(2), 173-197.

Poulsen M., Forrest J., Johnston R. (2002). From modern to post modern?: Contemporary ethnic residential segregation in four US metropolitan areas. Cities, 19(3), 161-172. Elsevier Ltd.

Malheiros J. (2002). Ethni cities: Residential patterns in the Northern European and Mediterranean metropolises Implications for policy design. International Journal of Population Geography, 8(2), 107-134.

Kunovich R.M., Hodson R. (2002). Ethnic diversity, segregation, and inequality: A structural model of ethnic prejudice in Bosnia and Croatia. Sociological Quarterly, 43(2), 185-212.

Hempstead K. (2002). Immigration and net migration in New York City 1980 90: A small area analysis. Policy Studies Journal, 30(1), 92-107. Blackwell Publishing Inc..

Musterd S. (2003). Segregation and integration: A contested relationship. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 29(4), 623-641.

Vöörmann R., Helemäe J. (2003). Ethnic relations in Estonia's post Soviet business community. Ethnicities, 3(4), 509-530. SAGE Publications Ltd.

Pettersson T. (2003). Ethnicity and Violent Crime: The Ethnic Structure of Networks of Youths Suspected of Violent Offences in Stockholm. Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention, 4(2), 143-161.

Johnston R., Poulsen M., Forrest J. (2003). And did the walls come tumbling down? ethnic residential segregation in four U.S. Metropolitan areas 1980 2000. Urban Geography, 24(7), 560-581.

Johnston R., Poulsen M., Forrest J. (2003). Ethnic residential concentration and a 'new spatial order?': Exploratory analyses of four United States metropolitan areas, 1980 2000. International Journal of Population Geography, 9(1), 39-56.

Karsten S., Ledoux G., Roeleveld J., Felix C., Elshof D. (2003). School Choice and Ethnic Segregation. Educational Policy, 17(4), 452-477. SAGE Publications Inc..

Yee H.S. (2003). Ethnic relations in Xinjiang: A survey of Uygur Han relations in Urumqi. Journal of Contemporary China, 12(36), 431-452.

Forrest J., Poulsen M., Johnston R. (2003). Everywhere different? Globalisation and the impact of international migration on Sydney and Melbourne. Geoforum, 34(4), 499-510. Elsevier BV.

Cuadra S. (2003). Globalization and the capacity of violence to transform social spaces: Some critical points about the Latin America debate. Crime, Law and Social Change, 39(2), 163-173.

Curtis J.R. (2004). Barrio space and place in Southeast Los Angeles, California. Hispanic Spaces, Latino Places: Community and Cultural Diversity in Contemporary America, 125-141. University of Texas Press.

Burholt V. (2004). The settlement patterns and residential histories of older Gujaratis, Punjabis and Sylhetis in Birmingham, England. Ageing and Society, 24(3), 383-409.

Tedin K.L., Weiher G.R. (2004). Racial/ethnic diversity and academic quality as components of school choice. Journal of Politics, 66(4), 1109-1133.

Butterfield S.-A.P. (2004). "We're just black": The racial and ethnic identities of second generation West Indians in New York. Becoming New Yorkers: Ethnographies of The New Second Generation, 288-312. Russell Sage Foundation.

Ellis M., Wright R., Parks V. (2004). Work together, live apart? Geographies of racial and ethnic segregation at home and at work. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 94(3), 620-637.

Kulu H., Billari F.C. (2004). Multilevel analysis of internal migration in a transitional country: The case of Estonia. Regional Studies, 38(6), 679-696.

Kaplan D.H., Woodhouse K. (2004). Research in ethnic segregation i: Causal factors. Urban Geography, 25(6), 579-585.

Teranishi R.T. (2004). Yellow and brown: Emerging asian american immigrant populations and residential segregation. Equity and Excellence in Education, 37(3), 255-263.

Poulsen M., Johnston R., Forrest J. (2004). Is Sydney a divided city ethnically?. Australian Geographical Studies, 42(3), 356-377. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Soetevent A.R., Kooreman P. (2005). Social ties within school classes: The roles of gender, ethnicity, and having older siblings. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 21(3), 373-391.

