Neighborhood economic segregation

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united states

Neighborhood economic segregation refers to the division of a community or city into distinct residential areas based on socioeconomic factors, such as income levels, employment opportunities, and access to resources and amenities.

This segregation can occur due to various factors, including historical patterns of discrimination, social and cultural differences, and government policies. It often leads to significant disparities in quality of life, education, health outcomes, and opportunities for upward mobility.

Economic segregation can have negative effects on both individuals and communities. It limits social interaction and the exchange of ideas between people from different economic backgrounds, leading to social isolation and the perpetuation of stereotypes and biases. It can also contribute to the concentration of poverty and the lack of economic diversity within certain neighborhoods, exacerbating inequalities and hindering social mobility.

Various strategies and policies have been proposed and implemented to address economic segregation, such as affordable housing initiatives, mixed-income housing developments, and improved access to quality education and job opportunities. However, reducing economic segregation is a complex challenge that requires a multi-faceted approach involving comprehensive urban planning, equitable distribution of resources, and the promotion of inclusive communities.

See also


Further reading

Hardman A.; Ioannides Y.M. (2004) "Neighbors' income distribution: Economic segregation and mixing in US urban neighborhoods", Journal of Housing Economics, 13(4 SPEC.ISS.), pp. 368-382. Academic Press Inc.. DOI: 10.1016/j.jhe.2004.09.003

Johnson O., Jr. (2014) "Still separate, still unequal: The relation of segregation in neighborhoods and schools to education inequality", Journal of Negro Education, 83(3), pp. 199-215. Howard University. DOI: 10.7709/jnegroeducation.83.3.0199

Rothwell J.T.; Massey D.S. (2010) "Density zoning and class segregation in U.S. metropolitan areas", Social Science Quarterly, 91(5), pp. 1123-1143. . DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-6237.2010.00724.x