Stretesky P.B., Hogan M.J. (2005). Segregation and school disorder. Social Science Journal, 42(3), 405-420.

Clack B., Dixon J., Tredoux C. (2005). Eating together apart: Patterns of segregation in a multi ethnic cafeteria. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 15(1), 1-16.

Mattel U. (2005). The peruvian civil code, property and plunder. Time for a Latin American alliance to resist the neo liberal order. Global Jurist Topics, 5(1), -.

Johnston R., Poulsen M., Forrest J. (2005). Ethnic residential segregation across an urban system: The Maori in New Zealand, 1991 2001. Professional Geographer, 57(1), 115-129.

Burgess S., Wilson D., Lupton R. (2005). Parallel lives? Ethnic segregation in schools and neighbourhoods. Urban Studies, 42(7), 1027-1056.

Kaplan D.H., Woodhouse K. (2005). Research in ethnic segregation II: Measurements, categories and meanings. Urban Geography, 26(8), 737-745.

Burgess S., Wilson D. (2005). Ethnic segregation in England's schools. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 30(1), 20-36.

Musterd S. (2005). Social and ethnic segregation in Europe: Levels, causes, and effects. Journal of Urban Affairs, 27(3), 331-348.

Qadeer M.A. (2005). Ethnic segregation in a multicultural city. Desegregating The City: Ghettos, Enclaves, and Inequality, 49-61. State University of New York Press.

Kostovicova D. (2005). Kosovo: The politics of identity and space. Kosovo: The Politics of Identity and Space, 1-322. Routledge.

Felouzis G. (2005). Ethnic segregation and its effects in middle school in France. Revue Francaise de Sociologie, 46(SUPPL.), 3-35. Editions Ophrys.

Boal F.W. (2005). Urban ethnic segregation and the scenarios spectrum. Desegregating The City: Ghettos, Enclaves, and Inequality, 62-78. State University of New York Press.

Boal F.W. (2005). Urban ethnic segregation and the scenarios spectrum. Desegregating The City: Ghettos, Enclaves, and Inequality, 62-78. State University of New York Press.

Conger D. (2005). Within school segregation in an urban school district. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 27(3), 225-244. SAGE Publications Inc..

Johnston R., Wilson D., Burgess S. (2005). England's multiethnic educational system? A classification of secondary schools. Environment and Planning A, 37(1), 45-62.

Stillwell J., Phillips D. (2006). Diversity and change: Understanding the ethnic geographies of Leeds. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 32(7), 1131-1152.

Levin S., Van Laar C., Foote W. (2006). Ethnic segregation and perceived discrimination in college: Mutual influences and effects on social and academic life. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 36(6), 1471-1501.

Gentile M., Tammaru T. (2006). Housing and ethnicity in the post soviet city: Ust' Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan. Urban Studies, 43(10), 1757-1778.

Peach C. (2006). Islam, ethnicity and South Asian religions in the London 2001 census. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 31(3), 353-370.

Johnston R., Burgess S., Wilson D., Harris R. (2006). School and residential ethnic segregation: An analysis of variations across England's Local Education Authorities. Regional Studies, 40(9), 973-990.

Yeoh E.K.-K. (2006). Ethnic coexistence in a pluralistic campus environment. GeoJournal, 66(3), 223-241.

Kapchan D. (2006). Talking trash: Performing home and anti home in Austin's salsa culture. American Ethnologist, 33(3), 361-377.

Johnston R., Poulsen M., Forrest J. (2006). Blacks and hispanics in urban America: Similar patterns of residential segregation?. Population, Space and Place, 12(5), 389-406.

Hårsman B. (2006). Ethnic diversity and spatial segregation in the Stockholm region. Urban Studies, 43(8), 1341-1364.

Karsten S., Felix C., Ledoux G., Meijnen W., Roeleveld J., Van Schooten E. (2006). Choosing segregation or integration?: The extent and effects of ethnic segregation in Dutch Cities. Education and Urban Society, 38(2), 228-247.

Fossett M. (2006). Ethnic preferences, social distance dynamics, and residential segregation: Theoretical explorations using simulation analysis. Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 30(3-4), 185-273.

Fossett M. (2006). Including preference and social distance dynamics in multi factor theories of segregation. Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 30(3-4), 289-298.

Forrest J., Poulsen M., Johnston R. (2006). A "multicultural model" of the spatial assimilation of ethnic minority groups in Australia's major immigrant receiving cities. Urban Geography, 27(5), 441-463.

Musterd S. (2006). Segregation, urban space and the resurgent city. Urban Studies, 43(8), 1325-1340.

Healy J. (2006). Locality matters: Ethnic segregation and community conflict The experience of protestant girls in belfast. Children and Society, 20(2), 105-115.

Clark W.A.V. (2006). Ethnic preferences and residential segregation: A commentary on outcomes from agent based modeling. Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 30(3-4), 319-326.

Munoz S.-A. (2006). Divided by faith The impact of religious affiliation on ethnic segregation. Scottish Geographical Journal, 122(2), 85-99.

Anas A. (2007). Ethnic Segregation and Ghettos. A Companion to Urban Economics, 537-554. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

Clark K., Drinkwater S. (2007). Segregation preferences and labour market outcomes. Economics Letters, 94(2), 278-283.

Kirkbride J.B., Morgan C., Fearon P., Dazzan P., Murray R.M., Jones P.B. (2007). Neighbourhood level effects on psychoses: Re examining the role of context. Psychological Medicine, 37(10), 1413-1425.

Pawson H., Watkins D. (2007). Quasi marketising access to social housing in Britain: Assessing the distributional impacts. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 22(2), 149-175.

Johnston R., Poulsen M., Forrest J. (2007). Ethnic and racial segregation in U.S. metropolitan areas, 1980 2000: The dimensions of segregation revisited. Urban Affairs Review, 42(4), 479-504.

Rangvid B.S. (2007). Living and learning separately? Ethnic segregation of school children in Copenhagen. Urban Studies, 44(7), 1329-1354.

Phillips D., Davis C., Ratcliffe P. (2007). British Asian narratives of urban space. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 32(2), 217-234.

Biterman D., Franzén E. (2007). Residential segregation (Chapter 6). International Journal of Social Welfare, 16(SUPPL. 1), S127-S162.

Arbaci S. (2007). Ethnic segregation, housing systems and welfare regimes in Europe. European Journal of Housing Policy, 7(4), 401-433.

Stradling D. (2007). Making mountains: New York city and the catskills. Making Mountains: New York City and the Catskills, 1-313. University of Washington Press.

Johnston R., Poulsen M. (2007). London's changing ehtnic geography. Geography Review, 21(1), 21-25.

Goldhaber R. (2007). A spatio perceptual segregation model: A case study of Jewish and Arab experiences in Jaffa, Israel. Urban Geography, 28(6), 578-603.

Johnston R., Wilson D., Burgess S. (2007). Ethnic segregation and educational performance at secondary school in Bradford and Leicester. Environment and Planning A, 39(3), 609-629.

Harris R., Johnston R., Burgess S. (2007). Neighborhoods, ethnicity and school choice: Developing a statistical framework for geodemographic analysis. Population Research and Policy Review, 26(5-6), 553-579.

Gavalas V.S., Simpson L. (2007). Segregation of ethnic minorities in two Districts of Greater Manchester. Genus, 63(1-2), 119-148.

Hellerstein J.K., Neumark D. (2008). Workplace segregation in the United States: Race, ethnicity, and skill. Review of Economics and Statistics, 90(3), 459-477.

Phalet K., Gijsberts M., Hagendoorn L. (2008). Migration and religion: Testing the limits of secularisation among Turkish and Moroccan muslims in the Netherlands 1998 2005. Kolner Zeitschrift fur Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 60(SUPPL. 48), 412-436.

Arbaci S. (2008). (Re)viewing ethnic residential segregation in Southern European cities: Housing and urban regimes as mechanisms of marginalisation. Housing Studies, 23(4), 589-613.

Bolt G., van Kempen R., van Ham M. (2008). Minority ethnic groups in the Dutch housing market: Spatial segregation, relocation dynamics and housing policy. Urban Studies, 45(7), 1359-1384.

Nasser R., Nasser I. (2008). Textbooks as a vehicle for segregation and domination: State efforts to shape Palestinian Israelis' identities as citizens. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 40(5), 627-650.

Ireland P. (2008). Comparing responses to ethnic segregation in urban Europe. Urban Studies, 45(7), 1333-1358.

Ireland P. (2008). Comparing responses to ethnic segregation in urban Europe. Urban Studies, 45(7), 1333-1358.

Mullen A.L., Baker J. (2008). Gender, race, and ethnic segregation of science fields in U.S. universities. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering, 14(2), 159-176.

Clark W.A.V., Morrison P.A. (2008). Evaluating evidence of discrimination in multiethnic housing markets. Population Research and Policy Review, 27(3), 353-366.

Martin D., Rees P., Durham H., Matthews S.A. (2008). Census and population analysis. E-Learning for Geographers: Online Materials, Resources, and Repositories, 53-75. IGI Global.

Horton A. (2008). Domestic violence: The untold story. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 18(1), 31-47.

Clegg K. (2008). The politics of redefining ethnic identity in Indonesia: Smothering the fires in Lombok with democracy. The State, Development and Identity in Multi-Ethnic Societies: Ethnicity, equity and the nation, 172-184. Taylor and Francis.

Jones R.C. (2008). The ambiguous roles of suburbanization and immigration in ethnic segregation: The case of San Antonio. Urban Geography, 29(3), 196-223.

Varady D. (2008). Muslim residential clustering and political radicalism. Housing Studies, 23(1), 45-66.

Starchenko O., Peters E.J. (2008). Aboriginal settlement patterns in Canadian cities: Does the classic index based approach apply?. Environment and Planning A, 40(3), 676-695.

Carling A. (2008). The curious case of the mis claimed myth claims: Ethnic segregation, polarisation and the future of Bradford. Urban Studies, 45(3), 553-589.

Ratcliffe P. (2009). The Role of the State in School Reform: Responding to Increasing Ethnic Diversity in Britain. International Encyclopedia of Education, Third Edition, 737-745. Elsevier.

Peach C. (2009). Slippery segregation: Discovering or manufacturing ghettos?. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 35(9), 1381-1395.

Goldsmith P.R. (2009). Schools or neighborhoods or both? Race and ethnic segregation and educational attainment. Social Forces, 87(4), 1913-1942.

Bolt G., Van Kempen R., Van Weesep J. (2009). After urban restructuring: Relocations and segregation in Dutch cities. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 100(4), 502-518.

Queneau H. (2009). Trends in occupational segregation by race and ethnicity in the USA: Evidence from detailed data. Applied Economics Letters, 16(13), 1347-1350.

Vermeij L., van Duijn M.A.J., Baerveldt C. (2009). Ethnic segregation in context: Social discrimination among native Dutch pupils and their ethnic minority classmates. Social Networks, 31(4), 230-239.

Holmqvist E., Bergsten Z. (2009). Swedish social mix policy: A general policy without an explicit ethnic focus. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 24(4), 477-490.

Münch S. (2009). "It's all in the mix": Constructing ethnic segregation as a social problem in Germany. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 24(4), 441-455.

Gurin P., Gurin G., Matlock J., Wade-Golden K. (2009). Commonality in values across the racial divide. Twenty-First Century Color Lines: Multiracial Change in Contemporary America, 235-257. Temple University Press.

Dhalmann H., Vilkama K. (2009). Housing policy and the ethnic mix in Helsinki, Finland: Perceptions of city officials and Somali immigrants. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment, 24(4), 423-439.

Johnston R., Poulsen M., Forrest J. (2009). Research note Measuring ethnic residential segregation: Putting some more geography in. Urban Geography, 30(1), 91-109.

Kaplan D., Sommers G. (2009). An analysis of the relationship between housing foreclosures, lending practices, and neighborhood ecology: Evidence from a distressed county. Professional Geographer, 61(1), 101-120.

Zorlu A. (2009). Ethnic differences in spatial mobility: The impact of family ties. Population, Space and Place, 15(4), 323-342.

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